A little of what is happening

I posted this in a thread elsewhere, am copying it to here.

And the heat/burning sensations I get are;

-full body or one whole side of body with even heat like from a fire.

-part of body only, heated evenly, but only that part, usually genitals or buttocks.

-tailbone, as if the heat is a finger tip spot, that then radiates a little from it.

-hot spots that are more surface, but feel like a heat gun that usually are just on one spot.

-hotspots that feel the same, but that feel as if they go through me, that move across me, stop at a point, usually stomach, then chest,sometimes head, sometimes groin, and when left at one of those spotsproduce a secondary pain that is completely different from the secondarypain caused when it stops at other points, while the heat part feelsthe same. Groin aches, stomach feels like it’s hot poker burning, chestsuddenly feels hollow w/dropping out feeling, head gets something thatis like a combination clench/shock/something I can’t describe. Thesepenetrating feeling spots are not felt nearly as often as the others,but seem to be the same thing I have moved to avoid, then feel itfollow/catch up.

Another time a hotspot hit me, moved across me, and did it a few times, but then never again.
I think I was supposed to get the impression of being scanned, but ithit me across my chest, not my head.

What is this, any idea? And none of these are the prickly electric, all over body, feels like I’m mesh and a slight breeze is going throughmy body sensation.

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  • Ok, look, I know that other TI's, like myself, are all trying to figure out what is happening to us. So when I see something from someone in which it seems pretty straightforward, but then there is something that doesn't seem right, I figure on if I know what is right. If I do, like perps acting as if they are allowing you to see that they are stalking you, when that's exactly what they want for the psychological effect, I say so. The rest of the time I figure that we're all trying to figure out what's happening to us, and what do I really know anyway, because I haven't been able to stop it as a whole yet. And I know that going through these things can cause a lot of mental stress for other TI's too, and that sometimes people might be both targetted and a little loopey, or just loopey in the fist place. I try to focus in the good 9nfo and ignore the bad. But there are times I gotta say somethign, and this is one of them. You seemed to be someone at first with a foot in two doors, one of some small things that could be, and the other in a lot of 'no way'. Who am I to say if you are really targeted or not, so I am the last person who would want you not to feel welcome in a community for those who are targetted and the focus should be on information. Then you took a giant leap into the room of 'no fucking way' with the whole syndicate shit. I tried to figure out if you are completely insane and believe this shit, either on your own or because someone fed you this giant pile of shit. But then I decided that there is just too much for that to be the case, and that you are either coming up with it on your own, or someone is basically remotely pouring it through your head. I compared this to my own experience and in doing so noted that there is nothing in it that suggests this streaming out of your mind, either real time, or as this kind block of mindfuck they triggered to pour out of you. But rather something that someone has sat down and come up with, who is either you, or someone who handed it to you because it's too much to memorize, and you then put that shit up here. So this leaves me trying to figure out if you are simply fucking with TI's in forums, thinking we're all nuts, and wanting to have some cruel fun when you think this shit is gonna end up in all these other TI forums as some 'big discovery' of a secret group responsible for the targeting. And applying it to my personal case, I have to consider that you could well be one of the people about whom a bunch of shit was put in my head how all these people with all these different motivations spread all this bullshit about me to get these gangstalkers to do all this shit to me. That they got worked into skits, mind fucking, were send around as messengers, etc, and that they are the people who made all this shit happen to me. But that they are not the people really doing the biggest and worst shit to me for the most part. That these people have been doing things to or around me like these the whole time as part of the gangstalking, but that they were instructed to by the people they got to do allthis shit to me. That they will be revealing themselves to me, and I should have been picking up on hints by now, and they will reveal what they did. That they will try to represent themselves as being part of the gangstalking group, but that while a lot of them were responsible for causing things to happen to me, they are not part of the group they set on me. That they will swear they are, boldly declare what they have done, and say that they it was part of it all, therefore they are part of the gangstalking group, so I better not even think about doing anything to them. That this was not exactly the version of things these people think is being put in my head, but instead is that with a little extra truth added. that these people caused things to happen to me, they went along with things happening to me, they fed into things happening to me, but that they were not the ones actually behind it all, and they have absolutely no protection from those who did. That maybe those people would tell me who the people doing this to me are, but that they know who these people are, and what they can do, and they don't think they will. That they would have to be more afraid of what I could do to them, than what these people could do to them, and they're pretty sure that isn't the case.
  • Okay, look at the huge variance in what people face. You have organized stalking and electronic harassment. And each of those two have two different ends of the level of shit.
    Gangstalking; On the high end maybe you have important people trying to discredit you, on the other end maybe you just pissed off some psycho with the time and motivation to go around to every community, group, etc you ever come in contact with and figure out what floats their boat to make them think you are an undesirable.
    Electronic Harassment; same thing. Electronic harassment can be low level or really high level. There are also two ends of it either way, with some of it being purely assault, but then there is the mind play and intrusion shit. The purely assaultive shit can be a lot of garage made shit and internet bought shit, or it can be serious shit that most people can't get or use. Could you really tell which is which if you can't see it? Personally I think I'm getting it from a number of different sources. But to answer your question, it's the same at any level, from little task-doers of hate groups to high level. They 'get their orders' from whatever person comes to them, tells them they need to do something important, and gives them a bunch of illegal shit to do to someone. They say, "Whooppie, sounds fun, I'm gonna be important."
  • Ah see, he didn't blow his cover, he was trying to set you up to look crazy. You couldn't prove anything about him, and clearly they can get any info they want and make up the rest when they don't find anything they can use. They don't need cover really, and if they were trying to use it they might let slip one, maybe two things. But when they sit there either referring to your life, or previous things they established as points to screw with you on my giving you ideas of people doing all these things around you to set you up, they are just working on the messege of that if you jaywalk they'll know, and if you don't they'll plant some dope on you. It's part of their 'all powerfull' image. With me they had people running out in front of my vehicle, which then made me connect a lot of other dots, like why some people who came here for a neighbor's party came out and did this weird "we're not really gonna talk to you, but we're gonna stand almost touching you while you're chopping wood and hope you hit us" thing, that at the time just had me thinking they were like dodo's. 'too dumb to survive, must extinct self' Another thing they did with me was try to make me think that people are scurrying around me setting up things to blame me for, which I think is just them with the 'you better not fight us or we'll set you up' shit, because if they really set all this shit up, they would have used it by now. Basically, if someone is charging at you with a gun drawn, and you have one too, but you just wave it at them and swear you'll shoot if they don't drop their gun, you're out of ammo. If you aren't, you'd already be firing. I'm pretty sure this is also how they intend to create a cover for people around me they dragged in easily enough. By now they see I'm not blinking, so they'll try to suggest that any betrayers really just thought there was all this dirt on me that would be exposed if they tried to help me. When in reality they know there is nothing and they just didn't want to not go along or stand up for what's right, or they thought it sounded like a bunch of fun. Of course there are those who are sneaking around behind the cover of anonymity who are going to try to represent like they were trying to work behind enemy lines helping me, and I just sit here and pay attention to them untill I see which acts will be attributed to who when they try to pass it off as help, but I already know it's part of the plan of the gangstalking group to provide cover to anyone who goes along with them. It's one of those things where the top gangstalkers see themselves going down, the main group as it were, so they make sure if they're going down they take everyone with them, hoping it gives them sufficient numbers for safety and threats. As far as the secret website, no. I mean sure, there is all kinds of stuff people have put out there that goes into one or two methods for doing a couple things. But an actual website on OS/EH? think about it, T.I.'s get a hold of it, reveal it, and suddenly the whole world knows it's true. Anyone who says it's happening to them afetr that isn't automatically seen as crazy. The gangstalkers would have thrown away their best tool.
  • Ok, so I can't vouch for an exact 99 out of 100, but I can say that typically the only people who had a problem with me were usually people who had problems with lots of other people. But sure, those few I rubbed the wrong way seemed to make up for most other people liking me. There were people who found me obnoxious, but in a pretty harmless way, they didn't think of me as a bad guy or anything. Anyone who actually had it out for me were always a small few at most. What confuses me greatly in this, and makes it even harder to bear, is that it seems like everyone around me, everyone I used to know, etc, all know what's going on. I'm trying to sort out what makes no sense, and it's killing me while everything in my life is destroyed, and noone will actually tell me anything. So they are watching me watch my life go by, and I can't bring myself to fathom that people do nothing. The shortest simplest way to say it is that they try to make me think of everything and everyone as being part of all kinds of shit, for the sole purpose of calling any idea I come up with delusional when they deny anyone doing anything. They just want me to come up with the most insane sounding possible idea of what is going on so they can say, "You're insane, see everyone, he's insane, and that means he can't testify, so anything we say about anything or anything we did to him is default correct because he's not allowed to say anything."
    and noone does a damn thing about it.
  • And is it the same thing that causes a small female cat to die suddenly, horribly, looking like her organs exploded inside of her, while killing larger, male cats, at a slower rate, as they wither away? Is it the same thing that makes me bleed? Makes me feel like I'm being dissolved? Makes the room spin? Causes a sudden onset of skin tags and polyps? Personaly, I think it is not. I think that is a whole lot of stuff, and the perps did put in my head that anything people don't know they are doing to me, if I try to talk about it, isn't being taken as things they are doing that people don't know about, but rather that people think it's just shit I make up to try to make what they are doing to me sound bad enough for someone to stop it. As far as taking it to another level, I would love to take it all to a higher level. But without knowing who I'm really dealing with, being told that that they are making sure the only people around me doing skits aren't doing any more than that, so anyone I could go after will be the wrong person, and they'll be able to claim that not only am I having delusions, but acting on them, as their way to have me locked up as a looney so noone takes me seriously, makes taking any kind of retaliatory or defensive action a non option right now. But this is Washington DC, where the greatest weapon that can be brought to bear against a person or group is their public reputation, and I intend to open fire with both barrels.
  • And what causes continuous fluid discgarge from both ears that sometimes includes blood? On this I'm looking at the different things that work on the auditory nerve, because it seems that constant stimulation of it could theoretically cause such a thing, but also at whatever causes the heat and pressure in my head, as if the fluid is basically, as fucked up as it sounds, me, being cooked off, draining. It's not wax, and it's only been present since the sound bombardment and hot spots, burning sensations, high heat, etc,became a 24/7 bombardment.
  • Basically for me, they've turned me into something less than a whole or real person. I will never be able to accomplish again things I already had, or was on my way to, and my life is pretty much a wash. I never know anymore who I'm actually dealing with in this bizarre shit the create where anyone could be a perp, someone who knew me trying to figure out what is going on and not identifying them-self, someone I once knew just screwing with me going along with the perps, or a perp acting like either one of those. I still have things that mean a lot to me, but I have a hard time imagining a future for me after people have done this to me and continue to. I step blindly through the motions of living sort of, half by reflex, half by mind control, and the only thing in my life is taking this shit right back to whoever it is coming from. So when I talk to people, I reduce what stress I can by simply using rules for everything. I don't put any people on friends list on any account, so I don't even think about it. I stick to the facts and respond to all as I would to anyone, perp or not, etc, etc, etc. For me, what it really comes down to is that there isn't a goddamn thing a goddamn person can throw in my face to justify these things being done to me, and their desperation proves they damn well know it. I don't know at this point if any of my life was ever anything more than someone's sick social experiment. I've been able to go back disturbingly far and find things that stuck out as weird at the time, but only when all this became apparent as going on finally made sense. All kinds of stuff that at the time seemed unbelievable as being able to happen to me, but then it hits a point where I am left thinking that likely I just got a lot of shit directed at me for whatever reasons people came up with, and only later those things became part of the EH/OS, rather than it all being the same thing. But I can definitively go back to a time in my life when 99 out of 100 people loved me, I always had a job, life was great, and not find one single legitimate reason that things should have fucked up. I welcome anyone to try to throw anything in my face as an excuse and see what I have to say about it. I have nothing wrong with me more than ADD, I have done nothing to bring this on myself, I have no disorders, have committed no actions, or anything else to justify people doing things to em. Noone has any excuse to do any of this shit to me, but there seem to be a whole ton of people who know about it who won't tell me a damn thing. If I were going to live to old age, which I don't see any way I could afetr this, I would still be almost halfway through my life. I have to think that at some point there has got to be someone who is going to say that this is insane. That I'm just a human being who worked hard to have a good life and could have many times over if it weren't for people doing these things to me, and it is nothing short of psychotic cruelty to not allow me to pick up any pieces I might still be able to and salvage what years I could have left. No matter how much they do it and apparently get away with it, I just can't accept that it can just keep happening. So I treat a life that no longer belongs to me or has value like a never ending knight vs knave riddle. Stick to absolute truth so noone can poke a whole in anything I say, and never say or type a word I wouldn't want a perp to see or hear.
  • Okay, I'm looking at this;


    but I'm not understanding how it would detect stuff, getting fired through my window, or exactly what. I have ir video recording now, and it's for when I'm not here to catch any intruders, but it's often recording when I'm here too. Is this something I should be able to use to detect something?
  • And you have probably also experienced the thing where as long as you don't do anything but flail uselessly, your bills are paid enough to keep things on, and you can even go to a oive or out to eat once in awhile. But as soon as you start to get more info out, or feeling like you might actually be close to figuring out what they're dong to you, suddenly every cent is instantly tied up, and you're always waiting for the scraps to come in the nick of time while the noose of financial slavery they put on to keep you enslaved to whoever around you lets them do it to you, tightens.
  • I saw a thing that is supposed to convert emf into sound. It was advertised as being for finding wires or something, some electrical application, but I thought it might also be applicable in this. And now, of late, there is no longer ever, day or night, any times when what I'm getting hit with is just a lot of little zaps, spasms, pricks, etc as far as the purely physically associative parts of the EH now. Those little things, where I am constantly hit, but with each thing just briefly, has now been mostly replaced by constant, day and night, much,much worse, nonstop waves of sensation pouring through me. I feel like there is a slight current passing me through me at all times now, with a metallic taste that goes with it. I feel a sort of pulsing go through me that is just that as the entire feeling, and is a lot like what I felt at my last apartment where my place was directly on top of the machine room so I just wrote off any vibrations as being from that, but here there is nothing like that. It's like every single thing they hit me with before that was any kind of pulse, tingle, skin-prickly, whatever, has now just been turned on and left on.
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