Resent Medical Research conducted in India has proven that Medicines such as OLANZIPINE has rectified abnormal  biochemical changes. This Medical research enrolled 180 Brain research Victims. 90 Mind Research Victims were given Olanzipine and other 90 Mind research Victims were given Placebo. At the end of 9 months, 72 Mind research Victims improved there behaviour & symptoms completely and 18 patients had partial improvements.  Those victims who were given placebo did not show any improvements and infact show deterioration. 


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  • I am happy that people are speaking up in support of what this site is for but I was wrong when I through my little tantrum earlier when I said I would leave. I just feel like we all get so far off track when there is so much to be gained if we can keep the information in perspective.
    Earlier when I posted mt recap of what I thought were the valuable key points lost in all of the psychological banter I was in no way endorsing that anything in particular as a solution for everyone nor was was saying that somehow the medication I take is better than what the next guy takes if they get the same result. I am saying that we should be keeping track of these things in an organized way and try to find more TI's to weigh in on the same topic. Maybe there are per medications that work as well, maybe Ritalin doesn't have anything to do with why I don't hear voices there isn't enough data to say one way or the other. I personally am intrigued by Ritalin (not because it is what I am on, although that is a plus for me) because it seems to me that if we could determine whether or not this drug does interfere with DEW's it would be a lot easier for us layman to determine whether or not it was the drug (with a large enough case study) versus a drug designed for schizophrenics who hear voices and then it does it job and stops the voices. Then we are left with having to analyze each person polled and somehow determine if we believe they are a schizophrenic or a TI with brain damage. How will we ever figure this out? Paul you absolutely correct when you say that it takes a lot of humility to step back and take a real honest look at yourself and entertain the idea of mental illness. I feel like I have to say that I did do this and God willing I will continue to. I was seeing psychiatrist for 4 years prior to any of this because I do have my own personal issues. I am proud of the work I have done on myself which dates back to February 2001 when I entered rehab for opiate addiction and thank God I have been in recovery ever since. I am not sure if anyone here is familiar with 12 step programs but I practice the 12 steps diligently and they are nothing if not soul searching and based on honesty, open mindedness, humility, and a lot of personal accountability. This program was not enough for me so I also started intense therapy and eventually I was led to a psychiatrist to deal with the physiological effects of childhood trauma on my brain that I was unable to overcome in therapy. I have always been cautious (well since rehab, lol) with medications thus my decision to take Ritalin as opposed to Adderall as Ritalin is far less likely to be addictive than Adderall. I still have to watch myself and check in with my sponsor in regard to my taking Ritalin but after 5+ years so far so good. I also take a very small dose 25mg of Seroquel (which is an old school anti psychotic but not used as such these days) for anxiety/depression, the decision to take this medication was also due to my addiction issues and Seroquel is one of the only options that isn't addictive. I have been under constant care with a psychiatrist for 7 years now (my general practitioner was not aware of any thing as it relates to my experiences as a TI where my psychiatrist was and at no point did she believe I was dillusional. She was more concerned with my hyper obsessive behavior around this and that I would in fact drive myself to the point of real mental illness) and I will continue to do so. I am a supporter of all of seeking professional psychiatric help but I do suggest you take your time and try to determine if you can really trust your doctor before you jump in to your life as a TI. I say this because it is a known fact that there are members of the medical community involved in these programs and still others who don't believe they exist. Trusting the wrong doctor could be a fatal mistake and easily avoidable by just taking your time (still seek help just divulge your information slowly as you gain trust) and if you are here no matter if you are a TI or mentally ill or both then you are right where you are suppose to be and hopefully you find what you need to live the life we all deserve.
    Now that I have divulged my history and taken everyones time in doing so, am I mentally ill or a TI or am I both? Is there any value to you to try to figure that out? Or is our time better spent figuring out what is already working for TI's around the world and start bettering our position in this? Maybe the solution is to limit our sharing about mental illness to blog posts relating to mental illness and when other blog posts are obviously revolving around TI specific issues and possible solutions we could stay away from debating mental illness? I think there is room for everyone here but if we want to gain any ground in this we have to start being more organized. There is a time and a p,ace for all discussions.
    Maybe what we should do is form a group for those of us that want to take some action around these things? We could start polling members and start collecting some meaningful information. Any thoughts?
  • I want to create a group for those who wish to share what it feels like to be have a mental disorder and be a TI. Also, for those who take meds and want to share what its like to feel the side effects. I think it would be a great support for those who undergo both.

  • TO monica, I think every TI should. If schizophrenia mimicks the things a TI feels how do you really know if you don't have tangible proof? I don't mean a feeling or seeing or hearing things, I mean outside evidence. If you don't thave this you may be decieving yourself. I have been humble enough to ask these question, even with proof. I know how far my mind has been pushed and what it took to heal it. I know how to help others. But people have to be humble enough to accept they may be wrong about themselves. 

    I know for a fact I am a TI. The only other people that exist that know I am a TI are the ones who torture me. It is the same for everyone else, regardless of what you think.

  • Kori, Its too bad you see it that way. I too have been mis-diagnosed as scizophrenic, but I know it is not a dillusion that I experience-I signed a contract with the mob! see some of my story here I am in the process of finding this contract and other proof of what has happened to me. I also know what it is like to be dilusional. I used to think the whole world knew who I was. I was deceived by the perps with v2k to beleive this, but my mind played a lot of tricks on me and built a whole little world to deal with the torture. It took the right meds to help heal from it. This is why its so important to decpiher wether or not one is mentally ill or a TI or both. We cannot help each other unless we know what is truly wrong. 

    I did notice that one of the possible side effects of Ritalin is hallucinations. Maybe your doctor thought you were hallucinating the idea of being gangstalked and that's why he wants you off them. I'm not saying you are right or wrong, just how he may see it.

    I don't see myself being off track when I say those who hear voices or feel they're being watched by everyone at least consider eliminating the possibility that it could be mental illness. It takes a lot of courage and a lot of humility to explore that possibility, but if you get relief- you win! if you don't at least you know you are a TI. You yourself admit to taking Ritalin, others need meds too. I don't suggest giving advice you are not able to give, but this line is for support, supposedly only for TIs but we all have mental issues that result from the torture me receive. This is one reason we need to discuss mental health here. I think it does more harm than good to avoid it like its the plague.

    AS far as me being a perp, and you leaving-thats sad. I wish you would stay.

  • Thank you Monica it actually means a lot to me that you think so as I was starting to doubt myself. My type A personality shines through I can't help it and it has gotten me in trouble from time to time. I have a tendency to take charge and I have always been solution oriented (this is what literally almost drive completely insane cause I was sure that I could figure this all out if I just kept at it, what a mistake that was) to a fault.
    I see so much potential in this site as there are so many of us with all sorts of skill sets there is no reason not to band together and start getting to work. I am not saying that together we can solve the big mystery and put an end to these programs but I am saying that together we should be able to significantly improve our quality of life one baby step at a time. We just need the people who want to work toward this to ban together and then together decide which topic will have the largest impact on our lives in the shortest amount of time and get to it!
  • In parting there is one more thing I would like to say. Anytime I come in contact with someone that works so hard to keep people off track and especially when that same person wants to direct people back to mental illness. These are people who have been fighting for their lives against people wanting to stick them with a diagnosis of schizofrenia (some may be but hardly the point here). Then to find a place where you are not alone and others are fighting the same fight only to find someone there with the same agenda??? Feels more like perp behavior than anything else. To all you TI's proceed with caution! Take your medical advice from a trusted professional who sees you in person!
  • Thank you for explaining this site to me as I do believe it is important to set proper expectations in order to avoid unnecessary frustration. I apparently had unrealistic expectations about what it is this site could do for me as a TI which is what brought me here. I already have a doctor and a pharmacist who go over my medications and their side effects with me and as far as I can see there is no published information regarding their potential impact on DEW's which was the point. I do not have any interest in identifying mental illness in others nor recommending medications for them. I was clearly barking up the wrong tree here and out of line in thinking this was a forum for TI's who would be interested in organizing in some way to better our lives. I spent a year fighting hard for my sanity and against those that wanted me misdiagnosed as schizophrenic (even though I have never had any of the classic symptoms other than paranoia) and the last thing I want to do is spend my time inflicting that on anyone else. Unfortunately there is no way for anyone to determine via the Internet who among us is mentally ill, a true TI, or a perp for that matter and it doesn't add to the quality of my life to spin my wheels playing on,one doctor. So again thank you for setting me straight I will not continue to waste my time here and will move on to a site with similar goals to mine. Take care and good luck to all.
  • I have, and will continue to talk about schizophrenia, as well as other diagnosis. I believe  most people on this site have a diagnosis of one form or another including schizophrenia. With this in mind we need more discussion on the subject not less. The problem is, peacepink is a site for the mentally ill as much as it is for TI's. IT way not have been created for this reason, but that is what this site has become wether you like it or not. The subject of mental health needs to be discussed, including the fact that there are high functioning schizophrenics. This information will help us do exactly what you havev talked about, but in the way of helping us define how our numbers are split. Then we will have a more precise idea of what information we need a a group.

  • Instead of sharing our theories and experiences half of the posts were spent debating schizophrenia and whether or not schizophrenics could function in life. Although this is an interesting topic it doesn't really do anything for a TI. I have a huge amount of compassion for anyone suffering from this disease as I do believe that when a TI spirals out of control the overwhelming paranoia that results is probably pretty close to what it feels like to be a schizophrenic. Frankly I would rather be a schizophrenic as at least the is a solution and people actually show sympathy toward the mentally ill. Not so for the TI.
  • I agree with what you said Paul, there are some that do have schizophrenia and not under attack as they may think but during one of my college psychology classes I wrote a thesis on my own personal theory surrounding schizophrenia.  I believe that schizophrenia maybe a symptom of extra sensory perception and that the illness of schizophrenia is a secondary result of finely attuned sensitivities and perceptions that others have not developed.   Just as us T.I.'s can over time go over board on being too cautious, even paranoid eventually, so too does the schizophrenic eventually read too much into their gifted perceptions.  Extra sensory perception, I believe, develops out of the need to survive due to extensive and long term trauma or verbal abuse during childhood.  Just as other animals or reptiles evolve to better their odds of survival in their environment, I believe that schizophrenics have developed ESP and sensitivities as a defense mechanism, using their insights to predict oncoming dangers.  

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