Posted by treelaw45 TI on March 29, 2009 at 12:43am
#509 Constitutional Right To Bear Arms is possibley being circumventedI believe they are attempting to get around our constitution and the right to bear arms by eliminating ammunition. Recently I spoke to somewho felt the government is taxing bullets to eliminate the right to bear arms.I bought a hand gun and ammunition and came under heavy surveillance. I was followed from leaving the gun store. The tag was so obvious that I drove around the block as my tag followed me one street over. when we pulled up to the next street I waited till he pulled out and then drove behind him. At the next stop sign he pulled over, got out of his car and put his hands up and facing me as I drove up, like he was under arrest or I had a gun pointed at him.He might as well have held up a sign saying, "We are going to screw you over for the rest of your life so we can get some practice and promote an agenda".That was the very first day I realized I was under surveillance. That was back in 1998 and it has never ended.Police had already staged an attack and false arrest that fell apart, so they were gunning for me already. I was trying to file a complaint so they must have devised another strategy when I went shooting at a shooting range with a relative and bought this little 22 hand gun for target practice. If I had any plans of revenge I would have bought some monster gun like police have.It is now some 11 years later and it is obvious that they have been trying to provoke me, openly surveillance me as a form of harassment and have tried to kill me 3 times. Every attempt to achieve justice by working through the system has been thwarted and they will not officially write one word of my complaints on paper. They control the paper work that is used to create statistics and enact laws so it all appears logical with factual backing. Records and statistics are only as good as those who control the information recorded.It is clear to me that more an more laws are written so they can twist them and circumvent the existing laws that once worked for us in this country. I am the last thing from a criminal, that is probably why I became targeted, but the real criminals have control of our government and law enforcement. The US is slowly becoming the monster Americans once opposed like the Nazi's and the USSR.pen government and oversight is needed before it is to late and we are totally controlled by false accusations that just feed the stealing of tax dollars, the destruction of our rights & freedoms for profit and to promote a criminal agenda and this totalitarian democracy.Peter Rosenholm