My general medical practitioner has taken me under the care of psychiatry because he has not bothered to inform himself of the vast capabilities of modern technology. He or somebody he is connected with has erroneously assumes that I am mentally ill when I write of my experiences of directed energy weapons attacks on my social media page. He or they are committing an illegal act by forcing me to attend a psychiatric assessment against my will.
I will not attend the psychiatric assessment which he has arranged for me. I would rather die than take the poisonous substance...s posing as anti-psychotic medication which would be forced on me by the whims of an expert in pseudo scientific nonsence which is what a psychiatrist really is. There substances have such severe effects that it is akin to being tortured from the inside out on occasions when one is forced to ingest them. The severe effects of forced psychiatric drugs is the real reason why psychiatric patients frequently kill themselves.
When did general medical practitioners become fascist dictators. When did main stream medicine become fascist. General medical practitioners are among the many state sponsored employees who are helping to set up an enslavement system for the whole human race for all eternity.
I will not attend this psychiatric assessment.
Psychiatric evaluations are only called for if somebody poses a threat to themselves or others. I do not pose a threat to myself or others.
I have not seen or spoken to my general medical practitioner in the past ten days. I have not seen or spoken to a police officer or a psychiatrist or a politician or a social worker in the past ten days. As I live in a rural area and I rarely go anywhere other than my weekly cycling trip to my local town which is twelve kilometers away I have not spoken to anybody other than my family who appear very happy with my behaviour and general demenior. They claim that they have not asked for psychiatric evaluation on my behalf now or ever.
This psychiatric evaluation order must have come from information which has been gleaned from findings which may have been gleaned from digital media. Are digital media evaluations the new way of evaluating. the mental health of a human being. Digital media is simply a series of pixals which can easily be hacked into by anyone and changed significantly. That is the case with both the written word and even video footage.
Psychiatric evaluation orders which are based on digital media findings are an indication of extreme authority abuse.