Another day of survival

Started a new job 2wks ago, things great, totally given compliments, how great a job I am doing, how well I know my business, to all the sudden this week, I am demoted...??? All the sudden a perp has my job, all the sudden the same who complimented loved my work, now tells the new employee I am worthless? Interesting how before gangstalking I was promoted at every job, now all the sudden as I gain more experience with work I am worthless? The cold looks, the slander, my husband discrediting me, telling ppl I am just long...Trying to wake ppl up is difficult, and bullies always blame the victims.

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  • hi egypt sorry to hear abut your job im still trying to find one just doing odd jobs for now remember its not the people around you who's at fault our attackers use everyone around us with out them being aware everyone around you gets caught in the wake of your signal and are controlled very subtley .they like to compare there abilities to that of god they use multiple to stage an event with an specific outcome in our case its to keep us poor and isolated so they have less interference the things we think are random are realy corriographed i think they are scripted weeks or months in advance the only varibles they have to worry about is us fighting back every time we can alter there script that makes them work harder alwaystry do the unexpected no matter how bad you feel or what emotion your subject to remember this is part of there script good luck

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