Thanks everybody for you're support i need more support if anybody is out there from the united kingdom as victims from the uk seem to rare and more common in america.
Victims of mind control and electromagnetism have my deepest sympathy
because i am going through it myself i have had to move out of my house
because i fear to go back as i said my legs tightened heart rate extremely
fast severe cramp and the one of the brothers said get out or die!
I have been staying in a hotel but it is getting very costly i have to stay away
from the house in order to survive.
I am now going to be homeless i fear of going to homeless charity’s because
they have to do an assessment they will think i am mad.
I have contacted a few professors in this country of whom are specialists
in electromagnetism and waiting to hear back from them.
As in term of prefention from homelessness as a victim of a targeted individual
myself is there something someone could recommend of where i could get temporary accommodation for free as of temp.
Unfortunately i am currently not working and struggling to get work.
If anyone has any ideas i would be most grateful.