An open letter to all the Sunday Churches and Churches of all denominationsThe devil has used Emperor Constantine to change the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. Emperor Constantine has done that for political power in order to gain support from the pagan converts.It is time for a change. How long are you going to follow man's tradition rather than to follow God's commandments?The Sabbath is a Holy time, it is from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. No work must be done. It is reserved for having a quality time with your Creator.As true believers, we have to obey all Ten Commandments. YAHUSHUA also known as Jesus, came to fulfill them not to destroy them.By the way, YAHUSHUA is Jesus true Hebrew name. Jesus is not His real name. Actually, Joshua is a much better Greek translation.A word on sexuality. All forms of sexual perversions are strictly forbidden. As believers we must have a pure heart. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we must overcome all sorts of temptation. No sex between family members. No sex outside marriage. No sex between human and animals. No homosexuality. No pornography.When one seek to worship the Creator, one must worship Him in spirit and in truth. For our Creator desires such worship. So our actions speak louder than words.One must not lie or handle words deceitfully. One must speak from a pure heart. One must not steal or covet other's belongings.A final word for celebrating God' true festivals. Easter and Christmas are two Christianized pagan holidays. They are not genuinely God's festivals. So they must be abandoned. Halloween is a satanic festival and should not be celebrated among believers.The Seven Biblical Holy Days are:PurimPassoverUnleavened BreadPentecostFeast of TrumpetsDay of AtonementFeast of TabernaclesChannukahSo celebrate them instead. Remember our Saviour was born a Jew even though He is the Saviour of mankind. How can we say we love Him if we do not learn of His Jewishness?Now you have learnt the truth, what to do is entirely up to you.Please spread this message far and wide.Originally dated June 7, 2014 at 11:54.
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