American ethnic Indian and ethnic Taiwanese, ethnic African, South American secret technical garbage: you are only helpers to Mafia tycoon Rockefeller family. Why didn't you kill yourself when you dare to cave in to Mafia tycoons? The earlier you are killed the sooner secrets of remote surgery and remote mind control being exposed. You are harmful to humankind and harmful to everyone, including yourself. You are helping to justify killing you benefits humankind by not focusing on exposing secrets, which is responsibility of every secret technical garbage. Internal problem can only be solved by internal people. It is American secret garbage’s job to expose secret, not targeted individual’s job. Targetted individuals can only provide conditions and environments. It is you- American secret technical garbage, who played deterministic role. Why didn’t you kill yourself when you dare to cave in to darkness? Why did you help the killer to justify killing you would benefit humankind, American secret technical garbage, ethnic Indian and ethnic Taiwanese, ethnic African, South American secret technical garbage?
Only evil do brain surgery secretly, only evil study and use mind control. Humanbeings protect humankind by making the whole world know what is remote surgery and what is mind control. Why didn't you kill yourself when you dare to cave in to Mafia tycoon Rockefeller family who will kill you after using you as what they did to President Johnson and many other CIA employees after killing president Kennedy?