#980 John B Alexander: mind control: why you?

#980 John B Alexander: mind control: why you?

On the history channels that's incredible I recall John B Alexandersaying, "if people are the victims of mind control then why them"?
I just want to point out that this question was made to make you lookat yourself for the cause of your torture. Just like victims ofmolestation or incest or any other assault ask what did they do todeserve this treatment. Did I
walk down the wrong alley at the wrong time? Don't be baited. Themilitary studies how to create or allow a false flag to happen, how toquickly kill and destroy any opposition and make them think it was alltheir fault that women, children and babies are blown to bits.
It is not about anything you did, it is just another exercise inlearning how to have complete control over people's, mind, body andsoul. Never give up your soul, ever, we are not that stupid. This is psychological warfareand you need to know this is their goal while believing in your self,in spite of all the people being programmed around you while watching TVprograming. Always wondered why they call it that, "TV Programming"?
A TI told me today that their mother understands what is happeningfrom a CSI show or something. They showed characters who believed likewe do, but the show proved that they were crazy and delusional. People
can't hear voices in their head and be normal. Of course TV doesn'tTalk about the Navies MEDUSA weapon or microwave hearing, at least noton the mindless authority and medical based dramas people watch. Thepowers don't want the population educated in reality so that thisdemocracy can work. That is how TV programming works, it sets theboundaries in peoples minds of what is real and what is not. Of courseall the agents are good looking, well groomed and actors and all thecrazies are ruffed up.
I also thing they leak out what technologies are going to be exposedin the near future through Scifi and fictional shows so when technologyis exposed it won't be to traumatic for the public.
Now I think they wish to discredit us while slowly exposing it to the population. Let's face it Hollywood should be called, "Mind Control

Peter Rosenholm
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