
Im just posting a side note, everyday for the last week Since this years 6 weeks of tuning me in again like every other year. There has been a definite change in my homes emf field... I use digital analyzers, Gauss meters and RF scanners on most of the days n nights recording changes of signals. If you are a Ti with implants (sensors). It is not easy for the perps to just turn you on. It takes years and years of monitoring and field testing. running and rerunning algorithms, gas lighting and following of you personality. along with monitoring all your phones computers ect ... My point to this is after 20+ years of all this the perps go back to the same system they have always used.. My homes internal AC wiring system in used as an RF antenna. It usually runs around 15.000 mhz to 20,000mhz. BUT!! every day now, right when I wake up it pulses every 4-5 min to 40.000-70.000mhz then back to normal. It happens also at noon goes back to normal and at night around 6pm where it then pulses on and off every 4-5 minutes for an house then stops. During this time is when I have induced dreams 5-6am, eat my first meal noon,and dinner where is a microwaved signal coupled with very high RF pulses for an hour.. these are also the times I get rashes on my wrists ankles feet heart palps high blood pressure fatigue vision issues and body itching... This has goes on for weeks then just stops... Its like clock work. Recording of the human cognome is the first step in human behavioral modification. (mind control) The Human Cognome Project is an effort to reverse engineer the human brain by .... regions of the human cortex by recording changes in brain hemodynamics.

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