Are you sure you're by yourself? Never a quiet moment.

  1. That's what the perps do.
  2. Never a quiet moment, voices everywhere.

They call me slopy. They take all my energy so that I can't clean my house on time. When I clean my house he tell all his followers that I am into him.

Now he's bregging that he knows a lot of english sentences. He will get sentanced. Just a little joke. It's white people who hurt me the most.

They all want something from me. I'm not a rascist. He steals my words and use it as a weapon against me. With a lot of lies ofcourse. People show up on the streets and repeat what they have heard him say on social Media. They play recordings of the perps and my thought out loud so I can hear them.Sometimes he mind controls them to do so.

I get in argument with people in the train. I have never had problems in the train before.Men are mean to me, they treat me like dirt. Me too means nothing to them. He's hoping I will believe his lies. He wants me to believe him. He wants me to believe that I'm not unlikable. He wants people to critisize me all the time. The perps tell them everthing they just, they just do what he says. They do this by parating me. Every time I have to wonder what I did do to make them angry at me. All of the sudden people have something to say about things that happen in my life. The people in the streets and shops are so loud like monkeys in a zoo. They run like demons out of their house just to hurt me.

They pretend as if I am taking crazy. They believe everything the perps say. All the lies the perps tell them about me they believe. 

The man with the dog is dreadlock man, he must ve high all the time. The male perp tortures me and then insults my body. You're not skinny he says. I love skinny women with no ass he says. He calls me Ugly. He tricked me into thinking he was someone I Loved. 

Can they see me naked??!

I can't do nothing on my own without them meadeling in. They are constantly giving their oppinion.

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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