This calf is the allegory with which I intend to give pause to those sensitive to the reality and the truth people.
It is condemning the elderly to be abused like this calf and humiliated, this is the overriding with an unknown military technology for scientific citizen apie: Bioresonance quantified.

This calf is the picture of the reality of billions of people to your physical has been canceled by remote modulated sound unusable and humiliate him, and to be useful for creating jobs, medicine and gediatricos.
There is a technology that works with "modulated sound" based on algorithms or informaticas orders, which works remotely in space-time, ie, you can create a "paralytic ileus" from miami one person from Catalonia, thanks to the roads telecommunications. How?
First create a morphic field in the human body, gacias a software system that fits the biological material in a sounding board ... we have created an electromagnetic aura with our own biological gas accelerated radiation on our body, and have achieved form an operational cloud computer. an internal electronic apparatus basic neuroanatomy size reduced with ... This word I learned recently, there is currently an investigation in Barcelona that creates virtual programs to teach surgeons and physicians as the brain operates from nose ... a fellow trip is the secretary of a doctor who is doing ....

And before long, they have made the lack of health in a business for the lords of the planet ....
The Egyptians practiced this science ...
Can you imagine how easy it is placed through the nose and insert a microchip in the cavity next to the pineal?

LA GOSADERA is unparalleled, I WAS VICTIM vilified by GOOD PEOPLE .... TODAY I AM RANA.


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