So many people say that we don't have evidence or that this isn't the government so I will list what I have here. A real investigation would expose far more:
1. East Bay mental health records say that I was hospitalized by police while they searched my home for bomb making materials. A scan of this page is on mcforums and mcactivisms photo page.
Far more than that happened like the false diagnosis, the attempt at a forced suicide using V2K, MEDUSA and voice cloning.
2. I have written about the supposed MEDUSA attack long before the Navy admitted to this weapon. That in it self is evidence how do I know of a powerful microwave weapon that only I could hear years before its admission. It also has the same attack mode as LRAD another weapon developed by the Navy. I described this as blasting crickets until I heard the demonstration of LRAD on the military channel.
When heard the clearest you will hear the clicking like crickets.
3. Before being committed police moved the brother of two past police into my second floor apartment. This may be an association of there intent. Others were found to be up there when he was away exposing to me that something was wrong. At this time the surveillance was abusive with V2K and I was followed where ever I went in my apartment till I stopped then something heavy would be dropped on the floor above me.
4. A tape of me talking to my attackers before the MEDUSA attack was taken with me to the hospital after the all night attack left me shaking and pissing brown. I'm sure these would be the recorded effects of that length of exposure to the attack mode and I'm sure the tape was recorded. Later I tried to file a police report. Police refused but took the tape for safe keeping. Later they said they didn't know where the tape was.
5. Because of the false diagnosis and 12 days of involuntary commitment I was given an appointment to a psychiatrist. I cancelled because I knew full well I was under attack. Records at East Bay Mental Heal say just this that police informed them that I didn't make the appointment so they contacted me. this proves that I was under surveillance by police.
6. The Doctor that was drugging me to death on 1,400 mg per day of Seroquel over twice the maximum dose named Dr. Mindi Rosenbloom wrote in the East Bay mental Health records that I still suffered from the delusion that police had me under surveillance and that I had been attacked by a "Radiation weapon". Right in the records that she had was the evidence that this was not a delusion that I had been attacked. Still she was drugging me to death which will be expose on the next evidence number by the Huffington post article.
7. Huffington post exposes troops taking high doses of Seroquel are gaining 40 lbs and dying in their sleep in less than a year.
Cilla McCain Author, Murder in Baker Company
Posted: June 23, 2010 05:42 PM
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Dying In Their Sleep: The Invisible Plague Attacking U.S. Soldiers
This proves they were experimenting this form of murder almost ten years earlier on me.
Dr. Mindi Rosenbloom's expertise was also in Geriatrics. Because of a very high rate of deaths the elderly had died in large numbers causing a death warning to be put on the prescription bottle shortly after I had learned of my attacks and had gotten records to prove it. Both the elderly and troops coming home are on government assistance something that I was forced into from my attacks. Are they experimenting on me and others to learn how to kill our elderly who spent there live being productive members of society and troops on disability that have risked their lives for this country.
8. The beginning or this directed energy weapons revolution started when our Embassy was attacked by the Russians with low level microwaves as a form of surveillance like radar or millimeter wave surveillance and to charge the listening devises. I third purpose was to harm the staff at the embassy. the staff had complained about feeling nautions and sick. In this early story by TIME/cnn below they thought the only physical harm was high try glycerides leading to an increased risk of heart attack. Later they died of lukemia and other ailments. The article though shows that the microwaves increase tryglycerides as dose the drug Seroquel above killing the troops and the drinking of alcohol. These together are a sure slow kill.
...................But some officials expressed concern for the health of embassy residents and workers. High-intensity microwaves, like those used in electronic kitchen ovens, can "cook" human cells. They can cause cataracts and raise levels of serum triglycerides, or blood fats, in humans, predisposing them to heart attacks...........................
Read more:,9171,918076,00.html#ixzz130mLwJvA
9. My triglycerides have been as high as over 1,500 when when drugged on Seroquel. I also believe I'm being hit with low level microwaves. Anything above 150 is considered high and you are at risk of a heart attack. I had such an attack where my heart raced to 180 bpm. I was rush ed the hospital and lived. They tlod me I didn't have a heart attack and my heart looked strong by nuclear imaging, all are on record. Before I left the hospital two plain clotheed women came in and told me what was happening and to change doctors, get off the medines or I would be dead. I now have the records and evidence and have put all the peices together. This is real and a crisis in our country that we have to face, the exterminaion of undesirables by our government.
Peter Rosenholm