For those of us being harnessed from the air.
All aircraft must be listed or registered with the FAA can not fly below 500ft from the
tallest structure around. The FAA database allows u to search.
Get the N number on the tail wing or below the rotor blades. File complaint with the FAA.
Take pictures. Write down the details.
Later J :)
Jon, I relate to what you're saying because it happened to me last year when I was first targeted and it was at its height. There was always helicopter hovering on top of my bldg. complex almost every night for about 5 minutes around 12 midnight. I told my sisters about it and they advised not to get up and look as they believed that it had the purpose to intimidate or harass me while I was trying to get to sleep. My sisters advised me to just ignore it. Also, siren almost everyday and night around my area and street and non-stop loud honking of cars . Lately, just a few days ago while I was typing and trying to finish documents in computer, on three separate occasions, there was a sound of a helicopter hovering around outside. The sound was annoying and destructing my work, so I went to my window which faces the driveway and the street. Because the bldg. complex here in the suburban area are not high only up to second to third floor only, you could see the sky above like an open space, I saw the helicopter up above looking from my window hovering around my area or street with flashing light flashing below. It was going for about 5 minutes. It happened lately on 3 separate occasions and I really saw the helicopter. Only a gov't or police helicopter could do that and not a private one.
It has nothing to do with mind reading of the TI. The purpose of that is to harass or intimidate the target. Regardless they could read your mind and know what you are thinking, they use different forms of harassment to affect or torture the victim. Regardless the other people in the surrounding area who are not TI also heard or noticed it or whether it was noticeable or not, is irrelevant in the circumstances. What is relevant is the action, situation, impact and effect on the targeted person or victim in the circumstances. It was intended for the victim or targeted individual in the circumstances.
It does not mean to say that because the other TIs did not have that kind or sort of experience that it did not happen to a particular TI, or he should not be believed for his/her torture experiences, or because he is just being paranoid. They use different methods, device, and program to targeted individuals to avoid duplication or corroboration with one another. It happened to me, Paul Baird, John Finch, Denise, Kris, and Jon.