Posted by treelaw45 TI on October 24, 2009 at 2:39am
#692 Mother Earth Journal/ gangstalking | cause stalking | organized stalking Earth Journal experience of environmental / Native American reporter Terri Hansen on september 10, 2009: search third story down on this site.Thursday, September 10, 2009Stalking takes on its cruelest form: gangstalking | cause stalking | organized stalkingThis blog covers environment, science and health issues of importance to North America’s indigenous peoples and it will do that again soon, once I shake off my stalkers. You read that right and for the record, stalkers is plural. I am the author of this blog and news reporter of other online news sites and newspapers. It is with reluctance that I acknowledge I am experiencing harassment by an unknown group of men and women intent on malicious physical and mental mischief.This group is spurred by suspected instigators who believe they have cause for revenge against both myself and my 18-year-old daughter. Their goal is to physically, mentally and emotionally destroy health, wellbeing, and ultimately even life. I am not overdramatizing the situation.This is why I have not been on top of recent breaking news about the reemergence of H1N1 Influenza A (swine flu) in Indian Country. President Obama’s top science advisors say Native Americans are in the same high risk category as pregnant women, infants and young children with more severe outcomes predicted in Native communities, yet the $350 million in federal grant monies intended to meet the challenges of H1N1/A bypassed the tribes and went solely to the states, with no language obligating them to share monies with the tribes.I am one of Indian Country’s key environment, science and health reporters and this continual stalking has disrupted a number of news reports, from climate disruptions to water issues in the West. I turned down a medical fellowship. I didn’t apply for a fellowship to an important conference of colleagues. Although not initially a hate crime, there is that element among the stalkers.When I can escape the torment the reporting will begin with renewed vigor. Until then the only way I see to get myself out of their trap is by doing what I do best: report a horrifying but real phenomena in our country; adhere to being a trained observer, document the facts, report the story. I am still in the fact gathering phase but you understand my need to get it to the public, right? And you forgive editorial. Thank you readers!I am being gang stalked. That means an organized group is methodically stalking and terrorizing me.For those being individually stalked resources are available through the National Center for Victims of Crime: Stalking Resource Center (For Victim Assistance, please call 1-800-FYI-CALL (1-800-394-2255), M-F 8:30 AM – 8:30 PM EST, or e-mail, although the NCVC acknowledges they receive calls describing point by point the gangstalking and techniques I have witnessed they have no resources to offer victims of organized stalking. Instead they offer sympathy and the following tips: Document every incident, take photos if you can. Have no contact with your stalkers. If you feel threatened call 911 and describe only one of your stalkers. The authorities take one stalker seriously. What this tells me is that these stalkers mimic legitimate investigations, and resources such as this fear interfering with a lawful investigation.When I had enough "aha" moments to realize I was being maliciously stalked by more than one person, with someone actually entering my home on occasion I originally thought I’d escape it by moving to Portland, Oregon, which I did, at some expense.Once in Portland a car full of four people yelled "Kill your brother!" at my brother and I in downtown Portland. Nor can I shake them in my new home or new surroundings. It’s become clear they are with me perhaps the rest my life, and that they mean to inflict serious harm. I am under a doctor’s care because physically, they already have.In a way it’s related to my reporting of environmental health due to the tools they employ, like toxic exposures, pulled from their grab bag of harassment toys. And it’s related to environmental justice in that they are keeping me from reporting critical and timely information to my primarily indigenous readers. It likely constitutes a hate crime, too. If they silence me forever it will mean a loss to environmental reporting, as part of an overall plan is to attract Native reporters to the environment beat.It took months to fathom I was a recipient of intentional toxic chemical exposures, and covert microwave and radiowave technology. I understand some victims never know what hit them. Others simply commit suicide. So how did I get in this jam?Apparently ex-relatives are involved in these gangstalking groups (I say that with background information that confirms the association), and are relentlessly and ruthlessly retaliating by unleashing these gangstalkers on me, at my home in Sunriver moving to Portland, Oregon.I’m still learning and this site is a work in progress. Also note: I am under attack as I type.Yesterday all my "followers" were men wearing light denim long sleeved shirts and Levis. They want to unnerve me, yet fit into any crowd. Their tactics are abusive, they are recruited to torture.I’ve ordered the book, "Cause Stalking." Here are a few reviews from Amazon:A Common Problem That People Don’t Know About Yet, May 15, 2008By David BullivantIn terms of big worldwide, life-shaking events, cause stalking, gangstalking, organized stalking, etc. is the biggest thing out there right now. The only problem is that most people as of yet have not heard of it. Upon hearing about it, most will dismiss it as the ravings of lunatics.Do you enjoy your freedoms? Enjoy them while you can. I lost mine a number of years ago to this very subtle and covert form of harassment. It may sound harmless, but the goal is to render the target jobless, friendless, suicidal, or to an ultimate death as a result of nonstop and ever increasing stress.Evil exists and it exists in the hearts and minds of the powerful to do wickedly against those who have little or no power.Advise to victimsBy Paul CortinaMy only complaint about this book is that it doesn’t offer enough information about what victims should do.If you are a victim of gang stalking the first thing you should do is contact The National Center for Victims of Crime: Stalking Resource Center. The Stalking Resource Center is funded by the U.S. Department of Justice so it is the most reputable organization that is knowledgeable about gang stalking. [Editors Note: I contacted the National Center for Victims of Crime Stalking Resource Center, they acknowledge organized, or gang stalking, but can offer no resources.]They can help you find a Mental health professional that will treat you for Traumatic stress and not falsely label you delusional simply because they are ignorant that this form of stalking is going on.Unfortunately there are currently no laws relating to group stalking so the law will do nothing to help. The best victims can do right now is try to raise awareness. The media is the only way to stop this growing social problem.Good Luck!CAUSE STALKINGBy Frank L. RaffaeleGreat Book!Unless you encounter one of these groups, it’s hard to believe that they exist. Some of these groups are so well integrated into communities that they operate almost seamlessly from the community. It would have been interesting for the author to have speculated on how these groups are financed. They are, however, so clandenstine and extremely well managed that it would be hard to find out unless they can be infiltrated. Just be careful about the neighbor you don’t like, he or she might belong to a group.Meeting one of these groups one realizes that the question of evil is not just a topic for theologians.A breakthough for the victims of Organized Stalking October 7, 2008By E. CanezCOERCIVE. This approach involves the use of threat, force, fiat, or other means that may lead people to "go along," even against their wishes. Ordinarily, the target feels some degree of tension and stress in these circumstances. The individual experiencing coercive influence is faced with real, material loss or disadvantage in resisting the influence attempt. In Strategies of Community Intervention: Macro Practiceby Jack Rothman et. al.Cause StalkingRadical right puritans crusading against sin while sinning themselves is an old morality play. Known criminals are empowered and deputized as investigators. They stalk, harass and assault their targets and families. Vandalizing, breaking and entering to get information to lay charges against the targets. These operations are run as business and the ultimate beneficiaries are their leaders.There is no excuse for those extremists to make me retaliate to create the crimes they are getting paid to prevent. I have no sympathy for those who are violating constitutional and statutory laws to commit genocide and other acts of ethnic and identity extermination.The biggest puzzle we all have encountered is… Why Targeted Individuals complaints are ignored by the police?I want to donate this book to District Attorneys, police departments and members of the media in the cities where I have been assaulted by the self-righteous members of the Community Watch Associations.There is a good review of this book in Eleanor’s White Website www.MultiStalkerVictims.orgThe author’s website www.CauseStalking.netAnother helpful book is Police Officer Captain Robert Snow -Chapter 8th- "Cause Stalking."Stopping A Stalker: A Cop’s Guide To Making The System Work For You This is the only police officer that we know of who recognizes the existence of stalking groups. (The rest of the Law Enforcement Community still in denial.)A Targeted Individual share his experiences inMy Life Changed Forever: The Years I Have Lost as a Target of Organized StalkingThere is a good review of someone who apparently supports vigilante activity (Vigilante Handbook (The Combat bookshelf).AMAZON IS BRAVE TO CARRY THIS BOOK, May 10, 2008By Avraam Jack (USA)Amazon is brave to carry this book. It is about some very evil people that the FBI and police dare not interfere with. (The honest ones that is, the crooked cops are in on it). [Editor's Note: I do not in any way believe lawful authorities are involved. I am trained to work with local and emergency personnel in disaster and newsworthy situations, to disseminate critical information to the public. In that role I have always had cooperation and appreciation.](more t/k)Labels: stalking