#616 Creepy crawly perp tacticsIf you ever look up police of FBI surveillance they can work in huge teams and appear like normal people. I've read where they can have 50 or 60 people involved. I'll give you one example. Police got the brother of two x-police officers to move into my second floor apartment. Where ever I went in my apartment he went above me. It was unnerving and meant as harassment. It also showed he knew where I was at all times.I soon learned that he had other people up there with him. I had a chair hanging from the ceiling. The layout of the kitchen, dining and living room had no walls it was open so I could tell people were walking around up there even when he had left the house. The area was 26 ft by24 ft almost so I was hanging from the surface of a large drum. when I would fall asleep at night I would be woken by many people coming and going with supplies. He went on with the pretense that he was living alone, the f--n prick. This guy practically grew up at my uncles house two blocks away from where I grew up and where I had built my house.When I first noticed I thought someone had broken in. I called the police and about 20 cops showed up with guns drawn on my house. They were way over playing it to embarrass me so I would shut up about it. They let me see in the apartment and said see know one is here. But hey wouldn't let me see in the back bedroom. They were hiding them and then made me leave. About three cops were up there for another 5 minutes talking with the people up there. It is surveillance in your face.charlie Manson and his "family" used to break into homes and just crawl around getting a cheap thrill. I some how think they get off on the fact that they are deceiving us so much with coordinated groups working in tandum.We hear V2K as torment but for law enforcement they can use it to silently coordinate a surveillance. Someone could be on the other side of the wall telling all of the operatives what to do via V2K. At the same time they can be recording your heart and breathing rates to see if it is having an effect on you. they know where you are going as you make plans and they are already there when you get there. People tend to do what authorities ask of them we are taught to do this. The Jews walked right to the concentration camps and into the ovens. We have a hard time seeing a covert attack for what it is until it is to late.Creepy bastards, they have no clue how much I really know about what they were doing. This brother of two cops also had dogs rip open his trash and he had drug paraphernalia. So law enforcement is screwing with us while breaking all the laws they want. with these surveillance operations they are digging up dirt on people to hold over their heads and control them. Thank that creepy bastard Hoover who ran the FBI. We are a surveillance society.This tenant was so surprised at how much I knew that he and police wrote up a complaint that he thought I had tapped his phone line. When I evicted him the hallway outside the court room was full of police congratulating him. Sick world.Then they started up later across the street and it started all over again. the problem as my father says it is," your problem is you are to good". He has said this twice now after a few drinks. Maybe it would have been better if they caught us doing something they could have held over our heads.Peter Rosenholm