Posted by treelaw45 TI on September 29, 2009 at 1:59am
#665 G20 protesters blasted by sonic cannonAllen wrote: protesters blasted by sonic cannonUS police spark outrage by using wartime acoustic weaponto disperse G20 protesters in Pittsburgh#665 from me:This was just the light treatment of directed energy weapons. No one hurt so it may seem as a reasonable alternative compared to filmed footage of police beating people with batons and kicking them while they are down in the news and music videos. Those Videos on the tape you should be receiving today Julianne should have a little more meaning now.Tell me that you wouldn't describe that as blasting crickets as I described it when I first joined this group and when describing the attack mode of the weapon that left me shaking and pissing brown by morning. Only my attack was microwave. they attacked me from just after midnight until just before dawn from a vehicle that had bulled up beside my house, from only a few feet away. this is like reading a book and knowing the ending already.They have this weapon in microwave. that is what I was hit with now hearing loss but the shaking might have been damage to my nervous system and the pissing brown make have been blood in my urine.Of course you all heard the rest, going to the hospital, drugged unconscious for over a day and attempting to hide that fact. (possible chipping or other advanced military tracking and monitoring). Then they tested other weapons like the ultra or infra sound laugh attack, What I call silent MEDUSA which is torture to the nervous system and almost unbearable. sure to falsely make most anyone appear delusional.They then get far sicker with the silent MEDUSA-like attack with the V2K forced suicide attempt where they attempted to use my love of my children to make me attempt suicide. Who out there can imagine hearing your 8 year old daughter kidnapped and being harmed while you are being told to kill your self to save hear life all while she is calling to you, you her parent and protector. then with wet towels as protection they then begin to attack the man in the other bed in the room for the next week of so with cameras trained on us.The real point of all this is the reason for this. the records say police hospitalized me while they searched my home for bomb making materials. The truth is police botched a staged attack and false arrest, psyop style and I was trying to expose this.The reason for this is either because I filed a complaint against a police officer who was targeting me who I can now prove put porno and gun magazines on my trash with the address of a cop and who then took the evidence without filing a report so as to hide the crime. Or..the drunk off duty want-to-be-a-cop who had worked as a temp and while drunk shoved me and got shoved back. Only because I wanted to speak with him about the neighbor he had driven home. Who came home every night like a missile crashing into the cars in my driveway while my kids were in it and even taking out his chain link fence across the road.Obviously they are bullshit reasons if we look deeper still billions of dollars are being made by greedy men who pay off greedy politicians to reap(er) billions of dollars on the innocents pain and misery.I know how this story ends.Peter Rosenholm