#924 Brain entrainment with a high tech strobe light

Home made Lida machine?

I purchased a high tech strobe light a while back that has a dialslowing the flashes per second. An alert brain is said to be at between16 and 24 Hz. That is 1200 flashes per minute at around 20 Hz to causebrain entrainment at that frequency. I am not targeted badly but dealwith sleep deprivation and undesired naps at times when I should be more productive.
I just had a period of passing out and pulled the machine out. I slowedit down to it's slowest on low and it appeared to be running at aboutsix flashes a second. so then increased it to 20 HZ or 20 flashes persecond in the bathroom with no lights. The result was about 10 minutesof intense alertness before the sleepfulness came on.
This couldalso be a sugar problem I developed on Seroquel some years back. Thereis a class action suite again the manufacturer of this medicine for thisnegative effect caused by it's medicine.
The bulbs that are usedflash in the millionths of a second and this devise is used to viewfast moving machines by stopping the motion visually and even causing slow motion in forward and reverse to analise the function of the machine.
This machine has an external out put and could run sound as well oreven infrared light or magnetic pulses like the Lida machine created bythe Russians for brain entrainment.
Test number one for three minutes gave me 10 minutes of full alertness after 3 minutes of exposure.

Peter Rosenholm
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