#530 This Where The Battle Lines are Drawn?I have evidence so have put together a good deal. I commented about an article from the E version of the New York Times and my very sane comments about the domestic torture program using directed energy weapons was edited out and not allowed to appear. Many comments were outrageous but I was blocked because my words and evidence are being blocked as a national security concern I believe. The same goes for CNN and even when I spoke at a town council meeting I was told that there were never so many people coming and going from the town council chambers all day long. I was blocked there also. I've contacted all the groups against torture and no response what ever.I question the government's desire to block me and all of us from exposing the abuses, torture and murder committed by these so called non-lethal weapons. just part of the problem is how LRAD and I believe V2K are designated as hailing devises but when brought together with active and passive millimeter wave surveillance they become a weapons system that can be used for psychological torture, a lie detector or even to cause a forced suicide. That is the reality these are designated as non-lethal alone but together they are the most advanced weapons system going. I suppose a lead bullet is harmless until it is attached to a cartridge with gun powder and put in a gun.I just taped Obama talking about court cases not being heard because of "National security issues". It seemed like they were talking about issues like ours, he seemed concerned and agitated over the problem. He says they are trying to find ways around this that won't compromise state secrets. He mentioned portions of the case might be discussed in the back chambers so as to not expose state secrets to the general public and the world. I hope he can do something, I'm sure we have brought our issues to Obama and people who already know of these weapons and know of the suffering and deaths they have caused us.Ask yourself why this reporter asked this question without getting specific. They discussed blocking unknown cases, for National Security reasons. Then ask yourself what cases? How does this reporter know all this and he and Obama have this discussion about what would be hypothetical court cases blocked over national security concerns and what might be done about it. Are they trying to publish what we send them?. Keep calling, writing and posting, that is all we can do.You will not get an official response but I have had a conference call with the NIJ(National Institute of Justice). They called me after I told them of how non-lethal weapons were used in an attempt to kill me. It is there job to test and approve these weapons for law enforcement. So they know, they definitely know, they monitor our groups and they know what evidence I have and that we are for real.I can only assume they are working on it. My attacks have stopped. Nothing stays secret for ever and with so many abuses and sick testing in some cases I can only suggest we continue our efforts where ever and when ever we can.Let's hope the decent people in government are willing and capable of defeating the corrupt, sick out of control ones who have no problem with what we go through. It is that battle that will determine the fate of us and people around the world.Peter Rosenholm