Thanks to for putting this up.
She is extremely brave and courageous for tryingto expose this in the courts and on the news. In the future....about 50 years when the governmentusually admits to wrong doings I wonder if people then will be able torelate to attacks, harassment, suicides and murder that we areexperiencing?
Hillary and Bill Clinton's admissions and apologies concerning non-consensual human experimentation that happened 50 years ago at Guatemalaand Tuskegee are disturbing but do people loose the connectionthat this is still taking place in varying forms. I have to wonder ifanyone tried to expose these experiments in the days when they werehappening? Did they loose there jobs did their wife or husband desertthem and run off with another?
The first stories I here of OSwithout the directed energy weapons were with the Stazi in East Germanyor the practice of, "Spotlighting"(OS) in the UK. I wonder if we couldsome how find records of the victims suffering from this type of assaultwhen trying to expose a horrible crime against humanity that they were a victim of.
In 2060 will a president or secretary of state be apologizing forexperimenting on American citizens with directed energy weapons andpsyop tactics to discredit, misdirect, drug, chip and kill the TIs oftoday? Or will they still be using the weapons and psyops and justdiscuss testing of RF and microwave on the population? A sugar coatedversion so to speak, even so, ugly and brutal as it will appear at thetime. From the actions of police and the FBI there will be little or norecord of what has happened to me. It will in fact if left to the lawenforcement and mental health records at the moment to appear that I wasconsidered a possiblebomb maker and that I was involuntarily committed for twelve days andput on disability. We need to change that. Through our efforts we canleave the message of what truly happened.
Peter Rosenholm