#982 TIs with microwave induced high TriglyceridesOmega3

In the Story below about the microwave attack on our embassy in Moscow they mention high triglyceridesin the blood. I have written about Seroquel also doing the same and thesoldiers gaining 40 lbs and dying of a heart attack in their sleep inless than a year. This was done to me but I survived a heart rate thataccelerated up to 180 bpm. I was lucky, but now off this medicine mytriglycerides are still high. On the medicine they were 1,500. Off ofthe medicine last year they were 600, then 500 6 months ago and now theyare 450. Anything above 150 is considered high and puts you at risk of aheart attack because triglycerides is like three sugar moleculesattached, they are large and thicken your blood. This might also bewhy I have lived in front of a fan for the last 10 or so years. Justlike the attack on the embassy staff I have high triglycerides. I alsobelieve many of you do as well from themicrowave hearing effect or other microwave weapons. I showed my doctorthis article and explained why mine will never likely come down to safelevels unless he had some kind of solution.
We had agreed a whileback to move forward from what had been done to me and work onrestoring my health, but he had to know of my concern that this maystill be happening and will never end. What he suggested is that I thentake between 2,000 and 2,500 mg of omega 3 twice a day. This isexpensive with capsules but I recall going to a feed and grain supplierand buy a quart for very cheap. He told me to calculate the omega3 andconvert it to teaspoons or table spoon quantities so that I got thesuggested 2,000 to 2,500 mg per dose twice a day. I am a big man so manyof you might be OK with a smaller amount, but please have yourtriglycerides checked. This may also be a way to show you are beingirradiated with microwaves.
Below is thearticle by, "TIME cnn" about the embassy attack and at the bottom the link to the PTSD soldiers dying in there sleep:

Peter Rosenholm

Science: Moscow Microwaves - TIME
Butsome officials expressed concern for the health of embassy residentsand workers. ... They can cause cataracts and raise levels of serumtriglycerides, ... Physicist Fred Sterzer, director of RCA's Microwave Technology Center at...
www.time.com/time/magazine/.../0,9171,918076,00.html - Similar

TIME.com CNN.com

Science: Moscow Microwaves
Monday, Feb. 23, 1976

Americandiplomats and their families have learned to live with the fact thatthe walls of the U.S. embassy in Moscow are probably infested with"bugs" put there by the Russians. But last week they were givensomething else to worry about. Embassy staffers and their families weretold that high levels of microwave radiation had been detected in thenine-story embassy building on Tchaikovsky Street. The source: Sovietantennas, which are beaming the waves in both to charge up the batteriesof their listening devices and to jam embassy-based U.S. electronicmonitoring of Russian communications.

U.S. officials were notalarmed about any serious breach of embassy security; diplomatsroutinely hold important conversations in alead-shielded "safe" room that is regularly swept for bugs. But someofficials expressed concern for the health of embassy residents andworkers. High-intensity microwaves, like those used in electronickitchen ovens, can "cook" human cells. They can cause cataracts andraise levels of serum triglycerides, or blood fats, in humans,predisposing them to heart attacks. The waves can also interfere withthe operation of heart pacers.

State Department officials insistthat they have thus far found no ill effects from the radiation. ButPentagon scientists have recommended that the U.S. demand an immediatehalt to the microwave bombardment. They have also proposed putting inalarms to let embassy staffers know when they are being irradiated sothey can leave the building.

Physicist Fred Sterzer, director ofRCA's Microwave Technology Center at Princeton, N.J., points out thatthere are well-known and commonly used countermeasures. All theembassy need do, he says, is use metal Venetian blinds, place a layerof wire mesh under its floors, and paper its walls with metal foil,which can then be covered with regular wallpaper. These precautionswould not only block any incoming microwaves, but would also preventbugs in inside walls from sending signals outside the building bymicrowave.

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,918076,00.html#ixzz12LxmNR1l

Soldiers dying in their sleep: http://tinyurl.com/2evp6l6
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