因上期提到曾偉明, 曾偉光一家為錢長開載有我芯片的腦控機, 以作為併芯片竊聽跟蹤, 滋擾, 遙控電子武器摧殘之用. 經讉責後仍然照開, 聲稱他在腦控空間超過20年, 經常帮腦控賤入保管和長開腦控機, 而大部份將腦控機分散去鄉下不知詳情的親戚朋友代為保管.
據知情者透露, 腦控賤人經常利用無知婦孺, 目標人物身處之大廈管理員, 長者家人等, 將載有目標人物芯片的腦控機24小時長開, 以供腦控賤人併芯片竊聽跟蹤,滋擾和使用電子武器摧殘. 大部份被利用者為了錢, 根本不知道部機的作用, 只知道依照腦控賤人指示長開機, 即每月可賺取一萬元. 不知道因此成為殺人凶手.
據了解腦控空間經常有人無故死亡, 實因為長開腦控機被遙控電子武器攻擊至死有關. 腦控集圑保管住大機總控掣權, 將只有一個開關掣的腦控機分散出去, 利用無知婦孺承擔風險, 當警方查到時, 將人交出去交差消案.
在此呼籲市民, 如有來路不明的人利誘你代保管一部機, 並要你長開機時就要小心, 你隨時可能成為殺人凶手. 如你身處香港, 中國大陸, 一經跟蹤查獲, 國際慣例是有權不需要經過任何審訊而令你人間蒸發.
A catastrophic mind control meltdown As mentioned in the previous issue, Tsang Wei Ming and his brother keep my brain chip with brain control machine, turn it on for 24 hours per day for the money, used for perps to gang stalking and remotely control electronic abuse. As they self-confessed, they stand in mind control space over 20 years, used for perps to kept mind control machines with chips and contributed to their relatives and friends in countryside who unknown the detail about machines. Just being told to keep the machine plug-in with electronic power.
According to insiders revealed that brain control perps often use some people such as ignorance woman, children and homeless, the building manager where the targeted individual resident, the member of elderly family, used various lies and money to the ignorance people to keep and turn on the machines 24 hours per day for brain control perp within chips for eavesdropping and tracking, nuisance and use of electronic harassment, the keeper do not know the role and specification of the machine, only accordance with brain control perp’s instructions that can earn 10,000 yuan per month. They don’t know therefore will commit to the murderer.
Now you understood why often the victims die with no reason in mind control space, all attacked by remote control electronic weapon. The organization of mind control group own a main control, and used to dispersed sub-machine that only one switch, they used the ignorant people only for taking risks, when the police found, the perps will hand over the ignorant one for close files.
Warn to the public, any unidentified person ask you to keep the machine, you have to be careful who may let you spiral into a catastrophic mind control meltdown when you turn the machine on, you may become a murderer at any time. If you are in Hong Kong, mainland China, once seized, It is customary for the international practice does not require any trial, but evaporate in the world without any interrogation.