I posted this in a thread elsewhere, am copying it to here.
And the heat/burning sensations I get are;
-full body or one whole side of body with even heat like from a fire.
-part of body only, heated evenly, but only that part, usually genitals or buttocks.
-tailbone, as if the heat is a finger tip spot, that then radiates a little from it.
-hot spots that are more surface, but feel like a heat gun that usually are just on one spot.
-hotspots that feel the same, but that feel as if they go through me, that move across me, stop at a point, usually stomach, then chest,sometimes head, sometimes groin, and when left at one of those spotsproduce a secondary pain that is completely different from the secondarypain caused when it stops at other points, while the heat part feelsthe same. Groin aches, stomach feels like it’s hot poker burning, chestsuddenly feels hollow w/dropping out feeling, head gets something thatis like a combination clench/shock/something I can’t describe. Thesepenetrating feeling spots are not felt nearly as often as the others,but seem to be the same thing I have moved to avoid, then feel itfollow/catch up.
Another time a hotspot hit me, moved across me, and did it a few times, but then never again.
I think I was supposed to get the impression of being scanned, but ithit me across my chest, not my head.
What is this, any idea? And none of these are the prickly electric, all over body, feels like I’m mesh and a slight breeze is going throughmy body sensation.
Gangstalking; On the high end maybe you have important people trying to discredit you, on the other end maybe you just pissed off some psycho with the time and motivation to go around to every community, group, etc you ever come in contact with and figure out what floats their boat to make them think you are an undesirable.
Electronic Harassment; same thing. Electronic harassment can be low level or really high level. There are also two ends of it either way, with some of it being purely assault, but then there is the mind play and intrusion shit. The purely assaultive shit can be a lot of garage made shit and internet bought shit, or it can be serious shit that most people can't get or use. Could you really tell which is which if you can't see it? Personally I think I'm getting it from a number of different sources. But to answer your question, it's the same at any level, from little task-doers of hate groups to high level. They 'get their orders' from whatever person comes to them, tells them they need to do something important, and gives them a bunch of illegal shit to do to someone. They say, "Whooppie, sounds fun, I'm gonna be important."
and noone does a damn thing about it.
but I'm not understanding how it would detect stuff, getting fired through my window, or exactly what. I have ir video recording now, and it's for when I'm not here to catch any intruders, but it's often recording when I'm here too. Is this something I should be able to use to detect something?