#581 We are close to the event horizon

#581 We are close to the event horizonIt might be true for the moment that those that care about us are at risk for vicarious trama if they believe in our torture. It hurts them to think we are being hurt and tormented. It is easier and safer for them to ingone it or beleive it isn't happening.As more and more of us speak up though this crime will enter the mind set of the public. When they begin to hear of others saying the same thing it will be easier for them to accept.I was reading about Martin Luther King the orther day in connection with COINTELPRO and the similarities were all to apparent. They recorded his private life and sent him a tape recording of him having an affair in a hotel room and told him to kill himself. They tried everything in the world to stop him from uniting people in peacful demonstrations. Someone stabbed him and then he was of course sabotaged and then assassinated.Now look at who we have for president and a man elected by citizen campaign donations at that. Not sponsored be the wealthy and powerful. If there is a chance to expose the level of surveillance and control on the common man it is now, before it is to late, while the Internet is still open and free. We are close to the event horizon, the point of no return to the end of individual rights, it's now or possibley never.Peter Rosenholm
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