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import QtQuick 1.0

ListModel {

ListElement {
title: "Virtual Data - How to read "
picture: "content/pics/virtual_data_logo.png"

caracteristics: "

  • 1.- First, look to the right bottom corner and see if there are any arrows.
  • 2.- If there are arrows. Please follow instructions.

method: "

If you are using a desktop device please go to the bottom right corner, position
your mouse on it and drag diagonally. It will increase the size of the screen at
your will.
What follows applies to all devices.
The application will have arrows on the right of the text when there is more text than the
one that is shown in the screen.
This is applicable to the main menu where you see the different
clickable buttons or when you see the menu items in detail.
You can browse the text by maintaing Ctrl key pressed and
clicking on the arrow and then dragging up or down . Do
not release the arrow that you click when dragging.
If you see two arrows in the bottom right corner it means that you are
seing the main frame and an interior one. Take the inner one as reference.
An arrow pointing downwards implies dragging upwards and viceversa.
ListElement {
title: "San Francisco"
picture: "content/pics/san_francisco.png"
caracteristics: "
  • Arrival at the Airport
  • Living in South San Francisco
  • Going to San Francisco.
  • Working at parking lot and office
method: "
  1. Some additional information can be found here Additional Info
  2. Individuals trying to make my life misserable previous to arriving to the airport.
  3. 2008. A mixture of people carrying out all kinds of harassment while at the terminal.
  4. Use of different kinds of audio devices - hi tech - for desorientation as soon I tried to leave the terminal.
  5. Frightened by these actions I get back to the terminal and stay there for a week. Starts my desorientation.
  6. I strongly feel that the guys responsible for all these actions were not from San Francisco but, at that time, I thought that all aggressions were local.
  7. Spent some time out in the terminal's shuttle area - around 15 days - and then moved painfully to South San Francisco.
ListElement {
title: "South San Francisco"
picture: "content/pics/south_san_francisco.png"
caracteristics: "* Go to live Under a Tree"
method: "

Before moving out of the area of the aiport I make an effort to make sense out of what was happening to me. I started to faint on the floor and remain there
motionless, whatever happened. First time this happened outside of the airport was at Burlingame. There I spent the night near a hotel at the coast, outside.
In the evening the water system rained on me and I could not move - so tired and frightened I was - and the employees laughed at me while observing. One of them
said that the water was poisoned and I, completely frightened, went the next morning to see the administrator. He told me that the water was bad but not poisoned.

At the time that I am writing this - 2012 - I believe that there was a complot orchestrated, somewhere before I arrived to these areas. And by very powerful people,
to create a fictitious persona of me. And that many people, for one reason or another, were synchronized with that. They way that the whole thing affected me was this:an
immense psychological attack

During that evening several guys were around me saying that I made their task of killing me easier by staying outside of the hotel.

Next thing I did was going to the Westin nearby and ask for some help to verify if my parents were dead or not. I asked to see somebody in the hotel
who could help me with that. Next thing that happened was that they called the police. The officer did not pay any attention to what I was saying, said that he had
a friend that could help me and, all of the sudden a car came and I was told that I had no choice,that I had to get into the car. They took me to the hospital to
undergo a drugh test and be analyzed by a psychiatrist. There I heard things that gave me the impression that, for some reason, they considered me some sort of sex
problem, they mentioned Europe and looked at me really weird. From that moment on, during a long time, any complaint was directed to the psychiatrist, the guys who were
harassing and attacking me in many places, sometimes using very sophisticated devices and techniques, did not exist. The songs instigating to my death, widely disregarded, I was
leaving in one world and they were living in another.

There were several things that most of the population of the area believed when I was there

  • I was HIV positive.
  • I was a person who had had some sort of sex career.
  • My parents were dead and I had laughed when they had died. This was continuously reinforced by the criminals with songs and street theater.
  • There were more lies orchestrated - as far I could see at that moment - at the Hotel Claremont, where there had been such attacks that I had to take the decision of leaving the hotel and the area.
The location of the tree was near a power plant. I only stayed there most of the time. Thinking of how I had been contaminated with HIV. How it was possible. Was it my wife?. She looked very healthy. I had had no sexual contact with anybody else
. When had it happened.
I spent so much time thinking about this that my mind practically left this world. Everyday was waiting for a new symptom. I guess that this is the moment in which my behavior changed radicallyObviously I made attempts to leave the area. Only to be rejected by the population in ways very aggressive. Sometimes before arriving the area there were people that somehow, knew that I was arriving and screamed for me not to reach their neighborhood.

The only solution that I had was to leave this country, and that was my next move. What I found was blocking of communications and of money going to the bank. Because of the sensitivity of this information I will be very short. But it happened and I documented it timely.
My perception at this moment is that, with a variety of methodologies, all unknown to me, the main objective was not let me leave the country and submit me to different tactics to destroy me in character and physically. It is only due to a miracle that I can write these words,
they have orchestrated everything so well, and I have been so isolated and attacked, that at this moment, according to their plans I would be taking dangerous medicines in a hospital. I felt so bad taking those medicines that I sent myself into research. And that is how I
explain what is happening to me now. But they were able to deteriorate me so much that physically I still suffer a lot.

It is only After certain time that you start thinking why there was so much interest in destroying you as a person. I think that I was taken as a proxy for a sex campaign and that my status as immigrant help the attackers, since I was going to
be used to deter people from doing certain things, attending certain places, and they were going to dehumanize me to the extreme. I felt that, somehow, my privacy had been violated, but when I requested information I was never informed. It happened several times. It was also remarkable
from those moments on,the actions of 'Vigilantes' making my life misserable.


ListElement {
title: "San Mateo"
picture: "content/pics/san_mateo.png"

caracteristics: "

  • First steps. Inquiries.
  • Living in the Parking Lot
  • Creating Applications
  • Staying at the Hospital.
  • Returning to Parking Lot
  • Leaving the parking lot
method: "
  1. Painful arrival. Very thin. Nobody would have stood seing me. The bad guys knew it.
  2. Asked in several places about what was going on with me. Went to the airport, police, called Department of Justice.
  3. The same as when I arrived and talked about the people harassing me. All times I was sent to the doctor- psychiatrist - as if I were out of my mind.
  4. When I went to the hospital - forced to stay - they gave me Risperdal And Geodon. Things did not get better. Memory and health deeply affected. Now diabetes took a toll on me.
  5. It was not only the memory. Ones feels really bad, desoriented, static.
  6. My teeth started to torture too. Spent around seven months to get Medical. First registration to Medical was missing three months after doing the registration at the hospital.
  7. The building was bombarded by sounds - stating that I was HIV positive among other things, the machines promoted what the operators wanted to be my sexual orientation. This happened
    a lot of time. So I believed that I was really sick and there was not much time left in this world.
  8. When I returned to the parking lot they ignored what had happened at the hospital. So I was worse than when I left but I could not explain them the reasons. Not in the state I was.
ListElement {
title: "San Jose"
picture: "content/pics/san_jose.png"
caracteristics: "
  • It was hard when I came to this area. Very pretty and I did not know anybody.
  • Hard looks or curious looks from the people.
  • Some people help.
  • Some people were intrigued. Not more than me.
method: "
  1. In this period of time it was very difficult for me to walk. Even that was painful.
  2. Some people looked at me with some sort of curiosity and despise. Other were troubled by my presence. I started to feel that there was a consensus in not treating me good.
  3. So the plan was to make me look like a guy did not know how to do anything.
  4. Weak, and with that kind of background behind of me I started to ask questions. Probably an african - american woman gave me the best answer. I cannot write down here what she said. She did not say any dirty word. She was a very educated woman.
  5. I recycled at Los Gatos and surrounding areas. Felt so frightened and weak that even though I was walking by buildings that hosted companies where I could have applied according to my curriculum I felt frozen.
  6. At this time in my life I had spent a number of months without taking a bath.
  7. I realized that I had to do something to get a better look. Went to the Home Depot and waited, with other people, for work over there. The food in San Jose is very good. And cheap in many places. I recycled again.
  8. I went to a beatiful small city - do not remember the name - and there I made a decision to go to Santa Cruz. I had heard a lot of good things about the place. But the most important thing was that it was in the mountains and I love nature.
ListElement {
title: "Santa Cruz"
picture: "content/pics/santa_cruz.png"
caracteristics: "
  • Arrived to Santa Cruz after three days walking in the mountains.
  • Went to live near the river.
  • Worked at a computer store.
  • Build websites.
  • Lived as a homeless again. No work for some time.
method: "
  1. Spent some time walking in the mountains before arriving to Santa Cruz. It was cold, very cold, I did not have the adequate clothing and suffered a lot. I assume that it was dangerous too. Big trees. Great forest.
  2. Even in the mountains I was harassed. The guys insisted on saying that I was dead. So I spent all the time controlling my fears. That calls for a lot of energy. I am sure that the guys knew about this. And enjoyed it.
  3. I managed to survive and get the adequate clothing when I arrived to Santa Cruz. First place was Boulder Creek. I liked the culture of the town, but it was also the first place where I heard something so horrible and misguided
    in reference to me that I realized that I was seeing by many people as a person that definitively I am not. My economic condition apparently was responsible for all this. But my health was really bad, and I took the things as they came,
    step by step. I had a terrible pain in my bones and they were very rigid. Boulder Creek was also the first place where a person - a couple - went to the place where the place where I was sleeping with a dog and let the dog wonder and run
    around me at 2 AM in the morning. I found that odd, the dog woke me up, but it did not attack me. It is a very artistic city. Heard some interesting comments about the hate groups that you can find in there.
ListElement {
title: "The Next Victim"
picture: "content/pics/virtual_data_logo.png"
caracteristics: "
  • They carefully analyze data at the different places to select the victims.
  • Once the victim is selected they contact the criminals, the musicians, the street players and more.
  • They talk with their partners in the media.
  • Hi-Tech, criminals and providers.
method: "

First method that was applied on me - with overwhelming negative results - was to make me believe I was HIV positive - at an airport - is that normal?
Second method that was used was to make me believe that my parents were dead. They really enjoyed that. I still remember the International Fligts Floor at San
Francisco International Airport and me asking to the man who is in charge of the only stand there: Sir, they are saying that my parents are dead. And he saying, go
to the police and then, when I turn my back, he is saying to other person: He is crazy , everybody knows that his parents are death.
That was something that happened
frequently afterward. They played with my mind and they were successful in taking me to another mentall state.

They select the tecnologies that will be applied. Criminals - Musicians get into the scene and make money with songs that instigate murder. Ordinary people act in most cases as if nothing were happening. It seems to be the normal attitude when a person is targeted.
This individuals, in most of the cases, do not know anything about music, but just repeating rhythmically what they have been paid for. The next step is real crime and they are ready to enjoy it. I will
never forget is when, walking by a street in San Francisco, 2009, a black man gets near me and says: Wait till they tell Us to get mad. Who were - they - the ones that were going to tell him to get mad?

Can you sleep normally after that when the other elements that were played at the airport are still in your mind? What is the time of recovery for that? This is an important element. Because they try to slow
you down by shock. Or you die with what they are doing or the doctor prescribes pills that turn you into an idiot and consequently you lose the battle, or you recover when it is too late. They enjoy that.

It is a perfect methodology that has been repeated again and again. And it also total corruption in many occasions. With not an angle overlooked. That is why the guilty ones are always the same kind of people.
Since they have been selected taking into account their economic status since the beginning it is assured that there will be no serious consequences. Maybe that is why I am trying to find the truth in all this.
Not every day you convert into a homeless a nuclear engineer.

  • They talk with their lawyers to see how they can get away with what they are doing. After all, it is all business.

    But this time they have extended the range of victims too much. The next victim is you. Why? Even a kindergarten kid would understand that with all the information that is going to be known about a person in this country anybody who has access to it can destroy you completely.
    It turns out that now if a former boss - that did not like you - had send Miguel, for example, to a club to set you up in different ways and then make a drama of it and then tell his version of the set up and document it, THAT is going to be legal and accepted. At some point I worked in a place where ther was
    a guy like this and was warned that I had to act against him. I did not do it. Do not make the same mistake if you are reading this.

    At the time that I interacted with this individual that was criminal and was blackmail and conspiracy to destroy a person.
    This kind of people only enjoy destroying and controlling through innuendo. And they are dangerous. I cannot add more - for the time being.
    . So the cousin
    of Miguel, when you arrive to an airport, is going to negotiate your information with criminals and your are done, next day you are what Miguel and his cousin want you to be in the STREET. And who is going to know, if everything has happened a long time ago and now it is a party with music,
    clips, joy for the lynching and street theaters to reinforce? And to reinforce, the use of non-acknowledged technologies to spread and use the sound and consequently manipulate the minds of the audience - which correspondingly will be victims at the right moment too.

    It is the perfect business of the XXI Century - as far as now . The information is sold and manipulated as if it were a poison, a candy , life, death. Even phones are hacked and information that you never thought that existed - in your phone - is going to be placed there. And if there is
    not even a law avoiding the exchange of pictures with criminal purposes, how is it going to exist a more sophisticated one avoiding that criminals, sent by someone that is supposed to protect you from them, put wrong information in your devices to change your whole world in seconds? It is
    crime, data and technology. All together and all dangerous. But the real Gods are watching Us.


ListElement {
title: "Conclusions 1"
picture: "content/pics/conclusions.png"
caracteristics: "

Please read carefully what is stated below: "
method: "Some important moments here

  • The person who said - A este negro le van a dar un pase diario- In a group that was
    around me when was homeless is the one who triggered the first step of total terror in my mind. This
    was 2009 and it was a multirracial group. I was trying to sleep in San Francisco near the Canton Restaurant.
    In my blurred mind I think that they were around me and joked and made comments, usually during the evening.
  • The woman that , around 2009-2010 said: I am going to empty my gun in this nigger . When I was
    taking care of the cars and sleeping at the parking lot was probably the one that trigger in me
    the determination to fight against whatever ideology defended by this kind of people. As I remember
    she was white, slender and the hair semi-red.
  • There were guys standing across the parking lot or near the place where they sell yogurt. They were singers
    who assigned me nicknames and said a lot of things about me.
  • There were frequently guys near where I made my phone calls to listen or bother. The public phones started
    to dissapear around and beyond the parking lot. Also when I took the bus they were frequently harassing. Always the same type
    of people. A culture had been created around me.
  • I felt so much fear that I seldom left the parking lot.
  • Among the people who have been watching me and destroying my life there are at least two women. They are white and cruel.
    Enjoy making me suffer when I am sleeping as homeless. They play with the word death in their comments to frighten me and
    to let the audience know the fate that they have prepared for me. I would like that an International Investigation on Human Rights
    found out who these women were.

ListElement {
title: "Conclusions 2"
picture: "content/pics/conclusions.png"
caracteristics: "

What follows is very important: "
method: "

  • The fictitious scenario of equal opportunity created after spreading so much negative information - in a way that contradicts the
    principles of the United Nations - should also be investigated. It is refined cynism to say that a person can work properly
    when the people can exchange pictures, songs and clips instigating to his death. That person should be allowed to leave the country
    as soon as possible.
    My attempts to return to my country were blocked since I arrived to San Francisco. In a way not perceived by those
    who were watching -

    the show - the extreme surveillance that was used allowed them to block my communications in the bank and stopped
    money from reaching there. Also I was blocked in my phone communications and completely destroyed mentally with false information about
    my health and my family. Communications that I tried to establish to get back my money from the apartment that I rented - the deposit - were blocked continuosly.
    It was total control over me in a none declared way. All this terrorized me in a deep and difficult to describe manner.
    Those responsible for all this are laughing now. Many people have committed suicide from that moment on, due
    to the exchange of pictures in the way described. I have stood much more punishment since then. Maybe somebody had to explain what is
    going on and God chose me.

  • A factual analisis of the period in which the actions against me took place is necessary. First of all the kind of sexual attacks that I suffered
    is very difficult to be repeated and people more protected currently could try to disregard all what happened to me as something exaggerated. It is not.
    At that time there was no goverment policy considering the issue of the transsexualism and it was still implemented the - Don't Ask, Don' Tell - policy.
    Since there was an evident desire to make an example with me, all the weight of the lack of regulations in these two different fields fell on me. It should
    also taken into account that there was an evident desire to make all what happened with me a political issue too.

  • There is an evident conspiracy in not acknowledging my skills in software. It has happened in several occasions. In Daily City a man saying
    that I did not complete a project for him in Wordpress. I feel that somehow this guy was serving somebody because I found him in suspicious
    circumstances in Redwood City, did not want to accept any option that I gave him and followed me with his wife in a car up to Palo Alto. He
    behaved as if he had been paid for it. Later on in Watsonville, my evaluator did not know Joomla and discovered that it was written in JavaScript
    and said that he was testing me; besides he like to play songs with sexual content when I was present. I have the title of the songs in the Internet.
    The use of music - in different languages - has been one of the weapons that the haters have been using against me.

I feel that dangerous people had targeted me since a long time ago and that I was not capable of finding out on time. A had a mental collapse and only recently recovered. Not taking the pills was one factor. I have to find out about this, and I have talked to some lawyers about that. But I don't event know how to start. Until recently I was still forgetting things.I have to find out about who spread the false news at the airport and in the subsequent days - events that transformed my whole life. Also all the false atmospheres created by the media and other people.Not a single day of my life I have practiced a sexual act in exchange for money. I strongly believe that these people will try to eliminate me to leave no trace of their wrongdoing. They have done it before.All points to very powerful people, retailation and treason.My health has been seriously impacted. Physically and in what refers to side effects, the memory and some sort of static behavior that only recently started to fade off.

It has been particularly damaging
the use of non-lethal weapons. Sometimes they made me scream of pain in the evenings. They can damage your ears and accelerate your heart, I suffered that. These are dangerous individuals. And they have constantly
promoted violence around me.


ListElement {
title: "Conclusions 3"
picture: "content/pics/conclusions.png"
caracteristics: "

It is really out of the ordinary what has happened?: "
method: "

I am in doubt that it is really our of the ordinary what has happened to me.
I have read about a lot of cases where Virtual Data destroyed life by missusing information. It looks like a plan,
in certain minds, to conform the way according to their desires. And there had to be a pretext to access the info
of people and do business with it. And the pretext was the war. For the young people, who do not know how their
country was seen before I have only one expression : EverybodyWanted to come to the States
and few, very few people, had a different opinion. Probably the main point here is that people who do not handle
data hasNO CLUE about the way information is processed. But it is already time that all people be more responsible
about this - and avoid suffering as I have. Do not let everything to the ACLU, but read their website. It might save your
life. Do you, for a second, have thought in the number of blackmails that can be structured if information from 40 years ago
falls into the wrong hands. Better wake up.

They first put up a show in which you laugh at somebody. Then, in record time and with the same methodology
they will make some other people laugh at you - cruelly.

Another good reason for my insisting in following up with programming is that my health was really bad and that I did not
want to let them say - with some reason - that latinos and negro programmers are a matter of science fiction. And besides they managed
to create a terribly negative environment in every single place that I tried to have a beginning.

I loved my wife, I was happy with her and the kids and thinking that I was going to introduce them to my family. But Virtual
Data had other plans. They enjoy more cruelty than the happiness of other human beings. As a matter of fact, happiness is a
word almost forbidden in their world. You the readers are smart. Th>ink wether I am write or not and give yourself the answer.
I am providing you this information FOR FREE. But it could save your life.

Everything that happened from the moment that I went to Ocean Five Hotel on is criminal. Those people were blatantly destroying my
life with a powerful authorization. They were simply spreading information and authorizing mistreatment and death threats. And they
are doing the same now 2012, after a period of tense relative calm

When I arrived I had clear objectives. To have a job related to my specialty and be useful to this country and my family. It is impossible to have done something different from what I have done. I focused my mind in programming to avoid getting crazy and
to get back to normal after the pills. A lot of people, in the meantime, have committed suicide for similar reasons, as Tenkasi promissed.
Good times for people like him. Now it seems to be that every single intrigue and lie that they created will be allowed. Not for ever though.
The real God is watching Us



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