American Psychiatric Association Website Posting 10.10.15
Satellite technology is connected to peoples' brains all over the world! It is being used by criminals to assault and torture! This technology accounts for much of what the APA and the DSM define as "mental illness"! It is NOT mental illness!
Once exposed, the DSM and mental health textbooks will become obsolete! The entire mental health profession will be severely downsized and revamped! That's coming soon!
The DSM is misleading the entire mental health community, and anyone else with a connection to mental health! That includes the government and law enforcement! Everyone relies on the DSM! It is referred to as the mental health "bible"! It is dangerously wrong! People are being tortured to death while the mental health profession continues to hand out false diagnoses!
Why do mental health professionals think they know more than their patients about their patients' lives, brains and bodies?! The DSM! Everything patients have been reporting for decades is listed as a symptom of "mental illness"! They are symptoms of TORTURE!
How many people (patients) have reported being stalked or assaulted by some type of energy?! Has the APA ever investigated those claims or demanded answers from our government?! If not, why not?! You have access to tremendous human and financial resources! Why don't you understand this issue?!
We're not reporting Martian sightings! We're saying something (a satellite) can put energy on our brains and bodies! It explains so much the mental health profession has NEVER been able to explain! Can anyone say definitively a satellite CANNOT connect with our brains?! The APA's public positions and the DSM continue to suggest you can!
This technology must be exposed and locked down immediately! Millions of lives, our country and the world are at risk! It is an international emergency! Get serious about this issue!