im not sure if everyone here has a different story but the symptons and methods all seem identicalwhen i first became aware i was in my trailer and it was like i was being interogated everything and forced to tell every bad thing i have ever done and then seek forgiveness from god and start living a repented life i emediatly changed the way i was living and even the way i thought and when i started protecting my thoughts i noticedall of my thoughts were not my own something was forceing racial slurs into my thought every time i would see a black person racial slurs would spring up out of knowwhere and i would become exstremely enbarrassed and i would be forced to avert my gazes so i started trying to force myself to keep looking and block or ignore the slurs but the harder i tried the worse it gotthe people were relentless then one night in my trailer they started trying to convince me i was a robot but not any robot the first human robot created by god i dont know how they do it but they started controlling my emotions with such force that i was compelled to allmost believe it they played out a scenero where i was battleing with god for the future of mankind god or the voice wanted to bring on the appocolipse of revalations and so there was a heated discussion full of the most exstreme emotions i have ever felti wont go into all of the details but in the endthe voice gave me till 2012 to make the people of the world aware of the second coming or life would be destroyed i cant tell you how that made me feel inside trying to reach the whole world and make them aware suddenly dawned on me to be an almost impossible task and everyday since then the abuse the abuse slowly escalated i was driving towtruck at the time and the cops had a checkpoint set up at the car wash and for some reason while we were sitting waiting for the next car to be towed i was compelled to walk up to the chief of the police officers and confess to something my boss was called and i was sent home for the night but as i started to walk away the cop kept jesturing with his head and as i started looked up all of the sound around me became muffled and what i saw took my breath away there was not a single star in the sky and as i started to look to the left there was just one bright shining star you cant imagine how i felt i looked back down at the cop then back up then all around me to see who was watching there was a young mexican to one side and what appeared to be a middle aged jewish man with a dog on a collerand he kept looking at me and back down at his dog all the while jerking the dogs chain and when i looked back up at the sky the stars started to blink back int existence fro left to right like someone flipped a switch i was to shocked to say or do anything but as i looked around at the people for answers everyone literaly turned there backs on me i cant begin to tell you how scared i was what happened over the next month was equaly amazing but all of that has been 4 years ago now i am so wore down with torture that my health is realy suffering my family life and social life have been destroyed i have no job ever since then it has been a constant battle 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a yeari could fill books of all of the attrocites comitted against me and my family they got what they call attitude or feel on me it controlles your emotional state and the pressure it so hard that it is almost impossible to accomplish anything i feel now that they are dragging away and stealing my life one day at a time and if i dont do something now it will never happen so i am going to write out every thing that has happened to me and my family from start to finish and submit myself to a polyograph to attest that everything that has happened is the truth and force the courts and government not only to aknoledge it but to do something about it i think if enough people go about it in this manner they will have no choice but to do something everyone who reads this please realy think about what you lost and what other options there are for getting proof one persons testimony is only one persons testimony but if there were hundreds or thousands it could no longer be dismissed
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P.S. I found this on wikipedia & it describes what is being done to us. It is just a shame that we cannot pinpoint our perpetraitors:
"Conspiracy against rights is a federal offense in the United States of America under 18 U.S.C. § 241: