#597a Middletown, Rhode Island Planning to Put RFID Chips On ChildrenThere is always more to the story than what we are told Bob. For instance the news cast had just done a report on Middletown RI police receiving large amounts of money with my congressman Patrick Kennedy there for the occasion and having brokered the deal under the "COPS" program. That is a program that brings advanced technology,personnel trained in the use and pays for over time with the feds paying 75 cents on the dollar. It is likely the school chip program was related to this "Cops" program seeing the stories ran back to back and were in the same town. While my attacks, surveillance, MEDUSA attack, forced suicide and torture took place I notice my congressman also announced on his web site how he had brought my police millions of dollars through the "COPS" program to my police department.Just like a harmless surveillance tool like millimeter wave surveillance can be used to find survivors in a collapsed building so can it be part of a torture weapons system and lie detector when used with V2K.To get a better idea of how this technology may be misused look up the Sheri Peak case. It was here stalking case that led the then Senator Biden and another senator to make January anti-stalking month. Her husband, Rob Peak and the manager of a car repair chain on the west cost stalked using technology and software that was never revealed as to how he got it. He hard wired a cell phone into her car while their marriage was breaking up. The phone could be called at any time to listen in on her conversations. Being hard wired the car actually kept it continually charged. When she would start the car this phone would automatically call him.She was hysterical by the time she went to police much like a TI being stalked. He knew where she went and when and had software to track all of this on her computer. She bought new locks to keep him out but he knew when she was gone and broke into the house and stole the extra set of keys that came with the locks. He would leave a coffee on her car just before she left in the morning and would show up all the time at a distance where ever she went.Rob was caught and convicted of stalking and got 6 months. I called the police department outside of Seattle Washington where the detective worked who solved the case. The police department claimed to not know anything about the case even though the story had been on ,"Dateline as a feature news story" with pictures of the police station(I taped it). They claimed the detective had left the department and they didn't know where she had left to. I don't believe any of that it is an obvious cover-up of technology they don't want the public to know about. They had to rip the entire interior of her SUV apart to find the device and were beginning to think she was paranoid and delusional. She said later they she near the end of her rope that people can't understand what it is like to have people stalking you. She had even gone to a coworkers to see about getting a puppy for the kids when it was later found out that her husband Rob Peak had shown up at this coworkers house asking if he could use his phone and after was asking all kinds of odd questions about hot women at work. they happened to be talking about this strange event when Sheri pulled out a picture of her husband and the coworker identified him as the guy who asked to use his phone. I will bet he discovered she went there and then went to discover if this guy was having an affair with his wife while getting this guys phone number possibly to tap his line somehow. Sounds completely like perp shit to me.At Rob peak's residence they found the missing keys and all of the passwords to bank accounts and computer sites. This guy knew absolutely everything about her and what she was doing.Peter Rosenholm
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