9143083861?profile=original9143083899?profile=originalwent to dr. appointment in the morning I felt great I got home at 11am. at 11;05 1 small milliatary plane b350 Id# COUGER13 flys low over me and banks. 11:08 a blackhalk helo ID# SPTN020, flys 2 times by me.11:10 I put on my new tin hat....rofl HUNDREDS OF HOLES in it from Microwaves shooting into my head. this is for evidences not protection from 11am till 7pm.. i got the fuk knocked out of me by DEW emf Microwaves.. CRAMPS Tight chest weak. lots of pain in my right Temple as the helicopter was flying over me for 1/2 hr..
I feel when the Microwave targeting starts with me Usually 1 targeting plane flys over then a 2nd helo flys over with in 2-3 min of each other.. Im not sure why this is but its happens to me hundreds of times, No matter where I go.                 Rember my wife and I have been very needlessly Ill Induced Pain and suffering for 20 years on and off. If anyone can help expose this Crime of non consensual experimenting of human citizens Please help. I have no more energy to help myself or family....9143085069?profile=original

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