#500Hello Dr. XXXXX. I've seen the corruption of false medical and psychological evaluations you spoke of from a unique and multiple view points. I might be able to shed some light on a direction that all this is heading to.My first evaluation was when I had carpel tunnel syndrome and a doctor was hired to evaluate me because the operation had caused damage instead of repairing it. It ended up taking two more operations to repair the damage caused by the first by another doctor. The doctor hired by the insurance company wrote a poor evaluation that I was injured during an operation. I happened to be driving with my child when the doctor pulled up beside me on the road. My hands were through the steering wheel and not gripping it. After seeing this he would not go to court or answer their inquiries. At least he had a conscience and could not go through with it.The second came during my divorce that also took place during this injury. I did well but was asked to agree to have myself and my son living with me evaluated psychologically.The evaluation went OK but it turned out that my wife's family had connections with police and that this was an attempt to cause me harm. I had also filed a complaint against an officer that acted unprofessionally. I have only found out now that this officer lived across the street from my brother in-law.Later police attempted to falsely arrest me and that fell apart. As I pursued exposing this crime that was committed by the very officer I made the complaint against and another officer who's family are best friends with my in-laws I became aware of another type of corruption based assault.Police then got the brother of two past police officers to rent an apartment from me in my home. It was then that I came under surveillance and directed energy harassment from law enforcement or law enforcement contractors from the apartment right above me. When this tenant was evicted the court house hall way was full of police congratulating him on my harassment.It was about a year later when I came under a new form of attack this one by secret or experimental military directed energy weapons. Researching this now it appears to be the MEDUSA weapon a form of microwave weapon that sounded like blast crickets in my head. By morning I was pissing brown and shaking when a vehicle pulled away violently from the side of my home reveling the attackers.I then called 911 and went to the hospital in an ambulance. Half way to the hospital the ambulance was redirected to an obscure hospital keeping me in my congressional district. It was here that my story of being attacked was ignored as fantasy and I was involuntarily committed.I later was diagnosed falsely with a psychological diagnosis. Police then had a mental health clinic contact me and had stopped me from being able to receive anxiety medicine. So I went to this clinic. It was years later that two nurses told me I was being killed by over twice the maximum dose of Seroquel and other medicines. I had been told that these medicines were to replace the small amount of anxiety medicine I used to take that wasn't allowed because of the government.The psychiatrist who prescribed it had a specialty in geriatric psychiatry. It had been discovered that this medicine was killing the elderly at normal doses or 600 mg and lower. I was on 1,400 mg. I was being killed. I weaned myself off this and other medicine secretly while changing doctors. I later found this doctor was also on the RI governors board of mental health.At the worst of it my feet had turned black and the skin could be clawed off an 1/8" deep. I developed sugar diabetes and was very near death. I had been in perfect health before all this happened, strong, healthy and with great physical and mental endurance. I owned and ran a computerized machining company and had built homes. I was and am becoming once again more than capable.Researching my medical records I now know I was accused of bomb making and was hospitalized and my home was searched by police.I am recovering now and only see my regular doctor but what I have learned is a threat to those in power. Pass this knowledge along. None of these occurrences are happening by chance. The FBI, police and control of medical personnel is a form of control over everyone. Contacting anyone to make a complaint or looking for help only alerts officials that you are aware and a threat and this is where it can lead to.During other attacks I was instructed to kill myself this is known as a forced suicide and the suicide increases are well documented. These are covert killing and the weapons capable of doing this give our government plausible deniability. I can not see this level of control being beneficial to our population or the world in general. My attacks seem to have been a result of corruption and abuse of undisclosed technologies that are only now being selectively disclosed now.The terrorism scare tactic is being used to dominate everyone everywhere in the world. This can't be allowed to happen or it will mean the fulfilment of Hitler's goal of determining who lives and who will secretly be killed off by covert attacks resulting in suicides and unexpected deaths by disease or energy weapons.Peter Rosenholm
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