im sharing What I think was the beginning...I
grew up in Redwood city (The bay area) Calif, My father was an English professor at Harker Academy (a military school) School I attended as a child.. Iv worked a number of jobs in the science fields in Menlo park and Paloalto. In late 80s early 90, I worked for Haltek Electronics and Autumn information. A high tech Co. where I had the run of the place buying and selling R n D electronics and Test equipment. I spent alot of time at other cutting edge Silicon Vally companies buying out their research equipment hybread labs that were mainly funded by our government (DoD).. Some of the Companies were Raychem, Biotech labs, Raytheon (defense contractor), SRI, Siemens, Stanford University (labs) and Berkly. Moffett Federal Airfield, Where iv been on P3 antisubmarine surveillance planes.
SRI describes its mission as discovery and the application of science and technology for knowledge, performs client-sponsored research and development for government agencies. Haltek and Magnitude electronics were the only Companies in all the bay area that bought surplus electronics. Military, medical, Space, we even had stuff from NASA. .J.D.R. Micro-devices was our subsidiary Company, working on smaller and smaller electronic devices.. I was around small medical and electronic Research n Development hybread devices Military test boards for everything. This was my play ground, My friends were scientist, electronic engineers and Biological engineers a few Doctors. and me just a goofball....I would buy up these disregarded projects by all these Company's and hundreds of other Development technologies strip them down and sell what I could to other Companies, that were interest in all this Tech. This was a few years before the internet. These were the years of BBS... This Is where I figure I drew so much attention to myself. This is where I think I noticed the stalking, Within a year I was hearing others complaining of much worse then stalking, Electronic Harassment... this was 1992 and I had my 1st eye IOL implant at Stanford...
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