Mass Mind Control:
Science Mysteries
Thetechnotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlledsociety. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained bytraditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuoussurveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete filescontaining even the most personal information about the citizen. Thesefiles will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.
Zbigniew Brzezinski.
Toward a Psycho-Civilized Society
by David G. Guyatt
Thebackground to the development of anti-personnel electromagnetic weaponscan be traced by to the early-middle 1940's and possibly earlier. Theearliest extant reference, to my knowledge, was contained in the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey (Pacific Survey, Military Analysis Division, Volume 63) which reviewed Japanese research and development efforts on a "Death Ray." ..................................
..................................................From 1965 through to 1970, Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency (DARPA),with up to 70-80% funding provided by the military, set in motionoperation PANDORA to study the health and psychological effects of lowintensity microwaves with regard to the so-called "Moscowsignal." This project appears to have been quite extensive and included(under U.S. Navy funding) studies demonstrating how to induce heartseizures, create leaks in the blood/brain barrier and production of auditory hallucinations. Despite attempts to render the Pandora program invisible to scrutiny, FOIAfilings revealed memoranda of Richard Cesaro, Director of DARPA, whichconfirmed that the program's initial goal was to "discover whether acarefully controlled microwave signal could control the mind." Cesarourged that these studies be made "for potential weapons applications."(12)
Following immense public outcry, Congress forbade furtherresearch and demanded that these projects be terminated across theboard. But as former CIA agent Victor Marchetti later revealed, theprograms merely became more covert with a high element of "deniability"built in to them, and that CIA claims to the contrary are a cover story.(13) Despite the fact that many of the aforementioned projects revolvedaround the use of narcotics and hallucinogens, projects ARTICHOKE,PANDORA and CHATTER clearly demonstrate that "psychoelectronics" were ahigh priority. Indeed, author John Marks' anonymous informant (knownhumorously as "Deep Trance") stated that beginning in 1963 mind control research strongly emphasized electronics.
Anobscure District of Columbia corporation called Mankind ResearchUnlimited (MRU) and its wholly owned subsidiary, Systems ConsultantsInc. (SCI), operated a number of classified intelligence, government andPentagon contracts, specializing in, amongst other things: "problemsolving in the areas of intelligence electronic warfare, sensor technology and applications." (14)
MRU's"capability and experience" is divided into four fields. These include"biophysics -- Biological Effects of Magnetic Fields," "Research inMagneto-fluid Dynamics," "Planetary Electro-Hydro-Dynamics" and"Geo-pathic Efforts on Living Organisms." The latter focuses on theinduction of illness by altering the magnetic nature of the geography.Also under research were "Biocybernetics, Psychodynamic Experiments inTelepathy," "Errors in Human Perception," "Biologically GeneratedFields," "Metapsychiatry and the Ultraconscious Mind" (believed to referto experiments in telepathic mind control), "BehaviouralNeuropsychiatry," "Analysis and Measurement of Human Subjective States"and "Human Unconscious Behavioural Patterns."
Employing some old OSS, CIA and military intelligence officers,the company also engages the services of prominent physicians andpsychologists including E. Stanton Maxey, Stanley R. Dean Berthold EricSchwarz plus many more. MRU lists in its Company Capabilities "brain andmind control." (15) Despite vehement claims by MRU's chairman that itis not a "front organization for any branch of the United States Government..." (16) one must treat these claims with a great deal of skepticism.
Therefollowed an extensive hiatus in available informat ion through the1980's up to the present day. This initially appears to have closelyparalleled Ronald Reagan's presidency and not surprisingly flowedonwards during President Bush's term of office. (17) As a result, theonce user-friendly Freedom of Information Actbecame less accessible and more bureaucratic. Search costs soared andmaterial that had been (or scheduled to be) de-classified was reviewedand re-classified. This phenomenon is not an unusual occurrence in theUnited States, and tends to shadow the outward face of Congress. Publicoutrage leads to a temporary liberalization, but as public memoryrecedes (all too quickly) the old institutionalized covert ways quicklyre-engage. We thus move to more recent times.
During 1989 CNNaired a program on electromagnetic weapons and showed a U.S. governmentdocument that outlined a contingency plan to use EM weapons against"terrorists." Prior to the show a DoD medical engineer sourced a storyclaiming that in the context of conditioning, microwaves and othermodalities had regularly been used against Palestinians.
In 1993, Defense Newsannounced that the Russian government was discussing with Americancounterparts the transfer of technical information and equipment knownas "Acoustic Psycho-correction." The Russians claimed that this deviceinvolves "the transmission of specific commands via static or whitenoise bands into the human subconscious without upsetting otherintellectual functions." Experts said that demonstrations of thisequipment have shown "encouraging" results "after exposure of less thanone minute," and has produced "the ability to alter behavior on willingand unwilling subjects." The article goes on to explain that combined"software and hardware associated with the (sic) psycho-correctionprogram could be procured for as little as U.S. $80,000." The Russianswent on to observe that "World opinion is not ready for dealingappropriately with the problems coming from the possibility of directaccess to the human mind." .........................
Just ecerpts, go to the link for full story