#678b Passive and Active Milimeter wave Surveillance AugmentedI'd like to tell you another deduction if you haven't already heard it from me. I was attacked with what I believe was the high powered MEDUSA weapon to put me in the hospital and start the involuntary commitment with being drugged for over twenty four hours unconscious while they tried to hide this fact and hide this day from their records. What happened to me in that missing day would only be speculation, but the point is is that this weapon was a high powered microwave directed energy weapon and had the same blastingly loud attack mode as LRAD but microwave and only I could hear it. Both were developed by the Navy so it makes sense that they could have the same sounding attack mode.Here is what I think is important, the MEDUSA weapon is clearly a weapon but other components to this surveillance method or system of lie detecting and psychological torture and forced suicides may not be.For one LRAD is designated as a hailing devise but as the G20 demonstration showed the attack with this weapon on the protesters by this device using it's attack mode was clearly a weapon that sent people scattering. This is in violation of our right to peacefully protest. The only group that wasn't attacked at the protest filed for a permit to protest. That leaves them vulnerable to be put under surveillance and targeted later. On whale wars the TV show, the captain or a crew member said of LRAD on an episode that LRAD was more than a loud deterrent devise that it could leave you wriggling on the floor incapacitated. Further speculation would be that LRAD has Microwave capabilities that aren't disclosed and it is being purchased by police with federal monies, but this is only speculation right now.Only weeks earlier LRAD was parked out side a town hall meeting in San Diego California where the top police officer was said to have been involved in the Ruby Ridge incident. It was also said he came from federal law enforcement and was involved in the cover-up of Ruby Ridge. Of further note is the American Technologies corporation is based in San Diego.I read a Justice department writing on non-lethal weapons from 1992 I think and the message of this writing was that these weapons are a liability tool for law enforcement. At the end they directly reference Ruby Ridge, Rodney King and the Waco incidents stating that no law enforcement officer was ever convicted of any charges in those incidents.Another report On TV claimed that although police officers are in some large number like 40 thousand accidents a year not one ever claimed the police officer was at fault. Yet even another study of law enforcement by the CIA that was on CNN claimed the biggest problem with law enforcement was that they falsely arrest and imprison some large number of people per year. There is a clear bias by law enforcement and innocent people are paying the price.The problem with covert directed energy weapons if they are to be incorporated into law enforcement for use against citizens would be the the character of the people using them along with over-site so as that they would not be used to harm, torture and kill. What doesn't kill and yet immobilizes the target is surely capable of torture by inflicting pain for long periods of time. We have seen the Bush/Cheney teams push to make torture legal already, this has been a goal of our government for some time apparently.Officials are looking into threatening a suspected terrorists family with harm in his interrogation and they have done the same to me via V2K. In another admission a suspected terrorist is threatened with a drill. I was threatened with mark executions with guns by law enforcement via V2K. The harm they did to my business, employment, my marriage and my children was real if not covert in nature.So the weapons system used to torture has the basic components of V2K for interrogation an psychological attacks, and passive or active millimeter wave surveillance for surveillance and to monitor the effects of the questioning,torture and psychological attacks. This is speculation as V2K has not been officially admitted to and has now been taken off of the Army's list of Acronyms, but I'm sure TIs have copies of this. Here is what I think. I think, V2K has been classified as a hailing devise like LRAD has. This would mean that it has bypassed all weapons laws and weapons treaties just like LRAD did. this would also allow it to be taken and used around the world. This has been the experience of TIs attempting to move out of the US for relief. The other main component, passive or active millimeter wave surveillance also seems harmless enough when used for surveillance and to save trapped people in collapsed buildings. Together they are two components of the most advanced covert weapon system going and possibly not considered a weapon at all. If fact they are promoted as devises that save lives when the truth is they are killing people in forced suicides like the attempt on my life.The weapons system can be augmented with of non-lethal weapons as well like the voice cloning that makes targets think family, friends, neighbors or coworkers are responsible for there V2K attacks. This may explain the mass killing or people going postal. This would even be used to promote and accelerate the procurement of these weapons by law enforcement. These types of attacks also help promote the false diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia that TIs are accused of and who honest mental heath officials could honestly mistake for the real illness opening the door to being subdued, medically castrated, silenced or killed by harmful psychotics medicines. I think voice cloning was used to augment my attacks as well.Another weapon to augment my attacks I believe was MEDUSA in silent mode. This attack combined with the rest of the weapons is almost unbearable and makes surviving the assault even more difficult if not impossible. This is just my take on the legality and use of directed energy weapons, by this time most targets have already been softened up by ,"Street theater", stalking and attacks against employment and family bonds. It is also possible for a target to be involuntarily committed by law enforcement who act as the mental health representatives for mental health officials in most towns. being wheeled in strapped to a gurney is also meant to push the target over the edge of sanity and is just one more aspect of there targeting and torture. Since these weapons are microwave and through wall the attacks can still continue. There is no place of refuge from this type of attack.Peter Rosenholm
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