If 5G which is fifth generation millimeter wave technology is introduced into our courtries we will experience radical changes in our lifestyles. 5G millimeter waves do not travel very far so therefore 5G technology will need to be placed on nearly all telephone and electricity poles which are adjacent to all private homes. 5G technology will need to be placed on all public street lighting poles also in order to control people who live in towns and cities. I am a weapons t...est subject of nearly fifteen years so I am fully aware of the total lockdown enslavement capabilities of technology, especially 5G technology.
If 5G technology is allowed into our neighbourhoods then we will be totally and fully enslaved by the following means:-
Your brain and body is already embedded with nano technology which has turned you into a transciever and transmitter of digital information. Anybody can be activated to hear voices and to see visions and to be brain mapped. If you disobey these inner voices while 5G is in your environment then the capability exists for you to receive a severe pain signal. We must demolish all telephone towers and refuse to allow 5G technology inside our countries. This may be more difficult than it sounds because the brains of government staff are embedded with nano technology. They receive messages that they are largely unaware of from technology which they carry on their person which may turn most of them into unquestioning order followers with a strong sense of obligation to false authority. They are not being informed of the big picture so they lack perspective. Targeted individuals of non-consensual neuro weapons research have an urgent and profound duty to warn the human race about the capabilities of technological enslavement
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