27 february 2010, Strange MIssed calls and strange TI

I have contacted a woman that writes about gang stalking in a blogg here in spain. She wanted my phone number. I didn't get any calls on my mobil phone. But a few days ago suddenly I had 5 missed calls. The strange thing is, even if I watch my phone now and then, is that, the calls are dated a whole month ago. I don't even know who called, but the only person that has my phone number is this lady, Ayuda en Acccion (i help 4 children in latin america so they wanted my phone numer) and a woman that is an TI in spain but that never called again nor replyed to my latest email. I don't understand - if you are an alone TI, why do you avoid others?

Yesterday after I got some sleep I realized I had slept with my door open. I sat on my chair in front of my computer drinking coffee as usual and I looked outside. I saw a guy driving some kind of tractor and he looked dissapointed at me. I am used to these kind of looks so it didn't bother me.

I felt a strange taste in my mouth like I had 10 kilos of cofeen in me.
I don't know what that medication is about.
HOw it ends up in my body and if it is triggered somehow from a distance.
It lasted almost all day long.

I used to think that it is a lot about keeping me awake, but it can have another effect, like making me too eager.

This morning, I noticed that two people on bikes insulted me again.

They hate now my new freedom declaration so they start again.

These people are psychotic idiots with puppets that they rule over.

I tried to make conversations on Facebook but it didn't go that well.
It is like every victim is in his/hers own world.

Even the most active are strange.
I don't know what to believe, again!!!

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  • I guess so.
  • don't know:)
  • I understand what you mean. I know that when they were looking for bin laden, people were saying that they should find them quickly because they have such advanced technology that they can target anyone from space and see that person in real time.
    But it looks like they found "us" only, no bin laden....
    And now noone believe they exist!

    I tried google earth. I know about it.
  • Well the pain inside us, wherever it is, is experienced by us all, but we believe - or many of us believe - that it is done at a distance, because it can happen while I sit on my chair and write on peacepink or play a game. It is no presence here.
  • OK goscott, it may be possible that you experience something that i don't ...
    And there are things I don't want to believe in
    But i am difficult to convince...
    That's why it took me so long to find out what was happening
    I had to check out many many times that what i was experiences where real and so on...
  • In the military they would like a smarter soldier, the cybory, half human, half machine...
    Yes, this one is also a good video, it shows how these nanoboth connect to each other.
    But from outside, they control us with a remote control.
  • neuroscientists all over the world sponsored by medical corporations and the military (darpa in USA)
  • This article was published 2005 and now it is 5 years later. A lot of research has been done since then.
  • Hi. If this is happening to you, i believe you but I am sure this is not the case in my case. I think that they do have some remote technology that can make us in principle feel a touch. They can also make you feel like someone is pushing your pillows. I don't live with invisible perps..

    The article is here and you can use Google TRanslate:

    Chickens may test telecommunication-petting
    By: Monica kleje
    Posted May 18, 2005 15:09

    Scientists in Singapore have developed a system that can transmit physical contact via the internet. The first to test the "tele-petting" or cyberkel is - chickens.

    Touchy Internet
    With "Touchy Internet, you can touch and feel animals or humans at a distance. The system has been built by a group of "half mad" scientists at the Mixed Reality Lab at the National University of Singapore, reports the newsletter from Wired News.

    During the experiment scientists are using a docking model of a chicken standing next to a computer on the desktop.

    When touching the doll sensors attached to it react and they transfer the touch signals by radio to the computer which then sends them via the Internet into a real little squeaky chicken on a HEN RUN.

    The signals are go in fact to a computer in the chicken farm that starts small vibrating motors that are carried to the chicken in a lightweight jacket.

    The idea is that the chicken will feel the touch in real time and in exactly the same place as it touched the doll.

    Professor Adrian David Cheok who leads the two years old projekt believe that Touchy Internet has many uses. Among other things, it can give visitors to the Zoo the opportunity to pat a lion or scratch a bear behind the ear. But ultimately the idea is to create interaction among humans.
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