Posted by treelaw45 TI on March 15, 2009 at 8:32am
#497#497 I've been being filmed/harrassed by other citizens/perps/policeWinter is ending and I've gone out a few times to the beach that is 60 seconds away by car. I've come up with a fossil of two and recently had a fossil exhibit at my town main library. On the first day when walking back to my car I notice some young girls watching me from a car. so as to not be obvious the one or to remaining in the car gets out and they all watch me.The next time I goes two old women are watching me with a camera held up high. I drove to the next parking lot and looked over the fossil I had found and decided to drive back to the waters edge and watch the sun go down and the ducks grouped en mass out in the water. As I pulled up the driver has the camera pointed in the side mirror directly at me. If I was unsure before I wasn't anymore.Today I just went to the beach 60 seconds away by car with a magnet to collect iron oxide it could be used with aluminum to create heat and energy and metal castings at the same time it could help clean the beaches of heavy metals mixed in with the Iron oxide. Rhode Island was once the jewelry capital of the world but unfortunately heavy metals have been dumped into our water ways. You can find pumice everywhere at the high tide line that was once used to skim off the slag.Within ten minutes a cop came walking down the beach to ask me what I was doing and took my name address and birth date. "Oh yeah we know you River St right." This is part of the harassment paper trail they attempt to build so as to use against you. A thousand other people have been down that beach this year and I'll bet not one has had that happen to them.I suggest TI's only make complaints as a group. If you are already being harassed it will only be turned against you unfortunately.We are far stronger and believable as a group. It is far to easy to paint any one person negatively, then they will rail road you into the mental health system, jail or worst. Together is how we will end this type of harassment.Peter RosenholmPS: Other than making a complaint against an officer during my divorce that my wife's family knew, I had also made complaints of finding medical waste when police began harrassing me. I found and gave them two hyperdermic needles. I was conserned that a child might accidentilly step on them. What a day when good intentions are frowned upon.