Ocean Five
There were three locations for the groups:
1.- Outside of the lobby, at the entrance: There was always a man pretending to talk on the phone and saying things about me.
2.- Between the two big areas of the hotel. In the corridor there was always a woman making comments about me and biasing the people against me. This woman was white and young. She usually talk with other members of her group in the above mentioned area. She made the conversation appear to be casual But in fact she wanted the people to look at me different. At some point they showed something, some kind of media that they had, to the man who was training me. He said that he was going to make me suffer.
3.- Parking lot. While training they went to the parking lot and talked in loud voice - again trying to bias the people against me.
At some point a group went to to see the manager of the hotel. Trying to make the manager to fire me.
It was blatant gangstalking instrumented by powerful people.
Threats by a woman that asked to go to the bathroom and then said that I was HIV positive as she was entering the bathroom. There was another woman with her. Both of them were black, like 25 years old. Apparently drunk. There were women involved in the groups that participated in gangstalking in the other two hotels.
GANGSTALKING IN 7th STREET - Los Angeles - Reported to Police
IN THIS PLACE I EXPERIENCED STRONG RADIATION INSIDE Of A CAR AND AFTER THAT ON THE OFFICE. The aural messages stated that I was HIV positive. The only thing more horrible than what I experienced inside of the cars was when I was at the hospital and something similar happened. Through the wall.
I spent at the office about a year and a half. In the beginning I was very, very weak and thin.
Extreme Gangstalking allowd by two individuals that apparently were either enjoying or allowing the situation. My phone was hacked here and before. There were two teams, one at the lobby and another at the terrace.
Attached the places where I have worked and suffered electronic harassment. At the Claremont Hotel I called the Police and the FBI. Several times. My trainer at the hotel seemed to know everything that was going on. He laughed when the people attacked me electronically. There was a climax when they mentioned something that I do not want to mention here. Next morning I asked to talk to the owner. Then I left the hotel and traveled to San Francisco. In the plane the ganstalking went on. Outside of the airport I found out attack with microwaves directed against me - to disorient me. Then when I went inside of the terminal I felt very tired, I will never know why so tired, that I started to sleep on the floor of the terminal. It was widely spread that I was HIV positive and other very bad things - unreal - about me and my family. Nobody wanted to see me. There was great exchange of pictures and media. The criminals had very good means of communications and sophisticated audio-devices to disorient the mind.
This does not belong to my blog, It has been taken from another blog where apparently they had how to prove the levels of radiation.
How to prove DEW harassment in court
I have a Trifield meter that detects 3 types of radiation, This does work have recorded the results on camera. It does detect above normal levels of radiaton. The normal levels n a home are under 2 miligaus have recorded over 8 milgaus with all my electronics off.
I also have gotten sick with deydration, esphogatis, headaches and other ailments caused by the dryness of the…