6-17-13 starting off the week ok and then...

...Im soo fucking tired of being needlessly tortured...Monday n Tuesday im at dentist getting stuff done to my jaw..and EVERY TIME this happens, (any medical procures done to me), So wed thr, Fri I end up getting monitored and seeing and feeling blackhalks circling me 4 times a day for last 3 days. with dizziness illness and very weak. Heat rashes on my head and face cant stand wanting to puke. stomach cramps and hard to breath. micro holes in hat liner(Microwave coupled w.Rf waves in short burts, every 10-15 sec.). then end up in hospital again ALL night and day hooked up to brain and heart monitors 30 hours with Dr, telling me they dont know what the Hell is going on with me. but I can easily die from what ever it is..Dr. tells me he thinks its a t Wave signal from my brain to my heart..!!! NO FUCKING SHIT I v been trying to tell everyone 1/2 my funking life you would thing after the 3rd 9th 14th 28th time iv been hospitalized for this.. THEN they would .......Sending me to ANOTHER cardiologist...and neurologist .. I go through this 2-3 times a year for 20 years. Besides my leg... Then it goes away like nothing ever happens. And I act like nothing ever happens to me, Because No one can Deal with the Truth...No trace other then my medical records.and pictures and radar pic of the helicopters flying over and around me every time. 4 times a day.. And I was unable to take Lorna to her Oncology appointments because she was in the hospital with me worried. looking very ill My dr. asking her if she feels alright because she looks so bad.....It looks like my life is going back to my normal....

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