Alicia Williams, York, PA

I finally found a site where I can be my true self! I have to stay at home all day with my bratty kids, so I can work from home. I had another baby just so I can act like what a great domestic goddess I am, to photograph other people's kids for a living! I hate this life! I'm a great actress, my hubby doesn't even know. This is my third marriage. Each of my kids have a different daddy!  I really want to be a crusader against DEW's and government wiretapping! Power to the York, people!

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  • If someone has spent 12 yrs, in jail, basically his whole adult life, is it possible that he's reformed? I hate to be put in the position to have to have these types of moral dilemmas. He did commit several violent crimes against people, all at  a young age. Are you going to befriend him? Is breaking into houses, assaulting car-jacking, burglary, something compulsive, learned or genetic? Can he just get over it??  None of your are the best of people, unfortunately!

    We've got informant, "Joe" who is now making a living at getting his friends locked up. Why is there  no loyalty among thieves or drug addicts? Every man, or woman for himself! Cleaning up the former school friend at a time.

    Why is it that some people all of  a sudden, convert to Muslim? Not that there is anything wrong with that. Do they actually read the Koran, before they start wearing the shroud on their head? Is it more of a political statement, or a religious thing? Anyone gonna ask them?

  • Yeah, Im also going to alert the school about the latest one. Don't worry Kim I'm making sure your name is on every memo too!  The latest one has two burglaries and one aggravated assault while committing a burglary!  Guess what scumbags, I'm getting a gun. Im allowed too because I don't have felony convictions like you do. So spread the word, and do your own research from now on! I can't believe that so many scumbags can afford to live here

  • I don't know it seems as if these rent to own  situations  never  work out really well for either party! Do you think that I should warn them? Unfortunately they don't seem too business savvy. Buying lots of vehicles, but not having enough funds to own a house. Bad Credit will definitely wreak havoc!  They could use some advice, eh! Itll only be a matter of time when they realize how ripped off they are going to be! I'm always here to offer advice. I'll actually do a print out of amounts and future bills for them, etc!  And so it begins.......

    Can the former losers get tested for radon gas exposure? Does a test exist for that? Is it measurable in the human body? Will you ever really know how extensive the exposure was? How can the nemesis get away with plastering   a radon mitigation sign on his old truck, pretending to be a worker. What  a lieing poser!

  • Well, what is Radon mitigation? Why was that truck cruising through the lawn of that broken down house for sale? Have they mitigated all of the radon yet? Where you all exposed to that radon for four years? You know that older guy that lived there for many years died of lung disease right? Did you know that 21, 000 people die a year from radon gas poisoning, lung cancer. It should be public record, and it's not funny! Sure that the a-hole landlord will lie about that too. He set up the ventilation system himself. Pity the poor fools that live there next!  Geez, you have to do your research, things aren't always the way that they seem!

    How are the drunk faces doing? Is tattling very lucrative? It must be! Heard that they got a big score with a  really public person. Aces. Every time i see drunk face out, I just hope that she isn't too intoxicated when she's driving those kids! You fuckers in the peanut gallery have no consciences or you would try to get her help!

  • This area attracts a lot of extraneous wack jobs. I guess because they know that crazy people are tolerated here. A normal person isn't going to spend their Sat. holding a sign saying bad things about the President! I guess when you put ex-prom queens and porn loving officials in charge of things, that's what you end up with! I have watched some of these inept professionals fall from power lately , which is encouraging. I have been pretty accurate about a lot of my predictions, it's almost uncanny, eh. Just being the omniscient observer, at that.

  • Why would some crazy ass couple pace up and down the street fighting, at five am? We were wondering if they were trying to break into one of the abandoned houses. It was really dark last night, and I was too tired to spy on them! The guy wasn't one of the baldies, he had hair. They were most likely in mid twenties. He yelled at the girl for turning away from him and going up bleep street.

    Okay bus stop stalkers, this is your chance to find out who they are, and to yell at them! It will give you something to do instead of munchhousening  your pets and kids! I don't want to have to start complaining again! Keep each other in check!

  • You know how these repeat offenders end up get light sentences, right? They become drug informants and rat out all of their friends. Yes, it even happens in the pot dealing world. There is no loyalty among users, anyone is fair game, even their own brothers. That' s how they are sitting  pretty, still yucking it up, while  their drug friends are getting stiffer sentences.  That makes it scarier  for the rest of us because the ones that are tattled on are always going to want revenge. Years ago a tattlers car nearby was  rigged with a crude, home made  bomb, I kid you not! He was okay though, it just shattered the windshield when he wasn't in the car. Seriously, this must be on record somewhere, before the days of internet.............

  • There is a job availability  near you, it is a supervisory position. You could make good money, and not sit home and babysit the guy wearing the ankle bracelet. Can you imagine how miserable he will be after ten days of sobriety! Will you apply for jobs, I doubt it. It is because  of you that no one wants to live here. You are the reason that criminals think that it is okay to stalk this area! You need to read about "The science of poverty". I read a twenty page manifesto about how this affliction has become so prevalent. At first they infer that poverty may be genetic. I beg to differ, and I thought that the author must be crazy or something. When you read more, you realize that it is more of a mindset, and environmental as opposed to inbred. You aren't even living pay check to paycheck anymore. If you ever get a bit of cash, don't blow it right away on drugs and alcohol again! Your kids would respect you more if you spent less time getting high with them around! They don't need to be around you twenty-four-seven!

  • I'm still observing silently, but Oh, Captain my Captain........ Why is it when brilliant, famous people commit suicide do they always claim after the fact,  that they were developing some type of horrible disease? I'm kind of skeptical that Robin Williams was really in the early stages of Parkinsons.  He will really be missed.

    If the brilliant, famous people are not dealing with the after math of suicide, maybe that is why our own little microcosm keeps lying about everything. Still lying, still acting like they don't care, and still being overtly fake! This community sucks! A bunch of mostly, trashy, anti-intellectual, substance abusing phonies! Most of the women only care about how much makeup they can pile on, and who's husbands they are screwing! I would like to see  a community leader come forward and try to improve things, instead of just going with the flow, and becoming part of the problem!

  • It's just beyond weird! I'm going to have to change my tactics! Short of opening up a mental institution, I am kind of at a loss! These people only care about their images, or what they think that they are projecting to the world. Even to the point of dishonoring a dead sibling! I am so disgusted, I'm done!

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