About SRI: Clients, New World Order Players

About SRI: Clients

Stanford Research Institute International works with U.S. government agencies, international government agencies, global corporations, startup companies, industry consortia, private foundations, venture firms, and other organizations. In the past decade alone, our clients have sponsored $2 billion in R&D at SRI.....

The New World Order Organizational Chart - Novus Ordo Mundi - El Nu...

In the Organizational Chart for the NWO and Pyramid of Power STANFORD RESEARCH INSTITUTE is listed as is MONSANTO, a multinational corporation linked to BLACKWATER. [ Blackwater played a role in my abduction into the covert nonconsensual human subject experimentation, R&D and the abusive torture - assassination program that has taken friends from me and robbed me of a life as I knew it. When it was all getting off the ground and everything being put in place to ensnare me, I was being terrorized while living in Berkeley so took a plane to Vermont for a family visit which turned out to be a fiasco with my family wanting to lead me by the hand to see a mental health provider. I was under scrutiny at SFO while waiting in the lobby before boarding. A man seated near me - a creepy man who didn't take his eyes off me-as though he was studying me someone with clout but evil - I was immediately aware of the essence of this man who was there with his wife and likely boarded the aircraft with me although I didn't see him again. Of course, I wasn't looking for him. When I arrived in Vermont and was standing at the airport luggage carousel, another creepy 'spooky' man pacing back and forth in front of me with his head hanging down low and shaking it sideways as though telling me I'd done something bad and was going to pay. Since I've never done anything bad, these people who were showing up all over the place trying to make me feel bad or whatever was going on was just too bizzare.
Nevertheless, I kept vigil that week in Vermont. My family was being manipulated with influence
technology and none of them would believe what I was trying to tell them; nor would they examine evidence left behind in the woods behind the house. Nothing made a dent in their denial.

I must begin my Affidavit - Testimony because it's time to document certain events. So much happened during that visit. They set up shop in the woods behind my stepmother's house and once she was asleep they would hurl red, white and blue lasers into the upstairs portion of the house. I thought of the Jews in Nazi-occupied Germany where I kept trying to hide way down in the basement in the corner or under a bed and they would always find me with a bright light - they would always know exactly where I was and shine a bright light on me from the sky and it creeped me out. One night I crept downstairs to the kitchen and they hurled something at the coffee maker blowing it up. I noted the temperature in the house was 20 - 30 degrees warmer down there. My stepbrother came by and scolded me that I'd turned the temperature up too high. There were so many things happening and while I knew 100% that I was mentally in good shape - still there was a bunch of very strange things of a criminal nature happening that i needed answers to. The obvious thing is that someone was going to great lengths to frighten me. All I could think was good thing I don't scare easily. So much went on in that house on that visit is pertinent. BLACKWATER came into the picture on the return flight back to Berkeley. I was sandwiched between two Blackwater gentlemen not by accident; one to the right who constantly fiddled with the watch on his wrist and the other to the left of me who resembled the actor Lee Marvin and whose wife was sitting in the back of the plane. This one it was obvious did not like what was going down. The one to my R was finishing up a job in Nevada before going home he said to North Carolina.
TIME TO DO MY TESTIMONY AND AFFIDAVIT and lay off these diary entries for a while.

Monsanto and Blackwater's black ops
, Jeremy Scahill, The Nation, September 15 2010

Jeremy Scahill Jeremy Scahill, a Puffin Foundation Writing Fellow at The Nation Institute, is the author of the bestselling Blackwater...
Monsanto is the leading producer of genetically engineered (GE) seed; it provides the technology in 90% of the world's GE seeds. Monsanto developed and marketed genetically engineered seed and bovine growth hormone.

MONSANTO is listed as a client of STANFORD RESEARCH INSTITUTE and MONSANTO is responsible for much of the food that goes on our dinner tables. Potatoes, tomatoes and all the vegetables that we consume, unless organically grown, are from genetically engineered seeds. Yesterday's news reported that the FDA is considering a request to add animals raised for human consumption to now be genetically engineered. The issue at hand is SALMON and a picture was shown of a normal salmon side by side with the image of a genetically engineered fish almost 3 times its size in weight in the same length of time it took to grow them both. One with growth hormones; the other without. Because money always appears to be the bottom line as opposed to the health and well being of the American people, I'll bet that
SRI International, if called upon to approve GE salmon, the next thing being served up will be frankenfish. The crew at SRI International, can afford to buy wild sockeye salmon.

Blackwater the 'Intel Arm' of Monsanto | Food Renegade

Sep 23, 2010 ... Why should I be surprised that Monsanto hired Blackwater's ... as well as several multinational corporations, including Monsanto, Chevron, ...

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