"You Shall Know the truth and the truth shall set you Free" Jesus9143012273?profile=originalArt Deco Bas relief in Berkeley California accross the street from the Peace WasllFrom: AE911Truth Action Alerts <actionalerts@ae911truth.us>
Subject: AE911Truth Action Alert: Urgent Message from Richard Gage, AIA
To: rpangell@umich.edu
Date: Sunday, May 24, 2009, 9:01 AM

Your source for hot news/information/events • May 15, 2009

Urgent Message from Richard Gage, AIA

NYC 9/11 Investigation Ballot Initiative

Fellow Architect/Engineer and other Petition Signers,

It looks like 2009 will be the breakthrough year for establishing a real investigation into the destruction of the three World Trade Center high-rise on 9/11. At the San Francisco AIA convention, April 30 to May 2, about 60 architectssigned our petition calling for a new investigation, bringing the total numberof architects and engineers calling for a new investigation to over 700.


Out on the East coast, a different petition is happening—one that we must support FULLY. In the very city where these tragic events took place, over38,000 New Yorkers have so far signed the petition calling for a citywidereferendum on the formation of a new, independent, impartial investigationinto the events of September 11, 2001. When the voters of New York Citycollect the required number of signatures to put this referendum on theballot and pass it by majority vote, a new Commission will be formed, thistime consisting of pre-selected individuals who will follow the evidencewherever it may lead. Such a Commission will give us the legally establishedvenue to present the evidence for the explosive controlled demolition of thethree WTC high-rises.

For over three years, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth have called upon Congress to reopen the 9/11 investigation. Our demand has fallen on deaf ears. Now, we have the opportunity to help make this investigation a reality.

The dedicated team at NYCCAN in New York City need OUR support. To guarantee their referendum will make it on the ballot, they must to collect 35,000 more signatures by the end of June. Their goal is attainable if they have adequatefunding. Their petitioning staff has become so effective that they collect 1signature for every dollar spent – “a buck a sig”, as they like to put it.If 2,000 of us donate only $25, they will immediately raise the $50,000 neededfor the completion of their petitioning effort. And with 75,000 signatures,the referendum will indeed make it on the ballot. This donation must be inaddition to your ongoing support of AE911Truth. We cannot afford to lose anyof your valued support at this time – as our upcoming architect conventionprojects are equally important in the overall 9/11 truth effort.

Now is the time for us to put our money where our heart is. Donate $25 right now, and we will be able to present the evidence before an independent, impartial Commission. Now is the time to support the New York City Coalitionfor Accountability Now, because NYC CAN.


One real chance. One real investigation. Donate now.


Richard Gage, AIA

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