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Project Mannequin

James Casbolt is a former MI6 agent who worked in 'Black ops' drug trafficking operations in London between 1995 and 1999. He comes from a line of intelligence people. His grandfather was naval intelligence, his father was MI6 who was also involved in 'Black ops' and his uncle was an MI5 officer in Logistics. From Cornwall England, James wishes to make amends for his part in these operations and blow the whistle on the crimes against Humanity that the intelligence agencies are involved in. MI6 and the CIA have cornered the global drugs trade (which is worth at least £500 billion a year, this is more than the global oil trade) and are now bringing the majority of illegal street drugs into America and Britain.
They are using this drug money to fund projects classified 'Above top secret' which include the building and maintaining of deep underground military bases (DUMBS). There are now over 4000 of these bases worldwide and the average depth of these bases is four and a quarter miles. Some are shallower and some are deeper. The bases are on average the size of a medium sized city and yes, he says there are aliens in them.
James is connected to ex intelligence people who have worked in these underground bases and on other ET related projects. There are vast numbers of children and adults disappearing around the world and ending up in these underground bases. As a former MI6 Agent that has seen aliens first hand and has inside information that will shock even the most disbelieving person. Every person alive on the planet today needs to be aware of this information for their futures.

What Exactly Was Your Function at MI6 and How Did You Get Involved?

My function at MI-6 was as a drug runner. I worked on covert drug trafficking operations in London and Brighton between 1995 and 1999. I worked with my father Peter Casbolt on national drug runs. My father was also an MI-6 agent. He was involved in much higher level international drug trafficking. He worked with the CIA and mafia in Rome in 1992 bringing cocaine and heroin into this country [Britain].

He also owned a trucking company in Malaga, Spain in the mid 90’s, which was a front for an MI-6 cannabis trafficking operation. Speedboats would come from Morocco to the Costa del sol loaded with cannabis and then be put into the lorries. The lorries would sometimes be loaded with fruit and the drugs would be hidden underneath the fruit.

As well as getting paid by MI-6, my father would be allowed to keep a small amount of the larger international drug shipments. My father and I sold the drugs that ’fell off the back of the lorry’ in this country.
To give you an example of one of the drug operations I was involved in, we met an IRA contact in South London in the mid 90’s. This man (whose identity I cannot reveal) took us to his flat and gave my father and I 4 kilos of cocaine. This flat was his ’office’ which he used for drug business and he didn’t live there. My father and I then delivered the cocaine to another location in North London.

My father was empowered to recruit other agents for the MI-6 drug trafficking and recruited me. However my family’s involvement in the global intelligence community runs much deeper than running drugs for MI-6. Here we get into an even more complicated issue regarding multi-generational MK Ultra type mind control. I come from a line of British intelligence people.

My Grandfather (on my Father‘s side) was naval intelligence, my father’s brother was a MI-5 officer in Logistics, his name is Brian Casbolt. My grandfather was also a high-ranking freemason and the whole family were Mormons.
I have been experiencing abduction type scenarios from at least the age of five. For example, I have seen small grey beings around my bed on many occasions since I was a child. At these times I felt myself ’floating’ upwards but I was paralyzed and could do nothing about it. I have had needle wounds in my arms and many other of the usual abduction type scenarios. I have photographic proof of strange lights and laser beams in my bedroom, faces materializing in front of me, needle puncture wounds on my arms and other things on my website. It turns out however that most of these abductions were military abductions and not extra-terrestrial.

By working with professionals who specialize in de-programming mind control issues and also by working with NSA personnel, I have been able to confirm that these abductions and my working with MI-6 have all been part of a highly classified mind control, cloning and genetic enhancement program known as Project Mannequin.

Project Mannequin was and is being run by the NSA from an underground facility in Peasmore, Berkshire in the UK. I grew up in this area.

The NSA is using computer-generated life forms which look like the classic Grey alien. These are basically robots that the military create for use in project Mannequin abductions in this country. They are known as PLF’s. PLF stands for programmable life forms. The technology was given to the NSA in human/ET treaties which started back in the 1930’s.

Two malevolent ET races that seem to be important in this are the Zetan greys and Draconian reptilians from the Orion and Draconis star systems. NSA personnel who I have spoken to call the greys ’Zetan bio-robots’ as they appear to be some kind of slave race created by and for a reptilian ET race from Draconis.

I cover these beings and the treaties in detail on my website.
Project Mannequin is a program to create genetically enhanced assassins, espionage agents and sleeper agents with PSI/psychic abilities. Most people are unaware of their part in the program because of sophisticated memory erasure procedures. The NSA is looking for people of certain bloodlines and these are mainly people of Celtic/Blueblood (aristocratic) genetics.

People with these genetics have a predisposition to paranormal ability as these cultures have practiced paranormal abilities for generations. Therefore it is in the genetic memory of individuals with these bloodlines. These individuals have an RH-negative blood factor. My father’s mother was a French aristocrat called Vera De Tillard. The De Tillard family goes back to the French royal family of the French revolution. In the 1950’s a bloodline study was started by the NSA based at Harwell laboratories to find these children to be used in project Mannequin. However my family was targeted for mind control before this.

From this study at Harwell labs project mannequin was then started by the NSA in 1972 at the underground facility in Peasmore. This base also has entrances at Aldermaston and Greenham common. My first memories of my involvement with the project were of being escorted down tunnels at the age of 5 by military personnel.

I have since found out these were openings to the underground network in Greenham common. How I got there I do not remember yet. I have witnessed scenes so terrifying in these facilities that I cannot even begin to talk about them in a public interview. These included being shown non-human entities and caged humans. Again I do not know if these entities were ET’s or military/NSA genetically created beings.

Over the years I have regularly been placed in what is known as a ’trip seat’ in underground facilities. A trip seat looks like a dentist’s chair and is used for accelerated learning utilizing drug-assisted hypnosis. There is a large screen in front of the person and images are flashed extremely fast on the screen. The images flash too fast for the eyes to see, however the subconscious mind takes it all in.

You are taught things like how to access PSI ability and briefed on different extra-terrestrial races and their agendas as well as many other things. This information is stored in compartments in my mind that the handlers of the project only had access to. That was until my memories started to come back at the beginning of last year.
With the de-programming efforts I am slowly accessing more and more of this information. The drug that was injected into me on the trip seat is called scopolamine. This is an accelerated learning drug. On one of my AL sessions that included electroshock to the brain, a man was standing at the right hand side of the seat and a guy in a coat was standing at the left side of the chair.

The man on the right said to me,

“If you forget everything I’ve said to you, remember one thing. He will try and convince you pain is pleasure”.

A strange tone started in my head and then the screen in front of me started flashing. I don’t remember anything after that. A man who claims he was a security officer at the Peasmore underground facility has recently come forward and blown the whistle. He has gone public with diagrams of the trip seat and they were identical to the ones I remembered.

I recovered the memories of the trip seat about six months before I was shown these diagrams. As I said I am still remembering the events of project Mannequin and putting the pieces together. This is not easy for me to write about. As I said, I’m being helped by positive factions in the NSA who have provided me with highly classified information on the project as well as microwave technology to regain my memories.

Doctors who specialize in de-programming mind control are helping me also.
We have uncovered at least five programs that have been installed into me that are classified under Greek letters. For example, Alpha, delta, gamma, theta, omega. To give you an example of this, the ’theta’ program is a PSI/telepathic program that enables me to physically see scalar/sound waves. The most important technology the secret services use is scalar/sound wave based.

You can therefore imagine how important this ability would be to an espionage agent. I have photos in my possession of me manipulating scalar waves. It is possible to capture them on digital camera. Other Mannequin programs that have been installed into are known as ’Janus/end-times’ and ’Lone wolf’. Janus is a ’sleeping’ program that activates when major New World order events happen like 9-11 and the plan for coming martial law in America.

Janus is the two headed Roman god of change. I am actually in a race against time to be de-programmed before the events like martial law in start to happen. If I am not de-programmed in time I may be ’used’ by certain factions in the global intelligence community to advance their agenda’s.
Lone wolf is a NSA program that keeps me from reaching out and getting help with mind control issues. The Lone wolf program is very common to Project Mannequin and MK Ultra victims and I know of other people who have had this program installed. I personally know other genetically enhanced men who have had millions of pounds and dollars spent on their procedures.

Some of these men have not even been used yet and are ’on ice’ waiting for the Janus programs to activate. I was recently sent intelligence regarding a nineteen-year-old man who has recently disappeared after breaking his programming. It turns out he has many of the above-mentioned programs installed in him including Lone wolf. Again these men are in a race against time to break free from the mind control.

This is not easy though as when one layer of programming is uncovered another one is usually revealed underneath it. It can take years of work to strip the layers away as so many programs are present. There are also many different types of agents in project Mannequin. For instance you have a Type A and Type B. Type A is a genetically enhanced human designed for combat with espionage capabilities. Type B is designed for espionage with combat capabilities.

I am a Type B. The nineteen year old is a type A.

How heavy is state/intelligence service involvement in the global drug trade? MI6 and the CIA have cornered the global drugs trade and are now bringing the majority of the street drugs like cannabis, cocaine and heroin into Britain and America. This drug money is being used the feed ’The Octopus’. The Octopus is intelligence speak for the global underground base system which is mainly run by the NSA. There are over 4000 of these bases in different countries now which have been built and funded with drug money.

The global drugs trade run by MI 6 and the CIA with more than a little help from organized crime elements is worth at least £500 billion a year. This is more than the global oil trade. One of my CIA contacts who I will refer to as ’X1’ was involved in the war involved in the now infamous CIA cocaine trafficking ops at the Mena Arkansas airport.

He has photographs of bricks of cocaine and heroin being taken off Fed Ex planes. He has sent me these and other photos through the post but much of my post is being intercepted and I am not receiving it. We plan on meeting face to face in the future to exchange intelligence. X1 says there was a FBI investigation into the Mena Arkansas drug trafficking in 1995 but the CIA came in and took the investigation over.

He also says that he was taken on board a small jet for a ’friendly ride’. When they were flying over one of the local sites the pilot told X1 to look out of the window. The pilot then banked sharply and X1 hit his head on the window.

He started laughing and said,

“See how people get hurt when they see too much”.

What caused you to leave MI6? My father was my main contact into MI 6 and when he died I could not carry on in the drug trafficking. I was a very low-level agent and just a ‘gofer’ for my father really. He died in Doncaster prison in 2003 and was serving six months for possession of false passports.

Officially he died of liver failure.

My father was 53 when he died.

What have you discovered since leaving MI6? I have been able to speak to many people in the global intelligence community since I have left MI 6 and blown the whistle. These men are sick of the New World Order and have approached me because of my website and appearing on different radio shows.

I think the most important information I have learned is the first hand accounts of people who have worked in some of the underground bases and claim to have seen ET’s.

Their stories are on my website.

How has this information been kept secret for so long? The same people who are involved in the Octopus are controlling most of the mainstream media.

For example in an article I wrote last year called ’MI-6 are the lords of the global trade’ I expose the name of the British intelligence man who was the Telegraph newspapers director in 1986. This man was also the Bank of England director from 1987 to 1995.

The bank of England is a major British intelligence drug money laundering bank.

Do you know of any information pertaining to ‘false flag’ terror (e.g. 9-11 or 7/7)? I have been de-briefed by a man connected to MI-6 regarding what really happened on 7/7. However I must get the green light from him before I make a public statement about this. I can comment on 9-11 though. As we know there have been reports about controlled demolition of the twin towers and people claiming it was a bunker busting missile and not a plane that hit the pentagon.

There has been a huge amount of this kind of information in the alternative media and even in the controlled mainstream media. However many people do not know that the missile that hit the pentagon on 9-11, hit the naval intelligence section of the building. This was part of an internal war that is raging in the global intelligence community regarding the ET presence on this planet.

There is a huge amount of in fighting going on and the situation is very complex. There are negative intelligence and shadow government groups like ’Aquarius’ and the 33rd degree and above 'Illuminated' Masonic degrees such as the Scottish Rite, York Rite, 33rd Degree of Zion and Nigerian Rite. Even these malevolent organizations are fighting with each other over control of the planet.

According to an NSA contact, the NSA deals directly with 118 different ET races known as 'The Link'. I have heard rumors in the intelligence community that there is an annual Link meeting at super secret locations on this planet every year and that these meetings have been going for ten years now. I cannot confirm this at the present time. However I can confirm that that there has been a quite campaign in the US and other places in the last 5-10 years for the services of certain ex-military, ex-intelligence and scientists by Link reps.

One of my friends who is a PHD bio-physic claims to have met many Link members and says that many of these ex-military, ex-intelligence people get a third party seat at the annual link meting. I am not sure if Aquarius is present at these meetings but I do know the organization is centered around intelligence organizations such as MI 6 and the CIA.

On the other hand you have you have positive factions in these organizations involved in an internal war. There is a very patriotic group centered around US naval intelligence known as ’Comm 12’. Comm 12 are working with positive ET’s from such places as the Pleiades star system who want to help Humanity but cannot yet land en-masse on the White house lawn for instance.

They are bound by galactic non-intervention laws and cannot disrupt a developing race’s evolution. When the population of a world develop themselves to a certain level of consciousness, the Pleiadians and other benevolent ET races make their presence known on a planetary scale. The missile that hit the naval intelligence section of the pentagon is an example of the internal war being played out by Aquarius and Comm 12.

Negative government factions are basically causing chaos in the world with false flag terrorism, HAARP engineered earthquakes, laboratory created diseases such as AIDS and Ebola and engineered wars to bring about the official formation of a one world government. It is the Masonic motto ’Order out of chaos’ in our faces.

They create the chaos and bring about a New World Order.

The New World Order is not about money. It is about a covert take over of planet earth by malevolent ET races to enable them to harvest the resources on this planet such as food, slave labour, genetic material and minerals. Government factions that have sold out to the Zetan grey and Draconian reptilian forces, for example, are paving a road to hell for this planet. They are now puppets for their puppet-masters that have promised them certain powers and rewards when the official one world government is in place.

A man called Phil Schneider worked for the UN and had one of the highest security clearances in the world called a ’Rhyolite 38’. He claims he was invited to secret UN meeting in a underground base. Phil said in this meeting the table was set out in the same manner as the UN building in new city but with one main difference. This table had an upper level of seats.

According to Phil the UN members took their seats in the lower level chairs and then Tall grey ET’s walked in, took their seats on the upper level and dictated policy to the UN members. Phil was found dead with a rubber hose wrapped around his neck not long after blowing the whistle. This declared a ’suicide’. Phil was in a wheelchair at this point in his life.

How a man in a wheelchair could strangle himself to death with a rubber hose is beyond me!

What do you know about the shadow government? My NSA contact ’X5’ who worked at the Los Alamos underground base says there is ET/shadow government hierarchy in the Octopus.

X5 says that the hierarchy is as follows

  1. Sirian Anunnaki and Draconian reptilans - Supreme group leaders

  2. Tall Greys (Rigelian greys) - Section commanders

  3. Short greys (Zeta Reticulan Greys) - Drone workers

  4. Blue Kobolds- Drone workers (working with Zetan greys in heavy lifting, abductions etc)

  5. Human Illuminists and Committee 300 (33rd degree and above freemasons, once you reach the 33rd degree of Masonry you are initiated into the first level of the Illuminati)

  6. PLF’s (programmable life forms) - military robots used for abductions etc.

When X5 worked at the Los Alamos base a world government Rhyolite 38 security clearance level 3 was required for access.

Although X5 claims this has changed drastically in the last ten years (Please note I referred to X5 as 'G' in the past. A book called 'Agent buried alive' will be out this year published through Dandelion Books.

Many of the details about the issues in this article will be included in my book.

best wishes and love lots




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You can't trust Lisa Gerrard's machine, or God, to get the truth from anyone either.  I told them there were Russians at the window.  There were no Russians at the window.  That "not a lie was spoken" is BS.  They turn you on and ask you a bunch of questions while you're high.  I also said I was going to "make way for new life." Does that sound like a normal response to you?  They had me saying all sorts of weird things.  We all know I'm an undesirable, even though people care for me, and they want my money.  You'd think they were starving.  I told them to kill us all, and they can't come up with a response for me.

Tell me, Lisa, have I come to full terms with my inner Amoeba?  I'm ready to replicate. 


You're all full of shit.

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I do not care if you are riding an auto rickshaw...

You still have carbon footprints that will track this roller-coaster ride back to you.

The SATTELITE contracts.

The Internet control.

The connection to top defense authorities and contractors in the country.

The direct connection to underground bands.

The direct connection to the ARG crowd.

The direct connection to online communities.

The marriage contract to my foremost bully.

My classmate.

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Dear Putin

I think I bagged them all and gave you a good opportunity, so I would like if you would collect my work and then pay me.  How much more do I have to do for you? 


The KGB is not my cup of tea, but I really want a brain.  It's not like the US is going to do anything for me.  All they do is trap and try to kill me, and they are pathetic about it.


Oh baby, baby...


That was kind of fun though.


Now a secret court will say they can detain me, and I don't care.  I'll have to sit and play number games in a cell for the rest of my life.  They'll find a reason anyway.  There is no hope with Obama.  Not my leader, and I'm certainly not proud of you.


I'd work for anyone else but the US, even if I die, after that.

Here's my work:

I don't have a reflection.  What are you going to do?  Shame me more or make me even more useless?  No one could make me a productive member of society.  As usual, you wanted to steal the dime I made.


I like his music.  Don't care about him though.

I know I won't have very many privileges in Russia because foreigners are kind of shunned, but I want out of the USA, and I've certainly done enough for you.


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- Started during WWII with research on hypnosis for interrogation, secure courier duties, and reducing fatigue. Also research into effects of primitive drugs like barbiturates and cannabis as far as drug-assisted interrogation goes.

   George Estabrooks was the leading proponent of hypnosis as the be-all and end-all of manipulating peoples minds. His book, 'Hypnotism', published in the early forties, has been decried as too fantastic and improbable in terms of describing the capabilities of hypnosis with certain very suggestible subjects,but his arguments and examples remain valid to this day.


best wishes and love lots

Estabrooks admitted in 1971 to creating hypnotic couriers and programmed multiple personalities for Military Intelligence purposes in this 1971 Science

Digest article. MUST READ!!
Start of Cold War and Korean War in particular gave a big boost to mind control research with the emergence of 'Brain Washing' as a common term. Supposedly a development of the dastardly Chi-Coms, the term was actually coined by a magazine writer later found to be on the CIA payroll as an agent of influence. Postulating a 'brainwashing gap' The CIA got the go-ahead for
research into countering communist mind control efforts and developing their own to aid in the espionage wars.- Hypnosis, drugs, and psycho-surgery; separately and combined, were the tools of this quest for the ultimate truth serum on the one hand, and the capability to create an agent who could not have his or her mission tortured out of them,or even be aware that they were carrying secret information given to them in an altered state of consciousness. More and more sophisticated drugs were experimented with, such as LSD, Ketamine, and Psilocybine. Lobotomy and the implantation of electrodes were considered as methods for creating a compliant agent. Electro-Convulsive Shock, combined with LSD, sedation for days at a time, and constantly replaying the patient’s own voice through helmet-mounted
headphones was a notorious Canadian researcher’s recipe for mind control.
- One of the most remarkable cases of mind control involves a famous model of the late 40's and 50's named Candy Jones. In the book, "The Control of Candy Jones" the author reviewed hours of tapes made by Candy Jones and her husband which revealed a systematic program to create and manipulate alter personalities
as the foundation for programmed couriers resistant to torture, where the primary personality would not even be aware of the secret information being carried. The information could be summoned forth via a post-hypnotic command or response to a pre-programmed cue.- Research continued into early 70's by CIA's own admission during the Church hearings. John Marks, author of the best study of CIA mind control experiments,makes the subtle differentiation that the CIA congressional witnesses might
truthfully say that all research done by the TSS Directorate had ended, since the programs were moved into other areas once operational techniques had been developed. Many of the names mentioned in reference to mind control research turn up in the few references to supposed dead-end research in ESP.
- There have been persistent rumors of Navy research involving attempts at telepathy from submarines under water, the Nautilus being the most famous of these. Detection of enemy submarines, and communicating with our own, has continued to be an important area of conventional research for the Navy, so it is no surprise that researching the use of ESP for these purposes would be of
interest. Communicating with a submerged submarine is the only kind of communications where the very act of receiving puts the receiver in danger,since submarines must normally stick an antenna out of the water for high speed radio traffic, or rely on trailing a long wire antenna under water relatively near the surface to receive very slow speed traffic using ELF radio waves. Newer
techniques may involve the use of blue-green wavelength lasers, but evidently penetration to any depth is still a problem.
If you look at telepathy as a problem in the transfer of information in a very noisy environment, then certain existing solutions suggest themselves: There have already been experiments in the transmission of five distinct symbols via
telepathy, namely Zener card symbols. I suggest that there is already a way of transmitting information using two symbols only, namely Morse Code. Current ELF or VLF radio transmission methods for communicating with fleet ballistic missle submarines to issue them their launch orders involve very low data transfer
rates, on the order of 3 to 30 bits per minute, if I am not mistaken. Messages are very short, consisting of pre-formulated action or targeting codes. I suggest that telepathic 'Zener Morse' is an operational technique for information transfer under severe signal to noise conditions. In fact the use of five Zener symbols would increase data transfer rates, but at the expense of a
higher error rate due to the problems in discriminating between five and just two symbols.

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It's so sad.  The people at the semi-top mostly have their asses wiped by other people, so they fall into the traps.

Meanwhile, us little people are pawns.  I'm trying to advance to the other side of the board and get a brain.

I can't possibly imagine that they've done any good.  The world keeps spinning in tragedy.  Aw, poor babies like Bjork and Madonna think that the human game will stop, but the ones at the very top want us to keep the crime rate up and to slaughter away the innocence.  How do I know?  They haven't stopped it ever.  Not with the invention of the camera.  Not with the coming of the lobotomy.  Not with the whisper after a gunshot.  Do you think humans are ever going to change?  They're all slaves.  Our next chapter will not be written by human hands.  I'm sure of that, though that is my opinion.


The worst you can do is kill me and not even that is a crime in memory.  I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  "The sun goes down.  I feel the night betray me."


Hehe And world peace.

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2.5 billion spent on tetra,

The author of these articles, Tim Rifat, is Europe's foremost independent author and scientist specialising in psychotronics, the use of biophysical and electronic technology to influence and kill the human organism; his forthcoming book: Remote Viewing, gives hints of the breakthroughs he has made in the physics of psy-warfare. The history of mind control at a distance, remote mind control technology (RMCT) begins in America with the research of Dr Ross Adey and his colleagues in the late '60's, working on the CIA-funded Pandora Project. Adey found that ELF (extremely low frequency) signals on the region of 1-20 Hz (with 0.1 increments having different effects), had bioactive and psychoactive effects. The research was important to the CIA for they wished to find frequencies which could mind control humans from a distance (RMCT). Pandora researchers discovered that the 6-16 Hz region had drastic effects on brain and on nervous and endocrinal systems. This could enable major dysfunction in the target victim if research on cats and monkeys could be duplicated - the research on human victims still remains classified. A major problem was that ELF transmissions need vast antennae arrays; Adey's research showed that pseudo-ELF, caused by pulse or amplitude modulated microwave, UHF or RF carrier waves at ELF frequencies not only duplicated the psycho- and bioactive effects of ELF, but due to the highly penetrative effects of S-band microwaves (low frequency microwaves) or UHF and RF these combined to have a synergistic effect (especially microwaves) in disrupting biochemical function to amplify the effects of pseudo-ELF. In layman's terms, microwave and pseudo-ELF were more effective at mind control than pure ELF. RMCT, the means of mind controlling and slowly killing victims using pseudo-ELF - that is amplitude or pulse modulation of microwaves, UHF or RF - at ELF frequencies was born. This was developed into a whole array of weapons systems based on the dramatic effects of pseudo-ELFs on mind controlling, elctro-chemically zombifying or inducing cancer in victims. ELF or pseudo-ELF was also found to be able to cut or damage DNA, which partially explains the carcinogenic effects of pulse or amplitude modulated microwave, UHF or RF. In Britain, microwave is defined as between 300 MHz to 300 GHz, or in USA terms above 1 GHz. Ross Adey's research was done on 450 MHz carriers used to broadcast pseudo-ELFs via pulse or amplitude modulation, his colleagues carried out the same research at 147 MHz (these frequencies have been defined as UHF and VHF respectively in US terms). This research allows the weaponisation of any microwave, UHF or RF transmitter, if pseudo-ELF could be induced upon it by pulse or amplitude modulation at ELF frequency. The new science of RMCT spawned a new range of EM weapons to mind control and murder by use of pseudo-ELF. For a specific example, the new TETRA system which will be used by the police and emergency services in the UK for communication, uses between 380 and 400 MHz, which is switched on and off at such a pulse rate that a pseudo-ELF of 17.6 Hz (17.6 times per second) is produced. this means the brain and nervous system are hit by pulses of UHF (USA terms) microwave (UK terms) every 1/17.6th of a second. This is rather like electrochemical hammer blows to the head at a rate of 17.6 every second. Some of us find hammer drills irritating to listen to, imagine 17.6 hammer-like blows being delivered to the nervous and endocrinal system, at a cellular level - might this not have a disruptive effect on the organism? Since the cells communicate to each other in the ELF range, these hammer-like blows of pseudo-ELF disrupts and derange cellular activities, leading to dysfunction, behavioural changes and onset of carcinogenic proteins which can lead to the organism developing tumours. Mass UK Mind Control Technology Now A Reality The UK Government is now spending £2.5 million to fully implement a nation-wide deployment of CIA mind-control technology. The TETRA system pulses at 17.6 Hz broadcast at 400 MHz which is essentially the Pandora Project funded by the CIA in the late '60s and early '70s. Dr Ross Adey, the chief researcher on the Pandora Project has released a video to leading UK researchers which proves that not only does the TETRA system cause ELF zombification by massive release of calcium ions in the cerebral cortex and the nervous system, but the activated calcium ions also cause massive hormonal disturbances which lead to frenzied imbalances, emotional and physical states. This system will be used by all UK police and emergency services by the end of the year, as the Home Office has sold off all police frequencies, so they are forced to use the new system. Use of the TETRA system by the police will lead to psychotronicaly controlled officers who may be totally controlled in any situation and are very useful for states of economic or social chaos where extreme and violent behaviour is needed without any conscious or moral compunction - so-called police robots. 30,000 transmitters will be placed around the country to maximise the effects on the local UK population - mass mind control. Anyone who has complained of these transmitters has received a letter from the Government informing them that if the transmitters are not positioned where the Government wishes, there can be no guarantee then of police protection, which will lead to higher insurance premiums for the householder. A leading UK newspaper tried to run this story, but had the item quashed by high-level Government intervention. Murder And Mind Control - The Secret Uses Of Microwaves By the British Army   By Tim Rifat 7-18-1 Greek Cypriots have been rioting outside the British military base in Southern Cyprus, protesting against the destruction of 190 foot microwave towers, which are to be used by the British Army and NATO to broadcast high-power microwaves. A Greek MP was arrested by the police and the 1000+ Greek Cypriots stormed the jail and broke him out. It appears that these microwave antennae are to be used by the British and NATO for 2 purposes: 1. A massive build up of NATO forces in Cyprus in order to support Ariel Sharon's forthcoming genocidal war against the Palestinians and to occupy the Lebanon as a so-called peace-keeping force after Israel has sterilised the area. This situation comes about because ultra-rich Jewish families own the West via the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England, and most of the multi-national companies that trade in the so-called free world. 2. The Turkish government has refused NATO carte blanche passage through its country and the Turkish military have refused NATO's request that the Turkish armed forces come totally under their control if the need may arise. This dictates that there is no passage for NATO to support Israel unless they use Cyprus. Cyprus is a perfect situ for the NATO strategy of causing war between 2 belligerent parties and then taking over that country as a so-called peace keeping force; examples of this being Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia - where NATO arms, organises and co-ordinates both sides of the conflict - and the failed Chechen rebellion which was armed and co-ordinated by America and Britain. To stir up a war in Cyprus, the British are building these transmitters with an aim to mind controlling the Greek Cypriots into a state of mindless violence; the frequency for this being 11.3 Hz, amplitude or pulse modulated from the microwave transmitters. This frequency will cause the Cypriots in the South to feel uncontrollable anger and British and NATO hope will cause a far-ranging conflict in Cyprus so NATO can bomb the Turks into submission and take over the island as an English stepping-stone to aid Israel. This may seem far-fetched, but the British government is in the process of mind controlling the entire UK population using CIA research from the Pandora Project and the so-called TETRA system which costs £2.5 billion will place 30,000 transmitters in every urban conurbation in the UK. Further to this, the British Army has long experience of using microwaves for murder and mind control in Northern Ireland. In 1977, the CIA contacted Margaret Thatcher and gave her all the details, elf frequencies, to induce cancer, paranoia (4.5 Hz), depression (6.66 Hz), manic rage (11.3 Hz) --- To support this assertion that the British Amy have been targeting Catholic areas with high-power microwaves, Dr Damien Burn - 38 years General Practitioner in the Falls Road, West Belfast - and Mary Allen, South Armagh Cross Maglen - have protested vehemently that British Army bases are broadcasting high-power microwaves, causing massive cancer deaths among the Catholics. Strange cancers which never would occur are being found in many Catholics and the largest cause of death in Catholics now is cancer. Whole street-fulls of Catholics next to army bases are dying of cancer. This was reported by Amanda Doherty in the Sunday Mirror, 12.07.98, in the Features Eire edition: Living in Fear, the Cancer that Stalks our Streets. The microwaving of peace protesters in Greenham Common, a US airbase in Britain, is common knowledge. The murder and mind control by the British Army of the entire Catholic community of Northern Ireland is not. Taking this into account with the TETRA system that seeks to turn British police and the public into zombies using microwave and elf, the deployment of microwave transmitters in Cyprus has a more covertly nasty raison d'etre than simply extending NATO's communication network. If the British succeed in building these microwave mind control transmitters, expect renewed conflict in Cyprus between Greeks and Turks, deployment of NATO forces to quell violence, and massive support for Israel by the West in the forthcoming Middle East War. Update: The Secret Uses Of ELF-Modulated Microwave And RF By The British Army   By Tim Rifat 7-18-1 The CIA-funded Dr Ross Adey to investigate the mind-controlling and hormonal-effecting uses of pulse and amplitude-modulated microwave and RF (radio frequencies). Ross Adey experimented with 450MHz, which in the UK system is microwave, as the British take 400MHz to 400GHz as microwave. His associate, Dr Blackmore, experimented with RF frequencies at around 150MHz. This was developed by the British Army, the Secret Police, into a variety of pulse-modulated, or amplitude modulated, radio frequency or microwave transmitters, which focussed on the target ELF which had bioactive effects to kill or mind control their targets. The amplitude or pulse modulation of the carrier wave allows the British Army/Secret Police (MI5) operatives to induce ELF frequencies on the victim, even though the carrier wave is in the RF or microwave range. British Build Their Own 21st Century Version of HAARP in Greek Cyprus The British Army are building an immensely expensive ultra-sophisticated version of HAARP, the US mind-control/weather-control weapon of mass destruction, in their large army base at Greek Cyprus. 200 metre antennae are being constructed, powered by megawatt power stations to fire pulse radio frequency at between 8 and 16 MHz. Apart from its use as over-the-horizon RADAR, the pulse modulation of the RF can be modulated at ELF frequency to mind control the surrounding countries. The British have stated it is targeted on Iran and Iraq and like the system in Norway, which can bounce RF off the ionosphere, the British version has the ability - like HAARP - to bounce its millions of Watts of 8MHz transmissions off the ionosphere to control the weather, destroy communication networks, and to violently upset whole populations by inducing ELF behavioural changes, neurological changes, and physical trauma. British computers can change the frequency to 16MHz, so it acts in its ionosphere back-scatter mode; this allows focussed beams of megawatt RF to be targeted on Baghdad, Tehran, Damascus...etc. In the 16MHz mode, the inhabitants of cities can literally be traumatised into submission, or so behaviourally disorganised that the city is made uninhabitable. As well as this capability, 16MHz beam can bounce off the troposphere - which is much lower than the ionosphere - causing atmospheric pressure inversions, which can literally knock aircraft out of the sky. Considering Southern Cyprus allows this British super-HAARP to attack Turkey, Russia, the Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and other surrounding areas, its deployment by the British Army puts them on par with the Americans as a military superpower. Considering their track-record of microwave genocide in Northern Ireland, the use of CIA research by Dr Ross Adey, in the form of TETRA, to mind control British Police and the UK population, the targets of the British super-HAARP should not be surprised if murder and mind control are beamed down upon them with megawatt ferocity by the British Army. Further articles by Tim Rifat on micrwave mind control - see,3604,487344,00.html from which comes the following quote: The fear centres on the operating frequency of 17.6Hz assigned to Tetra when the system was being established. This means that it emits radiation in pulses occurring 17.6 times a second, a level some scientists believe can penetrate deep into the brain, damaging cell communication. Roger Coghill, an independent research scientist and a member of the Department of Health's UK mobile telecommunications health research programme, said: "A criminal could not have come up with a better system. They couldn't have chosen a better frequency with which to disarm and debilitate the very forces that are trying to secure their arrest." Alasdair Philips, an expert on the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation and director of the campaign group Powerwatch, said Tetra had the potential to become the "next asbestos". "It is beyond belief that any one could be contemplating the rollout of a system like Tetra because of the evidence about the dangers of pulsed frequencies," he said. "To design a communications system based on these principles is mind numbing. The effects we may see could well be on a par with Gulf war syndrome."

best wishes and love lots



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MI5 and MI6 exposed.

A place to honour those young people who were abused, tortured and murdered whilst on the 1979 British Intelligence INSET course, which had its base at the ex-Powergen building in Solihull, West Midlands. This blogsite will be linked to others in order to compile the hidden history of those who survived the horrific torture and abuse they underwent, during this course. In memory of 'Kathleen' and 'Sev'.   Two Silhillian teenagers who were discreetly murdered in 'accidents', not more than a year after finishing the INSET course. Why were they murdered by MI5? Kathleen was too disfigured to be run as an MI5 prostitute and Sev had begun to remember the torture used during the MI6 mind control experimentation, during his military training. He had also begun to talk about it.


Powergen, Solihull, West Midlands: 1979 Main base for the British Intelligence INSET course besides Fort Monckton and various MI5/ex-SOE bases, located around the UK. The actual building has apparently been vacant since Powergen left in 1995. Solihull Council have rejected proposals from other companies, to take over the site e.g. ASDA. The building has now been 'vacant' for 12 years. Here is a map of the general area - West Midlands, UK. The nearest city is Birmingham. Many recruits arrived at the Powergen building from Solihull railway station (five minutes walk away): The former Powergen site lies on the Corner of Haslucks Green Road and Stratford Road in Shirley, Solihull.


Her Story

I was inducted onto the M15 agent-training course in 1979, against my will. I had dropped out of Solihull 6th form College at 16 years old and was looking for a job. My father sent me to 'Select' recruitment agency in Solihull, who found me a job as a clerical assistant and I first met Stella Rimington on the empty third floor of the newly built Solihull Powergen building. She was to be my supervisor and tutor. At that point, Stella Rimington introduced herself as ‘middle-management, secretarial’, 10 years later she was to become Director-General of M15. The whole of the 3rd floor at Powergen in Solihull, was reserved for ‘special government projects’. The rest of the building was nearly empty. Removals men were still moving in office equipment and Stella told me that Powergen had only just started to recruit staff to work there. The others on the supervisory team included John Scarlett who was in charge overall; Eliza Manningham-Buller who taught political history and Russian; a Scottish SAS officer who taught us martial arts and Stephen Daldry (graduate trainee) who taught us drama. ‘Acting’ being one of the most crucial skills in spy training.

The first day: I entered the Powergen building (surprised that they were hardly any cars in the car park - apart from a few, very expensive-looking ones around the back) and realised that there was hardly anybody in there. The receptionist called up to the third floor and Stella Rimington came down to meet me. She took me up to the third floor, explaining how Powergen had only just begun to recruit. On the third floor, not only was there nobody around but there was literally nothing in the first few rooms, apart from tables. Rimington took me into a small room with a door to the left, which led into another. There were no chairs - only a box on the floor (with a computer in it) next to an empty and open filing cabinet. I was a bit bemused by it all but Stella was very friendly and chatty. She made me a cup of tea and went out to find some chairs. While she was out, I began to feel very drowsy and when she came back with the plastic-backed chairs I sat down, lay my head on the table and promptly fell asleep. When I awoke, I felt very light-headed and passive - my will to resist had left me and I no longer felt on edge. Stella didn't seem to think it odd that I had fallen asleep and I put it down to being unused to cycling to work, in the early morning. She gave me an IQ test and oddly enough, my light-headed state didn't interfere with my score. I did very well, according to Stella. She then took me into the adjoining room. This was about four times the size of the other one but completely empty. However, there were two men in there. The large one dressed in a khaki/green, army pullover and the other smaller man, was all in black. They looked nervous, impatient. There were three chairs arranged as if around a square and they told me to sit down on the first one. I did so, Rimington to my left and the army guy (who I later learnt to be John Scarlett) in front of me. The SAS guy (who introduced himself later) stood with his back to us - gazing out of the window. Rimington and Scarlett then briefly explained that they were working on a secret military government project and asked me if I wanted to join. I asked them what they meant by 'military'. Scarlett began to talk like an 'British Army commercial' in terms of all the different skills you could learn in the military. I replied that this was all very well but didn't you also have to be prepared to kill people? There was an uncomfortable silence. Rimington then turned the question back onto me by asking whether or not there was any situation where I might be able to kill somebody. I replied that in a war situation, as in WWII in defence of my country, in a 'kill or be killed' situation...then I might be prepared to do so. Scarlett then handed me a copy of the OSA. I read through it quickly - it seemed innocuous enough. Nothing too binding in the legalese jargon and I couldn't imagine that I would ever contemplate breaking it. However, something held me back. I asked them if I could take it home and consider it. Scarlett told me that I could not. I had to decided there and then. I looked towards the door to see that the SAS guy had moved to stand in front of it. I didn't know what to do and so read through the form again. Finally, I decided that it didn't look like I was signing my life away by putting my signature on a form which appeared to be only about 'keeping quiet' and so I agreed to sign. How wrong I was. I wasn't going to be paid as a clerical assistant. I wasn't going to be paid at all. They were going to send me on 'training'. I wondered briefly how I would explain this to my mother who had wanted me to start bringing some money in, to pay for my keep at home. Rimington then took me back into the smaller room where three young people (slightly older than me) were waiting for her. I could see others arriving and walking down the corridor. She introduced me to them and told me that I would be part of their 'team'. Shana (17), Peter (18) and John (19). I never learnt their surnames and was told that everyone had a code name. Mine was to be 'Rose'. We were not allowed to give our real names to anyone but the controllers of the operation. Rimington then pointed out the 'graduate trainees' who were slightly older than the rest of the recruits, at 21 years old. I was to follow whatever orders they might give. My team then took me down the corridor to the main room which was used for lectures. The 'graduate trainees' did not attend this . The room was full of young people waiting for the lecture to begin. So full that several people were crouching at the back. There were not enough chairs in this room, either. The lecture began - it was on 'political strategy' and as it continued, I began to realise that most of the young people there, were not of a particularly high intelligence (average college students) but more importantly, that the lecturer himself, didn't appear to have much of an idea of the subject he was supposed to be teaching. Scarlett then popped his head around the door and asked Shana (my new 'team' member) to leave the room. She followed him out. I looked around at the others and felt uneasy. Something was wrong. I asked one of the army guys positioned around the room, if I could go to the toilet. He refused, saying that I would have to wait another hour. I asked him politely if I could pee on the floor then because that is what would happen if I wasn't allowed to go. He relented after checking this out with the lecturer (to my embarrassment) and accompanied me out down the corridor. He was walking along to my right and told me to keep looking straight ahead. I thought, this is probably in keeping with military training but if someone orders me to do something, my natural reaction is to do the opposite. To my right were two, small cubicle rooms which had large, open windows in them. I was startled to glimpse inside one of them, what appeared to be the graduate trainees and Scarlett who were bent over, standing around a table. Shana was lying on her back on the table and Scarlett was holding her head up. He had something under her head which I couldn't quite see - it looked like a small black truncheon. Suddenly Shana's body jerked and jumped off the table in convulsions - like frog's legs being electrocuted in a biology lesson - it was horrific. The graduate trainees were trying to hold her down but they couldn't manage to do it because the seizure was so violent. The army guy with me realised that I had seen this and gripped me round the shoulders whilst trying to cover my eyes with his other hand. 'Don't look, don't look' he said in a low voice. 'It'll only upset you.' He then proceed to frogmarch me to the toilets at the end of the corridor, past the escalator which now had an SAS guy stationed in front of it. I was to learn later on, that this man had a dual purpose: to stop any Powergen employees from entering that floor from the other levels of the building and also to prevent British Intelligence recruits from escaping. Once in the toilets, I checked the windows. All of them were locked. I didn't know what to do. The army guy outside started to shout at me, telling me to hurry up. I opened the door to find him blocking the doorway. My mind was racing - how could I escape? What were they going to do to us? What were they going to do to me? I was escorted back to the lecture, frightened out of my mind.

  MI5 and MI6 Exposed 2   'John'

His Story I was on the British Intelligence INSET course in 1979 and was also sent on the Royal Arch Freemasonry course in Jerusalem. Having read the other blogsites, I can add some other relevant details to this body of information. The British 55 Imperial 55 antique typewriter on show in the Jerusalem museum prison: The Roman soldiers' torture game that they played with their prisoners, including their most famous prisoner whom they had named: the King of the Jews. The British Intelligence officers on the course, told us that the Romans had sodomised him because they thought it would be a laugh to be inside of somebody who claimed to be 'God'. The male British Intelligence officers and graduate trainees were to do the same to all of the British Intelligence recruits. Each and every member of the course, was at some point either raped or sodomised by the programmers or graduate trainees. Sometimes this was done in public, in front of the whole team of recruits. The 'B' represents the KING in both Latin and Greek. British Intelligence interpreted this as the British Monarchy and we were their slaves to do, with as they pleased. They forced us through the most terrible tortures. Some of these were directly related to the 'Stations of the Cross' i.e. whipping/flagellation. The 'lightbulb' in the centre, represents the Crown. The smaller circles represent the aristocracy. The thick black line going down the paper represents the lifeline of the prisoner. The objects which cross it denote the types of torture. Death comes at the end of this line where another smaller line crosses the main one. In the Negev desert, at the edge of a cliff-top, they played the most terrible game of all. By this time, all of the recruits were under mind control and could not disobey orders. The programmers told the recruits to stand near to the edge, in a huddle. We obeyed. Rimington then took out a list of paper and announced that she would name the people who had failed and would no longer be attending the Royal Arch Freemasonry course. She read out the first name...and then Scarlett ordered us to push him off the cliff. He didn't resist in the slightest - not a sound. Rimington then read out a second name. Three young people died that day. No one spoke about it afterwards. You just counted yourself lucky to be alive. Powergen torture and mind control At Powergen, the graduates (Daldry, Marr and Tomlinson) and programmers (Rimington, Maningham-Buller and Scarlett) strapped me to a table and put a metal band around my head. They were to do this with all of the recruits. The pain and terror was indescribable. One of the young women recruits was told to watch over me but was ordered not to unplug the metal band which was plugged into the wall. The programmers and graduates all left the room. Eventually the young woman couldn't bear it any longer and pulled the plug out. When the programmers came back into the room they told her that they had been watching her behaviour on a monitor and pointed out the hidden camera. They were furious that she had disobeyed orders and called all of the team into the room, in order to witness her humiliation. Whilst this was going on, someone untied me and I began to recover. I was then told to tell the female recruit how arrogant and stupid her behaviour had been, in disobeying orders. To my undying shame, I did so. I could barely stand up, never mind speak but they forced me to tell her how wrong her action had been. Another 'torture game' was according to the British Intelligence 'mind control' script 'Wind in the Willows'. Seriously, they actually used this to teach us the 'secret meaning' behind some of the scenes (as in 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'The Wizard of Oz'). We were told that we were going to have 'tea at the Great Hall'. 'T' in Alice programming means torture. I remember Rimington called us into one of the rooms of the castle that we were driven to, in order to watch one of our peer group being tortured. He had been strapped to a table but this time, he was naked. Rimington was in hysterics, with Maningham-Buller and called us all in to watch. They were electrocuting his balls. Rimington kept laughing at the way in which the young man's eyes popped out of his head when she did it, reminded her of Toad of Toad Hall. We were all forced to laugh with her. Not to join in, would have meant punishment. Afterwards, the young man sat on the stone stairs outside and cried. He kept saying: 'I can't take it anymore'. No one knew what to do. We were all in the same boat and to offer him any sympathy would have incurred the most awful penalties. You were not allowed to show any human feeling to any other recruit on the course and by and large, we didn't.       Sunday, 31 December 2006 British Intelligence Torture Techniques

I would like to briefly recount here, the two systems of torture, which comprised a large part of 'training' on the INSET course. 'Mind control' programming was intermixed with torture - the objective being, to break a person in terms of their mind, body and soul. The hoped-for result was that agents and officers would then follow commands and orders, unquestioningly. Torture was divided up into 'hot' and 'cold' as well as 'wet' and 'dry'. Every recruit was tortured arbitarily and at random, regardless or whether or not they had performed well at the tasks set. Even if a recruit followed orders unquestioningly - they were still tortured as much as anybody else. People who excelled at tasks were tortured because they had shown 'pride' and therefore their ego had to be punctured. Recruits quickly learnt not to excel or to fail any task - most importantly, they learnt to follow orders unquestioningly, even if it meant abusing one of their peer group whom they knew was entirely innocent and did not deserve to be 'punished' at all. When 'punishment' has no rhyme or reason, it kills most people's spirit of rebellion very quickly. It is the quickest way to break a person's heart and mind - they become something less than human.

'Cold' Torture (A survivor's account) "We had sessions in breathing control and how long we could hold our breath - presumably for any operation which required swimming under water. We were made to practice and the programmers timed us and took our best results. We were then taken to Fort Monckton where we were given various practical training sessions, run by the SAS. During our stay there, each one of us was taken away for a morning. When the recruit came back, he or she could not speak about what had happened. They had been forbidden to and so none of us knew what to expect. When my turn came, I was taken by the graduate programmers and Manningham-Buller to a small room with no windows, where there was a large tank of water. I was told to strip and get into it. Once inside the tank, they put a lid on and bolted it down. There was still air at the top of the tank but this began to rapidly disappear and I realised that there was a pipe at the bottom of the tank which was filling it up. Someone had turned on the tap. I cannot describe what I felt like at that moment of realisation. It was impossible to escape. I held my breath for as long as I could but eventually began to take in water. When they took the lid off, I must have been unconscious. I remember coming to, on the floor. I could hear a huge argument going on between one of the SAS in the doorway and Manningham-Buller. He was shouting abuse at her...that I was one of their best recruits and what the hell was she doing...Manningham-Buller sounded rather strange. She kept saying that it was 'just like drowning kittens' in a rather fey and bewildered voice. She didn't appear to understand why the SAS officer was so enraged. Afterwards, I developed a lung infection and had to spend several days in sickbay."

'Hot' torture (A survivor's account) "The graduate trainees on the INSET course at Powergen - had been given a 'student house' of their own, in Solihull. A road which was opposite a paddock with a couple of horses in it, just behind the Franciscan Monastery. The graduates used to 'use' the female recruits as prostitutes in the evening and it was common for them to order young women recruits to stay the night. Under mind control - it was almost impossible to refuse and if anyone did, they faced severe punishment. The graduates would then close the curtains of their living room and watch each other use the women. I was taken there one evening and told to strip in the kitchen. The graduates had laid out newspaper on the floor. I was terrified but had no idea what to expect. They told me to lie down on the floor. Daldry then took a chip pan of smoking oil from the stove and began to flick boiling oil at me. It was excruciatingly painful and I began to scream. This stopped him in his tracks (worried about what the neighbours might think) and Marr told me to 'switch alters'. Under mind control, there is an alter called 'rubber duck' which is supposed to be impervious to pain. I was ordered to keep silent. Tomlinson came in and filled a bucket of water. Daldry then tipped the entire contents of the smoking, chip pan oil onto my stomach. They waited a few seconds and then Tomlinson threw the bucket of water over me. Marr was watching, he didn't say a word. I don't remember anything much after that. I must have passed out. When I woke up, I was lying in the middle of their living room, naked under a blanket. They had left me there and gone to bed. I nearly choked as I woke up - the need to breath and to vomit, at the same time. I began to feel myself to see if there were any bones broken...a natural reaction I suppose...I hadn't quite remembered what had was then that I saw that my stomach was bright red, as well as part of my torso. The pain kicked in and I found myself unable to move. I lay there sobbing, I was so frightened. Tomlinson came down and whispered in my ear to 'grit your teeth and bear it'. He then went upstairs again. They left me there for the whole night. I was terrified, too frightened to cry out - too hot and yet shivering, with this horrible need to scratch but my stomach was too painful to touch. In the morning, the graduates took me in to Powergen as if nothing had happened. I could hardly walk. When we arrived, I told Rimington that I had to go to hospital. She replied that I should join in and that I would feel better later on. I told her that if she would not take me to hospital then she would have to call a doctor to Powergen or else I would die on the floor. At that point, she began to realise the seriousness of the situation and called the graduates out of the room to question them upon what they had done to me. She then consulted Scarlett who agreed that she should run me to hospital. I was driven to a military hospital, where a doctor examined me. Rimington told him what had happened. As I lay on a hospital bed, the doctor exclaimed in front of me that it was a miracle that I had survived. He was surprised that my internal organs had not gone into shock. He then remarked that the 'blubber' on my stomach had probably saved me.  

     Tomlinson and the Russians An 'unofficial biography' of an Ex-MI6 Officer who is currently engaged in a battle with British Intelligence, in order to stop a campaign of harrassment against him. Mr Tomlinson is a Royal Arch Freemason. In the past, he was on friendly terms with two former Director-Generals of MI5 (Stella Rimington and Eliza Manningham-Buller) and MI6 (John Scarlett), whilst on their way up the career ladder. Mr Tomlinson was trained as an MI6 Illuminati mind control programmer.

  Wednesday, 27 December 2006 Richard Tomlinson and the Russians.   1. 1979 - Powergen, Solihull: The young British Intelligence recruits entering this building, had no idea of the hell that lay before them. No idea that they would be forced to become slaves to a demonic, mind control program; run by MI6 and sanctioned by Royal Arch Freemasonry. No idea that they would be forced to sign the Masonic 'Sat B'hai' contract and swear allegiance to the Monarchy rather than to the UK State. No idea at all, in fact. The Powergen building was mostly unoccupied in 1979. Only a few Powergen employees worked in the building, which was almost deserted. The car park was nearly empty for the whole of that year. The third floor was reserved for 'Special Government Projects' and no Powergen employee was allowed entry. To outsiders, the young people who entered this building each day, looked like a relatively normal, young bunch of Powergen graduate recruits and so nothing out of the usual. At 21 years old, Richard Tomlinson was one of the graduate intake onto this course - most of the recruits were aged between 18 and 21 years old. Tomlinson was to begin his training here, to become an MI6 Officer later on, in his military career. The others were being trained to be run as agents of the 'Crown'. It was at Powergen in 1979, that Richard Tomlinson was first shown a passport photograph of Vladimir Putin. Rimington, Manningham-Buller and Scarlett showed the graduate trainees and each Delta (espionage and assassination) team, a selection of four b/w passport photos. The recruits were informed that the four KGB men in the photos were: 'Your counterparts in the KGB'. The recruits were under the impression that these young, Russian KGB agents were supposed to be the 'enemy' or 'rivals' despite Manningham-Buller's 'communist' training i.e. during her Russian and Political History classes. What was 'real' communism, according to Manningham-Buller? It began with 'Guardianship' by those who were 'born to rule'. They were the self-elected custodians of British society who could decide what was in their people's best interests. To summarise: a benevolent dictatorship. This was personified by Manningham-Buller demanding that each of her classes stand to attention and do a Nazi salute as she walked in the door, before she would begin the lesson. Important note: the b/w passport photographs had been supplied by one of Oleg Gordievsky's contacts. Gordievsky was a Royal Arch Freemason and one of the Russian Chapter. He had negotiated photographs of the new Royal Arch Freemasonry recruits, within the KGB - to be sent to MI5.

2. 1980: Russian Monastery Compound, Ein Kerem, Jerusalem. Vladimir Putin and the other KGB Royal Arch Freemasons, stayed within this high-security compound. It was run as a nunnery (it still is today) but is generally known by the Russian Orthodox church to be a 'spy-centre', and is currently being run by an ex-FSB Head. The British Intelligence recruits mainly stayed at the 'Youth Hostel' behind the St John Church in the centre of Ein Kerem. It is located partly up the mountain which overshadows the town and it backs onto a pine forest. Even today, there are still 'guard dog' signs and barbed wire everywhere, around this building and locals say that it is not possible to book as an ordinary tourist. It was reserved for 'special groups' of young people, internationally in 1979 and has been for many years. Recently, the whole building has changed hands and is now being renovated into flats, in order to be sold off. How times have changed. Beside the main building of the youth hostel, there are two hexagonal buildings - architecturally, rather like geometric mushrooms. This is where the British graduate trainees were lodged: Richard Tomlinson, Andrew Marr and Stephen Daldry. In the evenings, the 'graduates' would sit on the verandah of these buildings with their KGB Russian counterparts; to smoke, drink vodka and shoot the breeze. None of them could hold a conversation in Russian apart from Tomlinson, who did his best to act as interpreter for the whole group. Together, they looked like ingenues, trying desperately to live up to their programming as 'Illuminists' i.e. their predecessors - the colonials of the 'enlightenment' period who had ruled the world by their supposed, innate superiority and worldliness. This was to be the very first meeting of many, between Richard Tomlinson and Vladimir Putin. The latter was quite a few years his senior at 26/7 years old but much younger looking.

3. 1993 - Poland Vladimir Putin had lost his job as KGB controller of the Stasi in East Berlin. There was a famine in St Petersburg and the KGB owed their employees several months of salaries. Whole families were starving in the cities (foodstuffs had been held up in the ports) and Vladimir Putin's own family was no exception to this rule. John Scarlett (MI6 Moscow Station) made a deal with Mr Putin in Poland. They knew each other relatively well (dating back to 1979 in Ein Kerem, Jerusalem) and both were Royal Arch Freemasons. Poland had become a trading ground for potential Russian dissidents, to sell whatever they could lay their hands on, to the West. Almost every intelligence agency had descended upon Poland to buy whatever they needed and the amount of wheeler-dealing and double-dealing which was going on, had reached fever pitch. It was almost laughable. No one really knew who was working for which agency or which agency was allied to whom, in what turned out to be a 'smash and grab' bun fight. One could name MI5, MI6, the CIA and the IRA as but a few in this free-for-all; the desperate dash to acquire information, drugs, guns - you name it. Just about every intelligence agency and mafia organisation was in on the game. Everything was on sale. What was the deal that Scarlett struck with Putin? Putin needed safe passage for himself and his family out of a situation in St Petersburg which was rapidly deteriorating. Scarlett had agreed to set up a new identity for him in the UK as a teacher of German (Putin had native-speaker fluency) in exchange for...well, this bit is unclear. Scarlett already had all of the information that he needed from Mr Putin, on the Royal Arch Freemasonry network. However, he agreed to take Mr Putin and his eldest daughter back to the UK and rescue his wife and younger daughter at a later date. Scarlett was to renege on this deal. Why? MI5 (for reasons of their own) had decided to torture and then murder Mr Putin as soon as he set foot on British soil. He was dispensible. They had most of the information that they needed and were not going to honour any deal. The upshot of all of this, was that when Mr Putin learnt of British Intelligence's real agenda, he called the deal off and returned to Russia. So far, so simple, except that there was one complicating factor: Royal Arch Freemasonry. Mr Putin had been part of the Russian Chapter and he had been sorely let down by his British counterparts. In addition, he had been under MI6/Royal Arch Freemasonry Illuminati mind control since 1979 and had been one of their operatives within the KGB until 1994.

Why 1994? Because this was the year when MI6/Illuminati laptops began to disappear in Europe. Mr Putin was beginning to work it all out and as a consequence, was tracking down the MI6 Senior Officers who held the colour-coded information of the tailored mind control programmes for their officers and agents, within their laptops (electronic locks that weren't supposed to be unlockable but were in fact, quite easy to crack by the KGB). Once the codes are broken, it is relatively simple to control any of the operatives listed (as well as guess how to control others who were 'indoctrinated' in a similar way) and then to turn them against their 'masters'. See for details of the 'typewriter' code at the old, British prison in Jerusalem: it accounts for 10 different branches of Royal Arch Freemasonry-infiltrated British Intelligence departments since 1945. The KGB Royal Arch Freemasons were one of these departments, in this tarantula-like Masonic organisation which has been strangling the world, since the last days of the British Empire. Those within British Intelligence who were not Royal Arch Freemasons, had no real idea of what was going on at all. If they did manage to catch a 'Russian spy' within their midst, it was because the Royal Arch Freemasons had deemed this person expendable and had then fed him or her to the fishes. Think Burgess, Maclean etc and you will get the picture. Blunt escaped such censorship and hounding. He was a 'master' of Royal Arch Freemasonry.

One of the most sinister departments of Royal Arch Freemasonry/British Intelligence is the 'ZKTZ' - to be found on the list of codes on the British typewriter in Jerusalem 'British prison' museum. This prison was run by the British, who had forced Jews and Arabs to man their 'Palestinian Police' station.

(Zayin, Chet, Tzadik, in Hebrew) = the code for 'zygote':   The Royal Genome project In brief, Vladmir Putin had been chosen as a DNA sperm donor within this Royal 'zygote' project and had then been ordered by the Masonic body to copulate with various British female agents, whilst in Berlin. The zygotes were then 'collected' and the young woman involved, was subsequently murdered. Stephen Daldry had organised various victims to be sent to Berlin for exactly this purpose. He has also boasted of listening to them (bugged rooms) being murdered, during this period. Cameras were also placed in the TV sets for the Royal Arch Freemasons to view afterwards - in essence, 'snuff movies'. By 1993, the Royal Arch Freemasons had no further use for Mr Putin in terms of information or DNA and therefore, he was expendable - Royal Arch Freemason or not. Additionally, during 1994 - a 'diamonds' operation under the supervision of John Scarlett, went awry. The goods disappeared somewhere in Bosnia and therefore someone in British Intelligence, had to carry the can. See for details.

4. 1995 - MI6 HQ, London. Richard Tomlinson was sacked from MI6 on undisclosed charges. He escaped the country and went on the run, eventually turning up again with a mysterious Russian publishing house, in order to publish his autobiography 'The Big Breach' in 2001. What had happened in the interim?

5. 2003 - Shanghai, China On Manningham-Buller's orders: Andrew Marr (and several other British Intelligence operatives) kidnapped and tortured an ex-agent of theirs in France. The motive behind this was to force the agent back under mind control ( the agent was an ex-Royal Arch Freemason who had gone AWOL), in order to take an MI5 message to China.

Why China? An 'educational conference' had been arranged at Jiao Tong University, Shanghai to improve Russian-Chinese relations. Except that there was no publicity for it, nationally or internationally and no reports published afterwards. Nineteen, armoured cars turned up to this 'discreet' event containing the Russian contingent of nearly 100 participants, who then stayed for three weeks at the University's Academic Centre Hotel. The campus was cordoned off throughout this period by Chinese tanks, armed guards and soldiers. Funnily enough, this 'educational conference' which includedVladimir Putin amongst the distinguished guests, was not mentioned in the international press. However, this was the time of the SARS epidemic in China and therefore, there were not many foreign reporters on the ground, in Shanghai. Back-tracking: Richard Tomlinson was present at the torture of this agent in France 2002 and was also to attend the 'meeting' which took place in China. In short, he had been instructed to oversee the whole operation. Tomlinson was not allowed to know the message until it had been safely delivered to Mr Putin in China. He was however, present at the time that the message was given. The operation was code-named 'METE'. The gist of OP METE was as follows: The implantation of a nuclear bomb (ESSO were employed to do the drilling) between the tectonic plates under the seabed - just off Aceh, Indonesia. MI5 were to send a military ship into the area after the explosion had occurred, in order to check radiation levels. They had miscalculated. The radiation levels are now affecting all of the surrounding islands, including the Arabian peninsular. The explosion occurred on the 26th December 2004. In addition, the agent who had been sent with the message, had worked for Richard Tomlinson in eastern Europe 1992-1995 and had known him for years. The agent had also met Mr Putin many times during 1993-1996. The agent told President Putin and Richard Tomlinson the message, concerning 'OP METE' . Manningham-Buller had also ordered the agent (according to Marr's instructions) to return to Russia and then to attempt to assassinate President Putin. Why? The agent could only guess that even attempting to carry out such an order would have resulted in instant death. This would have been an ideal way to dispose of the 'messenger'. Unfortunately for Manningham-Buller, Chinese surveillance had recorded the meeting between Mr Putin, Richard Tomlinson and the agent in question. They were to question the agent later on with the CIA present, who subsequently confirmed the information, in interview. Indonesian Intelligence were duly warned and took action by taking out large insurance claims with British companies just before the event (mainly on the same day beforehand, in order to get the claims through without creating suspicion and UK firms backing out of the deal), in relation to the areas and buildings that the tsunami would hit. The authors do not know whether or not it might have been possible to dismantle the bomb instead, but think that it was probably not technically possible. They hope that this was the case. What is known is that Vladimir Putin is no longer a Royal Arch Freemasonry member. Can the same be said to be true of Richard Tomlinson? His current battle against SIS would suggest that he too, has broken free of MI6/Royal Arch Freemasonry mind control programming.  

MI6 and MI5 ex-agents and officers tell their own stories   Richard Tomlinson and the Russians.   THE GOLDEN CHAIN  THEY SAID THAT THEY WOULD REVEAL THEMSELVES AS 'MASTERS OF THE NWO' AT SOME POINT. I THOUGHT THEY NEEDED A HAND...   Richard Tomlinson (ex-MI6 Officer) An 'unofficial biography' of an Ex-MI6 Officer who is currently engaged in a battle with British Intelligence, in order to stop a campaign of harrassment against him. Mr Tomlinson is a Royal Arch Freemason. In the past, he was on friendly terms with two former Director-Generals of MI5 (Stella Rimington and Eliza Manningham-Buller) and MI6 (John Scarlett), whilst on their way up the career ladder. Mr Tomlinson was trained as an MI6 Illuminati mind control programmer.

Tuesday, 26 December 2006 Richard Tomlinson (ex-MI6 Officer) Born: 1958, New Zealand. After university, Tomlinson attended INSET British Intelligence course1979: at Powergen, Solihull; Fort Monckton and MI5/ex-SOE buildings. it was run by Stella Rimington (MI5 middle-management), Eliza Manningham-Buller (Russian, Politics and History teacher) and John Scarlett (who was the overall MI6 controller of the modules).   British Intelligence Graduate Trainee The most pertinent training which was tailored to Tomlinson included:   1. The ‘MI6 Beast’ programming. 2. ‘Smelly Cheeses’ programming.

The first one refers to the ‘beast computer’ of the Illuminati program – the one which is placed into every recruit’s mind control programming during recruitment training at both MI5 and MI6. However, the MI6 ‘Beast’ mainframe mind control computer so to speak, controls not only their own people but also those of MI5. (This was why Rimington stole the MI6 codebook in 1989 – see   ‘Smelly Cheeses’ is programmed in via the reading and enactment of ‘Three Men in a Boat’. Every Illuminati script carries words in CAPITALS which make no sense to an outsider unless they are given the ‘true meaning’ behind their usage.   Read Chapter 4 of ‘Three Men in a Boat’ on the Gutenberg website to find out the precise programming which is couched in CAPITALS of: ‘NO CHEESES’. Chapter 4 relates how it is most important whilst traveling and carrying ‘smelly cheeses’, not to touch the goods; nor afterwards, once one has arrived at one’s destination! All smugglers are most worried about the safety of their drugs/contraband and therefore this ruling was the one which was drummed in with the most amount of ECT programming.   Tomlinson and the other graduate trainee programmers were given huge electric shocks after ‘training’ i.e. the enactment of this little drama, and would then be instructed to sit on chairs facing a large window. This was ‘relaxation’ to de-stress the brain. The young men would sit there and grind their teeth (normal response to ECT) whilst gazing blankly at the sky. ‘Mr Blue Sky’ by ELO was sometimes played at this point, to ‘rejuvenate’ their spirits. The main point behind MI6 'Smelly Cheeses' programming was that prospective recruits to British Intelligence were sent on 'gap years' around the world on various 'missions' i.e. to courier contraband on British-dominated smuggling rings, which had their origins in the British Empire's 'snake-lines'.

SAS/KK rites Continuing on: Tomlinson left the INSET course early (romantic disappointment) to join the SAS and then the SBS. The equivalent of joining the ‘foreign legion’. He had been also programmed with ‘Beauty and the Beast’ as a spin-off program but that is another story. At this point in time, the elite of the SAS were running the OTO KK cult and Tomlinson became an honorary member. This KK cult has obvious comparisons to the American KKK cult of the 1950s but with one significant difference. The British contingent saw themselves as Celtic ‘druids’. In addition, they used the land surrounding Fort Monckton for their rites. The rite consisted of rounding up a team of four new recruits from Fort Monckton and herding them into the back of a jeep, naked and blindfolded. They were driven to an unmarked spot in the countryside where the druids would be waiting around their bonfire, in white robes – their faces covered with pointed, triangular hoods. They were then taken like cattle, one by one, out of the truck and forced across the ground, blindfolded to where the druids were waiting. Each recruit was then forced to kneel before the ‘priest’ who then rolled them in the mud. The ‘priest’ then took a burning log from the fire and branded them. The pain was so severe that many recruits were barely aware that what appeared to be a baby (accounts differ on this one – toy or for real) was then thrown onto the bonfire by the ‘priest’ in front of them. Accounts differ but most can testify to hearing a young child screaming. Whether or not this was a tape-recorder, playing behind one of the druids – is unclear. According to an untrustworthy source, this cult has now been disbanded.

Royal Arch Freemasonry Training Before he left INSET training, Tomlinson also attended the Royal Arch Freemasonry course in Israel (see and other related blogsites for details). It was in Israel , that Tomlinson was forced to have his first taste of cannibalism, courtesy of the cult of St John , in the St John Church in Ein Kerem. Each recruit was told to eat a piece of what appeared to be a small ‘pig’ which had been roasted, on the altar. Tomlinson ate quite a bit of the above-mentioned. He was violently sick after the controllers informed him as to what he had actually eaten. A female graduate had to clean up his vomit later.

Cannibalism and the ‘Hellfire Club’ Cannibalism is still continued in British Intelligence circles via ‘The Hellfire’ Club – unfortunately not a fictitious society but based on pure fact. Tomlinson is still part of this cult which holds black masses to celebrate its rites. The most recent one to date which the authors know about – was held at a chateau near Cagnes Sur Mer, in 2002. Stella Rimington had organised it. Tomlinson was an active participant in the rape, murder and cannibalization of a tiny girl at this satanic orgy. All participants had been, at some point, victims of MI6 mind control programming.

‘MI6 Beast programming’ To complete Tomlinson’s grooming as an MI6 ‘Beast’ programmer, he was also instructed to role-play the Minatour of the Labyrinth. The ‘beast’ protects the British Crown jewels in MI6 mind control programming. Each recruit was forced to go down the tunnels underneath Jerusalem in order to find the ‘jewels’. Tomlinson stood in front of a cave where they were located and severely beat up anyone who dared to approach. This is one of the most important aspects of MI6 mind control programming: you are not allowed to become ‘conscious’ of what is deeply embedded in your psyche i.e. the ‘crown jewels’. If you approach the subject, even in thought – the ‘beast’ appears and your mind goes blank. You literally reach a full-stop in either speech or train of thought.

Via Dolorosa One of the tasks set the graduate trainees and mind control programmers who were running the Royal Arch Freemasonry course, was a ‘treasure hunt’. The treasure hunt was to test their ‘spycraft’ skills and general sadism. Part of this ‘course’ was based on an old Roman game which the soldiers had played with their prisoners. The rite of Saturn. In short, it was a sado-masochistic game, whereby the recruits were tortured and abused in a similar fashion to the Roman prisoners. This was called the ‘Via Dolorosa’.

The Origins of British Intelligence The other part of the task, was to find out the history of British Intelligence, where it had originated and what different groupings constituted its organization, internationally. The main clue was to be found on an antique British typewriter ’55 Imperial 55’ at the Jerusalem prison museum which used to be run by a certain Major Charlton during the end of WWII. The code on the typewriter keys, runs as follows:     ‘The Golden Chain’ This is primarily a biography of Mr Tomlinson and not British Intelligence, therefore we would like to end on this point to bring the reader up to date: A female agent reported back from Budapest in 1993, that Richard Tomlinson had turned up there from Bosnia , in an excited and frightened state.   what was the reason? One of his male agents had been murdered. Not only that, but Tomlinson had also found a pouch of diamonds in the agent’s clothing. He had exclaimed (ad verbatim) to the female agent that he subsequently contacted: ‘you could live on the money for the rest of your life!’ The agent asked Tomlinson why he had not removed the pouch. The answer was obvious: ‘don’t touch the SMELLY CHEESES’. Tomlinson’s MI6 graduate trainee programming had kicked in. He was unable to touch the goods. (Most important when an agent/officer is given drugs to smuggle.) At this point, Tomlinson’s chain of command was the same as it had been in his early ‘training’ days on INSET, when he had attended the ‘Russian course’. John Scarlett had been the overall controller of this course. In 1993, John Scarlett was the MI6 station boss in Moscow and had been overseeing Tomlinson’s exploits in eastern Europe. Who were the diamonds for? Tomlinson had wanted to know. He suspected that someone in British Intelligence was supposed to be on the receiving end but dared not report the find back to HQ. He was too frightened of the consequences. Needlessly, as it turned out. He was sacked from MI6 anyway, in 1995. Is there a connection between the two? Mr Tomlinson certainly appears to think so.


best wishes and love lots


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People have been warning me for weeks now to leave immediately because I will be harmed (covertly).

I may be angry with them because they are the ones participating in the game being played to harm me and they taunt me themselves but I know what they are saying is true.

Indeed I have been harmed and I will write in detail how in my journal.

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To the authorities: Tip

They will be allowing a lot of people to access the network this morning. They will reconfigure the signals as well to ensure it's in the same frequency. They do that every Monday and Friday, Philippine Time, Morning (half day).

They do this every time the signal gets bad because they have insiders who will reconfigure for them. 

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victim linda mcdonald,very sad,bless her

Linda MacDonald was a victim of Dr. Ewen Cameron's unethical, destructive mind control experiments in 1963. Dr. Cameron used a "treatment" which involved intensive application of three brainwashing techniques; drug disinhibition, prolonged sleep, and prolonged psychological isolation. These were combined with ECT [Electro Convulsive Therapy] treatments.

    The amount of electricity introduced into Linda's brain exceeded by 76.5 times the maximum amount recommended in the ECT Guidelines of the American Psychiatric Association. Dr. Cameron's "depatterning" technique resulted in permanent and complete amnesia. Dr. Cameron proved that doctors skilled in the right procedures can erase a subject's memory. To this day, Linda MacDonald is unable to remember anything from her birth to 1963. As recorded by nurses in her chart, Linda was completely disoriented. She didn't know her name, age or where she was. She didn't recognize her children. She couldn't read, drive, cook, or use a toilet. Not only did she not know her husband, she didn't even know what a husband was.

    Life changed for Linda when the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation program, The Fifth Estate, aired a segment on Dr. Cameron on January 17, 1984. A Vancouver newspaper ran a full-page story on Robert Loggie, a Vancouver man who had been experimented on by Dr. Cameron. Loggie was a plaintiff in the class action suit against the CIA for Dr. Cameron's MKULTRA experiments, which was settled out of court for $750,000, divided among the eight plaintiffs in 1988.

    Eventually Linda got $100,000 plus legal fees from the Canadian government.Not much for the torture and pain Linda suffered,not only Linda but her family awell,really sad considering people who neglect there kids at most have there kids taken away,although Linda didnt recover,there is no plus side to this tragedy,so although many of us are been tortured in so many different ways,as sick as it is,theres always someone worse off than you!

best wishes and love lots



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Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment

    —President Clinton's apology for the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment to the eight remaining survivors, May 16, 1997 For forty years between 1932 and 1972, the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) conducted an experiment on 399 black men in the late stages of syphilis. These men, for the most part illiterate sharecroppers from one of the poorest counties in Alabama, were  never told what disease they were suffering from or of its             seriousness. Informed that they were being treated for “bad blood,”1 their doctors had no intention of curing them of syphilis at all.

            The data for the experiment was to be collected from autopsies of the men, and they were thus deliberately left to degenerate under the ravages of tertiary syphilis—which can include tumors, heart disease, paralysis, blindness, insanity, and death. “As I see it,”  one of the doctors involved explained, “we have no further interest in these patients until they die.” Using Human Beings as Laboratory Animals The true nature of the experiment had to be kept from the subjects to ensure their cooperation. The sharecroppers' grossly disadvantaged lot in life made them easy to manipulate. Pleased at the prospect of free medical care—almost none of them had ever seen a doctor before—these unsophisticated and trusting men became the          pawns in what James Jones, author of the excellent history on the subject, Bad Blood, identified as “the longest therapeutic experiment on human beings in medical history.”

            The study was meant to discover how syphilis affected blacks as opposed to whites—the theory being that whites experienced more neurological complications from syphilis whereas blacks were more susceptible to cardiovascular damage. How this knowledge would have changed clinical treatment of syphilis is uncertain. Although the PHS touted the study as one of great scientific merit, from the outset its actual benefits were hazy. It took almost forty years before someone involved in the study took a hard and honest look at the end results, reporting that “nothing learned will prevent, find,or cure a single case of infectious syphilis or bring us closer to our basic mission of controlling venereal disease in the United States.” When the experiment was brought to the attention of the media in 1972, news anchor Harry Reasoner described it as an experiment that “used human beings as laboratory animals in a long and inefficient study of how long it takes syphilis to kill someone.” A Heavy Price in the Name of Bad Science By the end of the experiment, 28 of the men had died directly of syphilis, 100 were dead of related complications, 40 of their wives had been infected, and 19 of their children had been born with congenital syphilis. How had these men been induced to endure a fatal disease in the name of science? To persuade the community to support the experiment, one of the original doctors admitted it “was necessary to carry on this study under the guise of a demonstration and provide treatment.” At first, the men were prescribed the syphilis remedies of the day—bismuth, neoarsphenamine, and mercury—but in such small amounts that only 3 percent showed any improvement. These token doses of medicine were good public relations and did not interfere with the true aims of the study.Eventually, all syphilis treatment was replaced with “pink medicine”—aspirin. To ensure that the men would show up for a painful and potentially dangerous spinal tap, the PHS doctors misled them with a letter full of promotional hype: “Last Chance for Special Free Treatment.” The fact that autopsies would eventually be required was also concealed. As a doctor explained, “If the colored population becomes aware that accepting free hospital care means a post-mortem, every darky will leave Macon County…” Even the Surgeon General of the United States participated in enticing the men to remain in the experiment, sending them certificates of appreciation after 25 years in the study.Following Doctors' Orders It takes little imagination to ascribe racist attitudes to the white government officials who ran the experiment, but what can one make of the numerous African Americans who collaborated with them? The experiment's name comes from the Tuskegee Institute, the black university founded by Booker T. Washington. Its affiliated hospital lent the PHS its medical facilities for the study, and other  predominantly black institutions as well as local black doctors also participated. A black nurse, Eunice Rivers, was a central figure in  the experiment for most of its forty years. The promise of recognition by a prestigious government agency may have obscured the troubling aspects of the study for some. A Tuskegee doctor, for example, praised “the educational advantages offered our interns and nurses as well as the added standing it will give the hospital.” Nurse Rivers explained her role as one of passive obedience: “we were taught that we never diagnosed, we never prescribed; we followed the doctor's instructions!” It is clear that the men in the experiment trusted her and that she sincerely cared about their well-being, but her unquestioning submission to authority eclipsed her moral judgment. Even after the experiment was exposed to public scrutiny, she genuinely felt nothing ethical had been amiss.One of the most chilling aspects of the experiment was how zealously the PHS kept these men from receiving treatment. When several nationwide campaigns to eradicate venereal disease came to Macon County, the men were prevented from participating. Even when penicillin was discovered in the 1940s—the first real cure for syphilis—the Tuskegee men were deliberately denied the medication.

      During World War II, 250 of the men registered for the draft and were consequently ordered to get treatment for syphilis, only to have the PHS exempt them. Pleased at their success, the PHS representative announced: “So far, we are keeping the known positive patients from getting treatment.” The experiment continued in spite of the Henderson Act (1943), a public health law requiring testing and treatment for venereal disease, and in spite of the World Health  Organization's Declaration of Helsinki (1964), which specified that “informed consent” was needed for experiment involving human beings.Blowing the WhistleThe story finally broke in the Washington Star on July 25, 1972, in an article by Jean Heller of the Associated Press. Her source was Peter Buxtun, a former PHS venereal disease interviewer and one of the few whistle blowers over the years. The PHS, however, remained unrepentant, claiming the men had been “volunteers” and “were always happy to see the doctors,” and an Alabama state health officer who had been involved claimed “somebody is trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.”Under the glare of publicity, the government ended their experiment and for the first time provided the men with effective medical treatment for syphilis. Fred Gray, a lawyer who had previously defended Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, filed a class action suit that provided a $10 million out-of-court settlement for the men and their families. Gray, however, named only whites and white organizations in the suit, portraying Tuskegee as a black and white case when it was in fact more complex than that—black doctors and institutions had been involved from beginning to end.The PHS did not accept the media's comparison of Tuskegee with the appalling experiments performed by Nazi doctors on their Jewish victims during World War II. Yet in addition to the medical and racist parallels, the PHS offered the same morally bankrupt defense offered at the Nuremberg trials: they claimed they were just carrying out orders, mere cogs in the wheel of the PHS bureaucracy,exempt from personal responsibility.The study's other justification—for the greater good of science—is equally spurious. Scientific protocol had been shoddy from the start. Since the men had in fact received some medication for syphilis in the beginning of the study, however inadequate, it thereby corrupted the outcome of a study of “untreated syphilis.” In 1990, a survey found that 10 percent of African Americans believed that the U.S. government created AIDS as a plot to  exterminate blacks, and another 20 percent could not rule out the possibility that this might be true. As preposterous and paranoid as this may sound, at one time the Tuskegee experiment must have seemed equally farfetched. Who could imagine the government, all the way up  to the Surgeon General of the United States, deliberately allowing a  group of its citizens to die from a terrible disease for the sake of an ill-conceived experiment? In light of this and many other     shameful episodes in our history, African Americans' widespread   mistrust of the government and white society in general should not be a surprise to anyone.

1. All quotations in the article are from Bad Blood: The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, James H. Jones, expanded edition (New York:             Free Press, 1993).


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East Room of the White House in Washington Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)  

Georgia state Senators held a meeting last month to discuss Agenda 21, a supposed UN conspiracy to deny private property rights, which Obama will help accomplish through a mind-control technique known as Delphi.   The meeting was to discuss Agenda 21, a nonbinding UN agreement aimed at promoting sustainable development. It is also the target of conservatives who believe that it is part of a conspiracy to forcibly move suburbanites to cities.   Jim Galloway of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports on the meeting, which was called by the Republican Senate Majority Leader Chip Rogers, took place at the Capitol and was led by a former member of the Georgia Tea Party (who was forced out because of various conspiracy theories, including birtherism), Field Searcy. A 90-minute screening of the documentary Agenda: Grinding America Down was also shown, as was a video from conservative pundit Dick Morris, who warns of Obama’s “War on Suburbs” and plan to relocate everyone to urban areas.   In the video, Searcy calls Agenda 21 a “conspiracy to transform America from the land of the free, to the land of the collective,” and says that “our own governments are doing this. Our own local city councils and county commissions – they’re doing this.”   Searcy also says that Obama, local chambers of commerce and liberal groups will try to accomplish this through a form of mind-control:  

They do that by a process known as the Delphi technique. The Delphi technique was developed by the Rand Corporation during the Cold War as a mind-control technique. It’s also known as “consensive process.” But basically the goal of the Delphi technique is to lead a targeted group of people to a pre-determined outcome while keeping the illusion of being open to public input.   The video was obtained by Bryan Long of the progressive group Better Georgia:  

Tim Murphy of Mother Jones reports that fears of Agenda 21 have led to legislation in the states:  

 In May, the Kansas Legislature approved a resolution blocking Agenda 21 from being implemented in its state, following in the footsteps of Tennessee. Rogers, the Georgia Senate majority leader, introduced legislation in January that would have blocked the nonbinding UN resolution from being applied to his state. Among other things, the resolution noted that, “according to the United Nations Agenda 21 policy, social justice is described as the right and opportunity of all people to benefit equally from the resources afforded by society and the environment which would be accomplished by socialists and communist redistribution of wealth.”  

Jillian Rayfield is an Assistant News Editor for Salon, focusing on politics. Follow her on Twitter at @jillrayfield or email her at JILLIAN RAYFIELD.  

best wishes and love lots


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Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation Presents...  






The Rite of Soul Absorption


This is the initiation of the GREAT LIBERATION, our point of entrance into a new life for which all our past has been a preparation. 

Collectively, we have reached the point at which we make permanent transition from living as a human personality to a life of divinity solely focused in Unity Consciousness.

This Rite of Passage is the initiation that sets into greater momentum the emergence of the I AM Race in its qualifying characteristics and what is referred to as 5th dimensional conscious living. This is the main goal of the Rites of Passage program and potentially what will complete at year's end for numerous people in our collective grouping and soon thereafter for many more.

It is the heralding consummation of the Great Work in which we are finally able to enter into God Consciousness. This, beloved family is the actual physical process of what many refer to as the "ascension". 

"Ascension", from the angle of our group endeavor, is when the human personality, the incarnated Soul and the great God Self fuse to become one unified being here on Earth. Undertaken in group formation, this is the initiation that returns us, as lesser aspects, to our monadic source, the Group I AM Presence and the one originating reservoir of Divine Consciousness that sent us forth.
In order to make this transition, the individualized Soul, which has served as the guiding intermediary between the human and God, is no longer required as a separated entity. The purified human personality brings about a burning of the sheath around the entire soul body. This fuses the Soul's attributes with the form, thereby relinquishing the Soul vehicle completely from our energetic framework.
The threads of the entire Soul body sheathing, that has shrouded itself around the human form, are finally severed. They are consumed by cosmic fire and the Soul is then absorbed back unto its Source. A new "divine personality" arises in which there is now only a direct connection between the form and God. 

This phase of initiation marks the end of personal karma and the necessity to reincarnate for evolutionary purposes. We are released from the controls of the matter aspect. The illusion of duality finally comes to an end.

This is the actualized phase in which we activate the codes of immortality and the numerous gifts of our inherent supernal ability.







Rite #9 Audio Transmission



In the audio for Rite #9 (Soul Absorption), we use the following Words of Power. Chanting or repeating the names of GOD creates instant Divine Alignment.

Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh
This is another way to say, I AM that I AM. I AM is the name of God. 


El Shaddai
This means God Almighty as the all powerful, sufficient One. It is God as El who helps and God as Shaddai who abundantly blesses.

Yod Hay Vod Hay
This is one of the sacred names of God and the Divine Father aspect.


As the mother of all mantras, the vibration of Aum has infinite power. It is the intelligent, creative and all loving vibration of the voice of the Holy Spirit. It can connect us to the supreme infinite Presence of God and the cosmic body of all creation. When chanted it is known to create a universal harmony within us and our surroundings, elevating us to unimaginable levels.


Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebayoth
This is Children of the Sun Foundation's Mantra which means Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God of Hosts. When this mantra is chanted, it acknowledges God and the great Host of Light, creating resonance between all levels of creation and Source energy.

As a mantra for initiation and spiritual attunement, it ties all of the rhythms of the body together with the spiritual rhythms of the Monadic Source, or the unified Group Consciousness. It is so strong that no force other than Love can remain in the presence of its vibration. Therefore, it creates an invincible pillar of energy around you.






gold check


Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation, Inc. | | 404 M. Mt. Shasta Blvd, Suite 320 | Mt. Shasta | CA | 96067
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Reading about the Rome Statute and the compensation that a victim of human experimentation will get , in this site, made me realize that with such a large sum, it may be tempting for some people.

I have read about the compensation for victims before but it really did not register till I read about the Rome Statute. Here are my entries on it:




I never had any idea what was being done to me before.

I realized though that almost all people have allowed this abuse to happen because they could win pot money, house, building fund, etc. 

I should address the money issue then.


1. If in case there are reparations or damages that will be processed in case they succeed in pushing me to my death, nothing will go to anyone EXCEPT TO my kid. If I still have another kid, then it will be divided equally between them.

2. Everything that will be paid to my kid/s as reparation or damages or inheritance or  transfer of inheritance or payment from the online earnings I should have received before (but was stolen or I was blocked from receiving), can not be transferred or donated  or given to anyone AND should only be spent for and by my kid. 

3. It cannot be INVESTED on anything except on businesses owned by my kid/s.

4. If my kid chooses to invest in her own business, she is free to do what she wants TO THE PROFIT she earns off the funds transferred to her as inheritance, etc (refer to #2). She can reinvest it, give or donate  a portion of it, spend it on herself, do with it as she pleases.

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