Are they not supposed to contact me?

My perps have been blocking me from receiving messages via snail mail and email. They made sure the accounts I am accessing are spoofed ones and if I happen to use a browser/pc that's secure, I can not access my account because the password fails.

There's an address i stayed in for about 2 months or so which I have repeatedly removed online but it keeps being posted again

I am supposed to be earning from my online properties. I, however, am not receiving any email or mail I am supposed to get. I have seen in one of my email inbox, messages for a person who supposedly owns my online property.

Are the companies who I should be receiving the money from not supposed to contact me if ever there really was a glitch? I am supposed to be the only one who can process whatever receivables I have. My contact data is online plus they can contact me via people in my circle.

I went thru the place/s I used to live in and asked whether they have received any mail from me. They said no. One said they return the mail when the resident no longer lives there.

Is it not against the law when people who know about money or property due you is not being given, when they know you have not been informed about it? Are they not supposed to tell you?

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