I think that mind reading is done easily and a person doesn't know when it is done.
But it is when it is broadcasted or copyed that my head turns into a hardrive - feeling.
I feel like a CD writer when they do it.
The worst is that it is causing extreme fatigue.
Of course, I could be wrong, but I am noticing that this hard drive "feeling" starts when I write something that might put a bad light on me - so they only copy like a little but not everything.
I bought a bike today, I need air and a little bit of exercize.
Where I live,there is a lot of nature, the ocean is near by, and I haven't been everywhere - and maybe find a store near by as I have to buy water and it is difficult to carry so many bottles.
A few days ago, I felt very bad, last week end has been a little nightmare, and I walked outside and the police stopped me telling me that it was dangerous. I can't go out at all, somebody is always there to stalk me. I told the police that it is their job to see that I was safe and that I was only taking a 5 min walk to clear my mind and feel a little better.