#675a fractal cell phone antennas for microwave communicationsI'm only guessing but it would seem to be some type of fractals antenna screen room. Someone put up a reply on another site saying Roger Tolces advertises some type of screen room but that you had to stay in there for three days for it to start to work. I also read that it's effect was limited.A question comes to mind if I add this post to #677 does damaging our Blood Brain Barrier have something to do with V2K, and how long does it take for our Blood Brain Barrier to heal if the low level microwaves we are hit with stop?Peter Rosenholmhttp://www.bugsweeps.com/Advanced Electronic security Co.Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM). Using The BEST Technology AvailableElectronic Bug sweeps to detect and eliminate electronic eavesdropping and surveillance devices. Detection of bugs, detection of wiretaps, detection of hidden cameras.any info on cell phone jammers?as to how to make ?
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