Walking through town this afternoon it was sunny and warm reaching the 50 degree mark. Three police officers had a young lady handcuffed ready to haul off when a 3rd and 4th officer came by – that's five police officers plus two more plain clothes dressed in black to one petite young lady who certainly didn't appear to be a threat of any sort to anyone. Two healthy clean-cut kids were watching the whole thing and told me the young lady had been told to stop playing her instrument on the sidewalk, but she had continued to play quietly anyway. The police left and had come back. As the police were taking her off, one of them asked why she was in handcuffs and an officer responded that she had (2) warrants out for her when they ran her name. I thought to myself, they typically run a person's name before leaving the scene and additionally the charges were possibly for smoking a joint of marijuana a very minor offense. She was handcuffed with hands bound behind her back. The clean-cut couple had two more tales to tell of police activity in this neck of the woods– one being that the police had attempted to throw one of the two of them in jail a while ago, and he wasn't even told the reason why and never found out the reason why even after they had come into a restaurant where he was having lunch and took him outside. He was luckier than the young lady today in that his dad had come to his rescue, and he was also under 18 years of age so they couldn't do anything. He further went on to say that he and his family live next door to a local council woman who had some kind of law put on the books here in Vermont whereby you can't bother neighbors with cigarette smoke which meant that since he was a smoker and went out on the porch to have a cigarette it was forbidden because she didn't like it. A person cannot have a cigarette on their own front porch anymore I was told.

The young lady commented that “the police are the front line of the Military.” It is true that men and women in blue are no friend of the people anymore and young kids here in Vermont know that. They appear hard and cold – a complete shift in attitude or maybe because I never had a personal encounter until 2004 when I had a rude awakening. I'll bet this change in attitude has a lot to do with military weapons being handed over to local law enforcement agencies. Perhaps this military might has emboldened them in the same way the weapons have emboldened the 'handlers' - powerful little giants among men ready to wage war full-scale war against the people when given the word. The way things are in this country – and, I see it all around me – it's scary!
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  • I even tell them... do you see yourself in the mirror when I look at something digusting,,,
  • I learned to visualize how I pee on their face today as I went to the bathroom..
    Excuse my language - if they now can see both trhough my eyes and what I imagine,,,
  • When cops face the fact that many people report something similar they should open their eyes.
  • I still keep asking...why us, why me. I have always been an honest person, always helping people and then I ran someones tag who was suspicious that I was dating....I am so over all of them and their games. They can monitor me till the cows come home...so what? I have learned to shut my eyes when I undress in front of a mirror....I am moving forward. I have a doc who is a TI who is working o clear my status from delusional to sane..that is all I care about..my reputation I have learned to deal with the other stuff.
  • I never said that all cops are good...in my department, our sweet chief had high standards. It was our sorriest day to see the sheriffs office take us over. I swear to everyone in here,,,very very few cops even know the technology exists. I know I didnt until I spoke to Dr. Hill and he sent me to several sites. I'm just a little sensitive when I read that most feel that all cops do is harass and they are not to be trusted. I loved my job and my community. Even the people I arrested liked me cause I treated them how I would want to be treated, if I were them. I'm sure the new sheriff who went to prison was the one who asked the psyche doc to falsify my psyche test...he had told y therapist I passed it and then said I failed it. Who am I gonna fight? I cant see my perps, but have a good idea who they are.
  • Lynn I am so sorry you had o go through something like that. Please let me appologize for all the good, honest cops out there. I wasnt believed either when I went to ask my fellow officers for help, that I knew I was being monitored. I know for a fact they are not involved with my stalking. They thought possibly that the stress from being given a date rape drug, twice..once by the perps had put me over the edge and that I was delusional. I ended up into forced retirement due to the fact that they covered up neuro toxic mold in the crime lab and I had symptoms of MS and I now have asthma from it. The sheriff had just taken over our PD and he ended up in prison for corruption charges.
  • one final last thing. On July 7, 2009 after the 1st police incident, I ran into the 2nd police officer who was supposed to have be in charge of that incident but let the other corrupt officer take over for some reason. I told him I was filing a lawsuit and he seemed shocked. I asked why a Falsified Police Report had been filed and all he could say was "...It wasn't me who did it." Of course, I knew that anyway because I could tell that he was an exceptionally decent person. At the same time, he will be up against superiors in a courtroom and is not going to testify to the corruption unfortunately even though he's fully aware of it.
  • THEY just hit the 'ADD' button to be more obnoxious as I was typing along.... what I was saying is that I'm pretty sure police who are ex-military are in on it but not all police officers - a ton of them, but not ALL. Here in Burlington, VT last July 7, 2007 the #1 perp stalker fabricated a story and called the police on me and an officer who is corrupt answered the call - a falsified report was documented saying that I was mentally unstable and a bunch of other nonsense IN ORDER TO GET ME INTO THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM - THE SAME AS THEY DO W/THE MENTAL HEALTH SYSTEM. What followed was that I called them on their pattern of behavior and sent paper work with a series of questions about their policy of conduct regarding their minions and the deputy police chief returned to me what I thought was unbelievable falsification of documentation whereby using an ink pen to scribble a sentence over my typewritten document which was to be interpreted as "my words" to make me appear to be less together than the papers they were presented with were professional. I need to file my lawsuit soon before the statute runs and running into the problem that there is no help here... in Oakland, CA there is a law library and courthouse advocates who are in place to help but not here. After yesterday, I must immediately begin work on lawsuit to have that as part of my record. Yesterday, the mental case who I call my #1 stalker and a total mess of a person and also a member of the American Nazi Party once again called the police on me at the public library where so many people with problems hang out. He came in after me as he always does and immediately looks for me and this time I held up my cell phone to throw a scare into him (he despises having his pic taken, and he was too far away to take it anyhow). He had the librarian call the police who showed up as i was leaving and the police interrogated me with this obviously sick twisted freak standing there loving every minute of it but i think less so when I whipped out my recorder which recorded the entire incident He probably left and gave his boyfriend the Nazi arm salute. It is called entrapment.
  • i don't have computer anymore so cannot easily access... scott asked what happened in 2004 - that was the year I stopped believing in the Norman Rockwell character of police officers. Color be naive, but I pretty much strolled through life believing most people were good and am sure taking Valium for many years allowed me to never have to look on the darker side of life. In 2004 I learned about corruption and criminality at upper levels within the Oakland CA PD; and I learned that built into this system of corruption is doctrine handed down by higher ups (NWO, Illumaniti) giving them permission to have a citizen locked up for an extended mental health evaluation based on next to nothing... luckily in Berkeley they have mental health advocates who come to your rescue right away - SOMETHING THAT SHOULD BE IN PLACE WITH FFCHS SO THAT WHEN THIS HAPPENS THERE IS somebody who knows and cares... For God's sake. it sure isn't our families and, of course, that was determined before the elite gave their okay to put each one of us in these CIA/Military Intelligence/ Corporate Black Budget Programs... they closely studied the 'family' dynamic to see how much support we would get and from whom before giving the green light. This should be a top priority at FFCHS, and it's not taken care of. I agree that our families refuse to believe what is happening because it will blow everything they were taught to believe in. Police
  • If you look at the lastest video i put in from discovery will see how they also can control my cats...
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