#684 psychologists exemption from mass delusion based on faithI read a psychological analysis of religion once and how it fell under the heading of mass delusion but was exempted from being an illness as being a faith. All other beliefs are expected to be verified by proof and evidence to support an individuals claims. This also means the saying "if no one heard a tree fall in the woods did it", is in favor with authorities? Covert operations seem to be breaking the laws especially when TIs are attacked. Law enforcement now deems it OK to commit any act so long as it can't be proven and they further support these acts by controlling what crimes are reported, what is investigated and what is recorded. Kind or like history is recorded by the victor.That is the really of what they think. Bush was asked in an interview about what he thought of his legacy as the 43 president with the unjust war in Iraq and economic collapse. He actually smirked and said he will let those who record history decide what his legacy will be like some kind of inside joke. Obviously ignoring the mess he is responsible for and counting on historical record keeping to see him in a better light.Imagine the trouble they would be in if they hauled the pope off to a mental hospital and zombified him with psychotics calling him delusional. Yet that is exactly what communism did by outlawing religion. They vilified any threat to the governments authority. The government was the highest authority and woe to anyone or any group that opposed it's view. Stalin even had a constant list of subjects to be executed numbering in the many millions. Kind of like TIs today and he took full use of the mental health facilities to attack, discredit and imprison dissenters. At least religion sets as it's goal as the betterment of man and attempts to set a high standard on how man should treat other men. It's not a bad thing for people to humble themselves under a higher power and to strive for the best qualities in men rather than the covert subversion of targeted individuals or groups they oppose. That might be where the right to face your accuser comes in.This is what is happening in the US, it's a covert drive for domestic and world domination. "For the People By the People", is now a threat as is the constitution to authorities. This government is making itself the ultimate authority ignoring what the people want. The politicians once elected do whatever they seem fit for their own interests. The corrupt are beginning to edge out those with sincere intentions to represent the people for our greater good.It's called a, "Totalitarian Democracy", when elected officials do not act in the interest of the people who voted them in.Peter Rosenholm
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