7-11-13 journal of last 30 days

9143088272?profile=originalFrom June 14th till July 3rd, almost every day Iv had 2-4 Blackhalks and leased aircraft flying banking and circling me about 4 hours apart. microwave and ELF waves. Electronically ill along with my wife whom in under-treatment for lupus. We had to stay home most the time in bed so ill.
From July 4th till now July 11, No Blackhalks or gang-stalking EMF has been turned down, no microwaves. all emf meters and Rf counters are low. I have seem to be recovering and healing.
On the 9th I received 3 letters back from NSA, FBI and DoD. ( I will be posting them as soon as I respond to them). But on that night at 6:24pm I saw my first Blackhalk (pic included) in 6 days, and ended up stressed that night along with my wife.

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