There has been talk of David Larson winning his case on non-consensual human experimentation.
Carl Spear read a recent court case Larson submitted the end of last year.
He mentions that he was a participant in some program. This might be why he was able to get so much information and evidence. In his court papers he talks about MKultra being started again in some form with out oversite and is funded through 2011 and how he has under gone attacks while running for office and after being elected.
There was more info about patents communicating at designated medical frequencies of around 225 MHz and 400 MHz. In my past writings I was putting two and two together since 225 MHz is the lower end of the GWEN towers. I take it some don't agree with this whole mind control thing involving implants and RNM(remote neural monitoring).
Someone claimed GWEN had been deactivated in response to my post but I wonder what it would take to start them up again...maybe a flip of a switch. In the patents Larson also showed evidence that implants under the skin can travel far further than we had been able to prove, something like 1,500 yards and even under Ideal
condition communicate with objects in orbit.
James Walbert needs to see this if Larson actually won his case. I am waiting to see the Judges ruling as confirmation.
This link will get you a page and other links with this information.
click on issues in blue and these links will come up below in blue as well....I don't have time for exact quotes since I'm working on something else right now of importance. You will have to read for your self.
- Government and Congressional Correspondence
- Letter to U.S. Senate members regarding CIA biomedical activities.
- Letter to U.S. Senate members regarding improper classification relative to Ingmar Guandique who is on trial for the murder of Chandra Levy.
- Requesting legal review, CIA Office of General Counsel, White House Counsel.
- Disclosure to Jan Schakowsky, Chairman of the House Intelligence Subcommittee of Investigations regarding CIA activities.
- Letter to FBI regarding deceptive CIA practices used to deceive Federal Agents.
- Biomedical Intelligence activities at Waco and Oklahoma City.
- Civil Litigation and Court Documents
- Legal document requesting protective orders in Larson v. CIA, FCC, et al.
- Motion filed in U.S. District Court with attached articles of supporting evidence.
- Miscellaneous Documents and Records
- FCC document regarding government biomedical "Program of Research, Experimentation, and Contractual Obligations"
- International Court and U.N. related
- Letter to the International Criminal Court (ICC) regarding research and experimentation upon prisoners in the war on terror
- Letter to the International Criminal Court (ICC), Michel de Smedt, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, State Department, Stephen Rapp, John Durham et al.
Peter Rosenholm