ATI who uses the Library for its Internet service told me yesterday thatbooks were being listed that would be banned. They were on the deskwith plain wrapper hiding the covers from patrons. This may have been aform of
protest I'm not sure. On the list was, "George Orwell's 1984", "A Brave New World " and Animal Farm",among others. These Books were encouraged when I went to school and"Animal Farm" was an assignment. I found examples of libraries doingthis in the past on the Internet only to have the ban over turned.
Below is a new scenario though with Amazon deleting books like thesefrom peoples electronic reader accounts. If the day comes
when booksaren't needed and we all have electronic readers we may wake one day tofind we have witnessed Hitler's book burning in a new way.
Thesame might be said for for Jay Rockefeller's bills S773 and S778 wherethe executive branch wants the right to shut down the Internet.
Just a note: Microwaving books that are deteriorating can help preservethem by killing the organisms devouring them..............the same isbeing done to us, isn't it.
Slate: The future and what to do about it.
Why 2024 Will Be Like Nineteen Eighty-FourHow Amazon's remote deletion of e-books from the Kindle paves the way for book-banning's digital future.By Farhad ManjooPosted Monday, July 20, 2009, at 5:53 PM CEO Jeff Bezos with a KindleLet's
give Amazon the benefit of the doubt—its explanation for why it deleted
some books from customers' Kindles actually sounds halfway defensible.
Lastweek a few Kindle owners awoke to discover that the company had reachedinto their devices and remotely removed copies of George Orwell'sNineteen Eighty-Four and Animal Farm. Amazon explained that the bookshad been mistakenly published, and it gave customers a full refund. Itturns out that Orwell wasn't the first author to get flushed down theKindle's memory hole. In June, fans of Ayn Rand suffered the same fate—Amazon removed Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, and The Virtue of Selfishness, with an explanation that it had "recently discovered a problem".........
Rockefeller's S773, S778 and Internet Cybersecurity ...