Sometime After I figured out they V2K'ed me. I looked at my mom more closely.
She has been deaf in her right ear since her teens. Over ten years ago she told me
she could hear sounds in her deaf ear. Well I thought she was dreaming but I noted it.
Sometime later after they put the screws to me. I asked her what she heard the voice in her
head say. Get this all she hears is BLA BLA BLA. Over and over again. Perps are evil arss wholes.
Alzheimer's bah. There programing pushed her over the edge. She could not deal with it.
It did major damage to her short term memory and the suggestions continue to play for her.
I suggest that u look for and take supplements to protect your short term memory.
I would like eye for eye for what was done. Watch out for the neighborhood watch and
Ham radio clubs, Bank owners, Realtors, Sheriffs and state patrol. These groups are who
I identified are some of the members. Later J